Game Discussions Star Citizen Discussion Thread v12


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My guess a lot of their issues relate to how they scaled everything down to squeeze the "verse" into the limitations of the early version of the engine. So the floating point calculations sometimes throw a wobbly. I guess they could now scale everything back up to normal size, but that would mean remaking every single asset as well as rewriting the relevant code.

Not possible you fudster. Ben Parry insisted several times the 64 bit double precision float conversion was the bestest ever.
Not possible you fudster. Ben Parry insisted several times the 64 bit double precision float conversion was the bestest ever.
64 bit double precision float conversion? Sure, CIG will implement it the next year, right after Server Meshing. Just you wait and buy an Idris.
My guess a lot of their issues relate to how they scaled everything down to squeeze the "verse" into the limitations of the early version of the engine. So the floating point calculations sometimes throw a wobbly. I guess they could now scale everything back up to normal size, but that would mean remaking every single asset as well as rewriting the relevant code.

The "scaling everything down" speech model is just a crutch to explain stuff like this to people with no technical knowledge (like Chris Roberts).

Floating point doesn't care the slightest about absolute scale (that's why the decimal point floats!). It really doesn't care if your orb is the size of pea or the size of a sun. It's FP to work absolutely fine with both.

It's all about precision or relative scales. The problem is that the parts of the code, which can't handle 64 bit floats just round everything to 32 bits and then kill your character by miscalculation. Shifting the floating point (scaling) doesn't change this the slightest. If you want a real sun in your game, you need enough precision everywhere to handle a pea (or a bullet tip) next to it.

And the only solution to that with the outdated CryEngine 3.7 made for FP32 consoles like PS3 or XB360 is to limit the map size to a 7 km box, so the rounding doesn't harm, when physics are on. So no doors on full sized planets. Star systems with planet-sized doors - yeah no problem. But a super small object like a capital spaceship can only exist as a camera then, not as an object in that space.
you know what I would do?

remember the in game arena commander vr pod? I'd turn that into a "holodeck" and then release a WW2 "game" inside of it, for $1000 real world you can fly a B17 flying fortress in star citizen, battling nazi across european theater! for a $10000 real world money you can have the high fidelity Fatman atomic bomb JPEG. the rabid fanbase would be droolling over it.

the hell with the space game vision.
3.15 is an interesting combination

"We're adding DOAS so you can get injured and need to heal yourself"

and also:

"We're adding a bomber that will destroy anyone it hits"

... I am actually looking forward to seeing how 3.15 works out - for once it has a decent amount of new stuff
3.15 is an interesting combination

"We're adding DOAS so you can get injured and need to heal yourself"

and also:

"We're adding a bomber that will destroy anyone it hits"

... I am actually looking forward to seeing how 3.15 works out - for once it has a decent amount of new stuff
I'm looking forward to the physicalised inventory...besides that...I'll let you know how the bombing goes once I find a victim or two. Besides having some bombs, the A2 has a ton of manual and remote turrets as well as forward firing guns. It's a proper gang bus :D
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So my takes are:


  • It's tier 0. They intend to make it actually multicrew later, with a bombing station / remote camera
  • The area tagging / targeting for pilots looks a'ight.
  • The area of effect is insane. Like stupidly OP. (That tank getting nuked in the opening shot etc)
  • If defending players get to target the bomb and take it out, then that's perhaps ok. But no mention of that...

Medical Down States:

  • This is going to be such a crapshow 😁. This is genuinely nuts. Aside from some initial fun getting drunk inside stations and having the odd rescue moment (awaiting rescue after a cave broke your legs...) this is going to be chore central.
  • (I do like that some players are planning to stealth dope people though ;))

Physical Inventory:

* This looks like exactly the sort of thing that would have been reworked 3 times by now if it had been introduced in 2015...

New Mission Type:

* Defend variants etc (while just a wave mode) sound fine.


* They're still trumpeting about slowly removing all the Flash UI.... :oops:
I still have hopes for CitiCon, but the current schedule looks like a bunch of ISCs streamed in a row. And does not explicitly mention SQ42 or ToW.

I'm sure Chrissy's special shows will be fun, and have much excess.

It's kind of insane how much deja vu is involved with the talks though. Tony Z's talk sounds like an exact synopsis of all the things he said in his video 4 months ago. And the one 8 months ago. And like every one ever: 'Hope to get dynamic missions in... Hope to get dynamic economy going....'

Hearing about Tier 0 Static Server Mesh from Turbulent should be interesting though ;)
I'm sure Chrissy's special shows will be fun, and have much excess.

It's kind of insane how much deja vu is involved with the talks though. Tony Z's talk sounds like an exact synopsis of all the things he said in his video 4 months ago. And the one 8 months ago. And like every one ever: 'Hope to get dynamic missions in... Hope to get dynamic economy going....'

Hearing about Tier 0 Static Server Mesh from Turbulent should be interesting though ;)

I'm also looking forward to the long term, watching backers get all excited about the things discussed during citizencon and then most of it failing to appear in the coming year.

Even stuff apparently close to release being done by a small team apparently can fall foul of this.
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