Game Discussions Star Citizen Discussion Thread v12

No, you have to share with the mahoosive amount of art assets on the planets which is so much it beggars belief - but what can you do for 10 years if the rest of the company can't figure out the gameplay and networking backbone.
Well, since you asked:

Hey weren't just recently proudly reporting they got the helmet carrying finished now?



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Just skimmed through the paper on Tribes networking model (the 1998 Tribes):

While modern streaming frameworks were still years away, even then the pattern of partial state updates using centralised event streams propagated to multiple clients, was already in use for online games.
Yes, yes. That is good and all but didn't you notice how the document conveniently omits any mention of doors?
All of the latest PU additions are declared to be "Chris Robert’s vision" repeatedly, and cling to the shape of his grandiose plans (Death of a Spaceman leg breaks and the like).

Now that Roberts appears to be taking more of a back seat, "special thanks" role, attributing features to him is starting to smell more like making sure he gets the blame for them, rather than his name having much cachet.
Which brings me to another point. What clearly went down the drain already:
  • mega battles, including cap ships
  • thousands of players in a single location
Now, remember how SC is supposed to be happening in an NPC-dense universe, in which maybe 10% of the traffic is caused by players and the rest are NPCs going about their ¿Que Pasa? lives?


I mean, there are more NPCs than players on a shardserver already but their lives consist of very simple routines. Instead, they are supposed to pilot ships, engage in missions, mining, refuelling, salvage, man turrets, operate missiles, load cargo, do deliveries etc.

If a character limit per shard is, say, 1000 (optimistically), that would still allow for only about 100 players.

It's because it's just not possible, the way they have things set up. Oddly, somehow, they're going to get more ship sales.

From what Kate herself refers to as the "tldr conclusion" from the first few mins:

".. as a former Elite Dangerous commander who has moved over to Star Citizen completely ..."

" ... do you think Star Citizen is a better game than Elite. And the answer is yes, for me."

" ... and for me that game is Star Citizen."

Which is absolutely fair. "A Star Citizen reviews STAR CITIZEN", basically.

I only saw her stuff during the Odyssey alpha. Even then, somehow, I guessed she'd be leading folks to SC and wasn't susprised a couple months ago seeing those posts of being an ED player in SC. I wish I could try and corroborate any of the things she's doing in SC, but she's doing something I haven't been able to longer than 8 minutes. Must be nice!

Yeah, pretty fair, including the criticisms, i can't disagree with any of it, it is visually beautiful, very immersive.

The point she made about it only having one star system, i have said it my self there is vastly more visual diversity in that one star system than in all of ED's 8 Billion systems because they are just replicas of eachother, while is SC the 10+ worlds it has are all completely different even with completely different biomes on different parts of the planet and a lot of them are very densely populated with assets, literal cities and almost tropical planes.
I can go to the same spot a dozen time and each time it will look different because the lighting at different times of the day have a substatial visual effect on it and there are many different weather systems that pass over it.

Ships being actually fully fleshed out inside and out as something purposely designed with incredible detail, you can literally make your ship your home and live in it around the verse...
I realise not everyone cares about that at all but for those that do its huge and done incredibly well.

Your personal weapons, they are just disposable guns, again beautifully detailed and they look like guns and not something i designed in Blender and 3D printed as a present for a small child... and there are about 100 of them so plenty to chose from with each one beautifully crafted and detailed.

I could go on and on....

The bad stuff, yes the NPC's are laughably bad, it has a myriad of strange bugs that make you stop and go what? even me with thousands upon thousands of hours in it the game occasionally makes me stop and think what was that? what just happened??????

Development time, i don't think its slow, i know better than that, its actually very quick all things considered once they get going on something, the problem is they keep changing their mind and starting again, i think at this point we are on our fourth ship HUD rework, and that's only the tip of the iceberg.

Beautiful: Yes
immersive: yes
Massive / Complex: yes
Buggy: yes
Frustrating sometimes: yes
Awesome: yes.

My hunch is, like above, it's just not going to happen the way they've been touting it. All that stuff above about now having 'shards' and not having everything in one place is the tip of the letdown iceberg. They will put everything they can into this one system, put some other stuff into the second system, and by the third, be realizing they wont be able to run it at all as is. Oh oh, they'll have to copy assets, or else nothing works. That will be 3 or 4 cons from now, when they reveal buying expansion systems, instead of you getting 101 free ones, and being able to start each system from the loading screen (since it's faster than the jump/loading screen). Something about reality-meshing being way more important than server-meshing. You'll load up the third system, and realize some of the same stuffs from the current one are in there. Wow, just like ED again.

And then, as the wake up happens...
Beautiful: doesn't matter/all games are looking fantastic
Immersive: cant even tie shoelaces, what immersion?
Massive/ Complex: Incorrectly done=complex
Buggy: it wont run as advertised/loading screens & copy pastes/freezing
Frustrating sometimes: Only when playing it. (8 minutes at a time)
Awesome: Indeed! What an awesome colossal waste of time and money.

My main gripe, as usual, is the awesome looking ships and ship sales. Even if they had a working game, as that guy attested to playing all levels, they'll never release it while they're being thrown free money. No matter what you're wanting, or hoping for, would you ever release this game which may effect the constant flow of cash it gets? You say they keep changing it over and over? It's because they have the money to. What if they can release it now? Sure, but first they're just going to rework all the graphics and add in actual electrical systems and flushing toilets, you know, because they keep getting free money. Oh, another HUD rework? Coming right up. Must be nice.

If you ever want to play this thing as released, stop buying their stuff.

In ED we can jump to 400 billion systems(not 8) and are way under 1% of exploring the galaxy. Do you have a better way than procedural generation to make those systems? Its a pretty big ask. :)
CIG UK financials released


Worth keeping in mind this does not show the whole picture, its UK only. If CIG were to release their full financials there are no obligations to do so for the US company and no obligations for them to get them audited by a third party.

UK has only 4 million in cash but this doesn't mean much since CIG has a load on companies and can move money between them. Most likely this is their slush fund for running the company in the UK. If they were holding a majority of their reserves in the UK then it would paint a very bleak picture, but that's not likely.

I am very curious about this line though

"In the opinion of the Directors, analysis of turnover based on geographical location would be seriously prejudicial to the interests of the Group, therefore this has not been disclosed"

What don't CIG want people to know?

Still getting UK tax credits for being a "British" game - lol, the barefaced cheek. 5 million!

Erin signed it, so he's still alive.

1 million in dividends paid to shareholders. Worth keeping in mind, this is backers money going into the pockets of shareholders and its not salaries. Its discretionary, the board voted to given themselves this money. Assuming this was done based on % of shares, the Roberts family just took for themselves the better part of 1 million.

Highest paid director (presumably Erin?) salary was close to 300,000 pounds. Nice gig.

Looks like CIG UK is the parent company for CIG Germany. Didn't know that.

432 employees - wow, that means UK/Germany has more employees than the US if CR's 700 people working on SC number is right, although we don't know if it includes third parties or not.

Worth comparing with previous years. As I understand it cash on hand and equity are way down from 2019 - burn rate probably massive now with so many employees.

Hmm.. not sure if the same as dividends, but mention of 1 million from shares moved to profit and loss. Did someone cash out?

Is there an accountant in the house? @Yaffle - you up for it?
It's because it's just not possible, the way they have things set up. Oddly, somehow, they're going to get more ship sales.

Worth keeping in mind, this is backers money going into the pockets of shareholders and its not salaries.
Like some backers say: "It's okay, they can take as much time pocket as much money as they need."
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Preemptive bans because someone has a different opinion! Even Spectrum isn't that bad!

What i find most amusing is their referencing the rules and saying refundians break them. When i used to post there i was very careful to follow the rules because i knew the mods would be more than happy to ban me for the slightest infraction. Meanwhile people responding to me would break both sub and sitewide rules regarding no insults or other offensive words, and yet the mods would totally ignore them, including the reports i sent clearly showing rules had been broken.
What i find most amusing is their referencing the rules and saying refundians break them. When i used to post there i was very careful to follow the rules because i knew the mods would be more than happy to ban me for the slightest infraction. Meanwhile people responding to me would break both sub and sitewide rules regarding no insults or other offensive words, and yet the mods would totally ignore them, including the reports i sent clearly showing rules had been broken.

Ah yes, but you are on the wrong side! Rules for them and rules for us, that's how it works right?
"purchase of intangible assets" is most probably intellectual property, ie naming rights, story, ideas etc.

One theory could be his bear-ness sold the rights to the SC name to the board. IIRC he paid himself 1M for "use" of the same rights at the start of the project.
A truckload of handwavium.
My main gripe, as usual, is the awesome looking ships and ship sales. Even if they had a working game, as that guy attested to playing all levels, they'll never release it while they're being thrown free money. No matter what you're wanting, or hoping for, would you ever release this game which may effect the constant flow of cash it gets? You say they keep changing it over and over? It's because they have the money to. What if they can release it now? Sure, but first they're just going to rework all the graphics and add in actual electrical systems and flushing toilets, you know, because they keep getting free money. Oh, another HUD rework? Coming right up. Must be nice.

If you ever want to play this thing as released, stop buying their stuff.

In ED we can jump to 400 billion systems(not 8) and are way under 1% of exploring the galaxy. Do you have a better way than procedural generation to make those systems? Its a pretty big ask. :)


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I see BoredGamer is delighted with the cargo hack "crash recovery" feature:

If I have understood this correctly this mean regular logs of the state of the game session at certain intervals (how often?). Is it the client generating those logs or the server? At any rate this seems to imply that either the client and/or the servers are going to be imposed an additional data transmission or generation load that may require bandwidth for as many as 50 players per server. I just hope this is insignificant or that at least its impact has been evaluated within the context of the already "stretched as it is" servers.
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