Game Discussions Star Citizen Discussion Thread v12

CIG have shifted all risk to the backers.
You don't undersand that backers WANT that CIG take those risks on their behalf.
CIG is doing it with our money because we have allowed CIG to take those risks. I don't care that the risk is on me. And risk of what ? Loosing some money for a nice dream (which for me is not a dream anymore since a long time) ?
I want CIG to take risk with my money because no other company wants to takes those risks (private funding or not).

Backers time and again failed to hold CIG accountable for what they did and didn't do, instead giving them more and more money. They cheered him on.
And how do you want us to hold accountable CIG (while CIG showing us progress at each patch) ? By stopping funding them and killing them when no other company will take over ? Killing an alpha we enjoy to play ? What a great deal !
If tomorrow CIG disappears, which game do you recommend to replace it with ship interiors where I can play with my friends ?
Oh dear. Oh my. Much surprise…

I thought that the perma-death, full loot etc is actually interesting. So I wanted to do a 0 to hero run. My experience so far:

  • On my main PC the launcher constantly crashes (without an error or logs) when downloading the client. So I downloaded it on my laptop and transfered the client over. Not great, but something I can work around.
  • Took a delivery mission. Went to the first outpost, found a SR-71 (was very happy because I like the gun), picked up the box and took off
  • On the destination outpost I went up the stairs, stumbled, fell and instantly died.
  • Spawned at Microtech appartment building in my medical gown
  • My character left the bed to the right, not the left. I clipped through the building and fell to my death.
  • I respawned at the MT Hospital
  • Went into the elvevator, selected Lobby, the elevator moved but never went to the lobby (or any other level)
  • Went back to the menu
  • Got the infinite loading screen. Second load went fine.
  • Took another delivery job
  • Went to the first outpost. Looted some guns and put them in my Aurora
  • Went back in to pick up the package
  • When back in my Aurora all items I put into my storage, except one gun, were gone
  • Went to the destination outpost. In front of the outpost were bodies, which was suspicous...
  • As I entered the airlock, the atmosphere disappeared and I started suffocating, with a helmet on (!) (This was on Microtech, which has a breathable atmosphere in the first place)
  • Luckily I made it in, dropped off the box. But as I had no medpen/medical gun with me and was down on 42% health I died on the way out.

And then I couldn't bother with it anymore.
I don't mind death having consequences. But when like that keeps happening its simply not worth the time testing this broken mess.

PS: Yes, I contributed those issues to the Issue Council.

Etc etc

I’m sure 3.16 will fix everything ;)


Volunteer Moderator
Oh dear. Oh my. Much surprise…

Etc etc

I’m sure 3.16 will fix everything ;)
Oh hey, someone quick tell him that if nothing else works at least he can still look at the clouds! 😋
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"..the game is so unstable ...<insert infinite complaints why the game keeps failing to work here>..."

The problem with this and every disciple post like this is the continuous use of the word "game". Especially where ultra fanatic fan bois like Joe Blobbers is concerned.

This is the key reason why there are so many recursive arguments comparing dissimilar genres. Like the constant, illogical justification of dev team size overhead comparisons etc. etc. So much insane mental acrobatics. Just to justify potentially chronic/systemic cost overruns.

1. Until official release, SC is NOT a "game". Until then, SC is a "tech demo". Period.

2. If ( release == true ) {
SC = "GAME";
SC = "DEMO";

3. SC IS NOT A "GAME" UNTIL IT IS OFFICIALLY RELEASED.. And honestly, you can't complain if you insist on providing FREE QA/QC testing for an UNFINISHED alpha version of a tech demo. Which still appears to be in the planning phase based on all the refractory acrobatics said demo has experienced over the last decade.

4. The terms "game" and "demo" are MUTALLY EXCLUSIVE. The "game" in Event #3 CANNOT occur unless the SC "demo" OFFICIALLY EXITS BETA


Why is this such a difficult concept for so many of the SC fanatically faithful to understand???
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Why is this such a difficult concept for so many of the SC fanatically faithful to understand???
You can blame CIG for that!

Playable Now


Volunteer Moderator
You can blame CIG for that!

Playable Now
View attachment 274911

Corrected that for you with added honesty:

you don't undersand that backers WANT that CIG take those risks on their behalf
Note: Consumers are actually taking the whole financial risk here, 400+ millions of it. CIG is not taking any risk (in behalf of anybody or otherwise), they are just wasting our money (and their directors getting some nice fat salaries and dividends from it in the mean time) without any released product, accountability or consequence.

Take a risk V3.jpg
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So basically, the few things actually new, kind of working, are graphical fluffs? How surprising. :)

About that, I find funny believers rely on graphical "prowess" as proof of CIG's competence. Even more funny when to the "why do they focus on graphics, they should focus on core fundamentals" question, they answer back with "you fool, the ones doing the graphics aren't the ones coding so they can do both"
You don't undersand that backers WANT that CIG take those risks on their behalf.

I understand they WANT to. I don't understand why. Do they not know CR's history? Do they not see what he has done to date with the project? I know you know CR's history. Its been detailed enough in this thread (assuming you actually read the information presented). Or is it people just hoping that this time CR has learned his lessons, just like he learned his lessons after Strike Commander, just like he learned his lessons after Freelancer, just like he learned his lessons after the Wing Commander movie?

CR has written at length many times about how he has learned from his lessons, only to repeat the same mistakes over and over again.

You might as well give your money to Elizabeth Holmes or Billy McFarlane, i'm sure they have learned their lessons.
And how do you want us to hold accountable CIG (while CIG showing us progress at each patch) ? By stopping funding them and killing them when no other company will take over ? Killing an alpha we enjoy to play ? What a great deal !

I'd suggest starting by telling CIG to be honest and really be transparent instead of the faux transparency they pretend to. To focus on shipping a working product that can be sold rather than a perpetual alpha. And ideally (although this will only ever happen if something really goes south) that CR be removed at head of the company and replaced with a competent manager. And yes, stop funding CR's fidelity habit. A few months of no funding should focus CIG wonderfully.

If tomorrow CIG disappears, which game do you recommend to replace it with ship interiors where I can play with my friends ?

You see, this is your problem. You are so deep into SC you are worried what will happen if SC never happens. It is a computer game and its failure would not be the end of the world. There are tens, hundreds, even thousands of released quality computer games out there. If CIG fails, there are other games to play. You're in too deep. Take a step back.

If FD shut down ED today, yeah, i'd be upset, but hey, there are so many other games out there to play. I mean, i do play other games anyway (something that many SC backers appear not to be aware of).

When you invest in something, its always best not to become too invested, to stake your whole identity on it. Its a road that can lead to serious disappointment, even tragedy.
Oh dear. Oh my. Much surprise…

Etc etc

I’m sure 3.16 will fix everything ;)

Can't be true! There are people on Spectrum and reddit saying its the best patch ever and how everything is so stable!
Note: Consumers are actually taking the whole financial risk here, 400+ millions of it. CIG is not taking any risk (in behalf of anybody or otherwise), they are just wasting our money (and their directors getting some nice fat salaries and dividends from it in the mean time) without any released product, accountability or consequence.
Yes CIG is taking few financial risk (so what ? They should ?).
They are absolutly not wasting money, for me and a lot of others, because SC is already the main game of a lot.
Directors are nicely paid in every companies.
The product is not gold, but it is playable and good enough for me to be my main game.
I understand they WANT to. I don't understand why.
Again what is the alternative ?

Do they not see what he has done to date with the project?
A beautiful alpha that a lot of backers have made their main game ?

You see, this is your problem. You are so deep into SC you are worried what will happen if SC never happens. It is a computer game and its failure would not be the end of the world.
It's not a problem for me. I give money to CIG to release a dream of a gamer. They succed, good for me. They fail, I'll play to other games. That's all.

There are tens, hundreds, even thousands of released quality computer games out there. If CIG fails, there are other games to play. You're in too deep. Take a step back.
For now, there is only one space game that give me a real pleasure to play, SC.
A play a lot of other games beside SC. Today I played Cyberpunk (level 21). So what ?

When you invest in something, its always best not to become too invested, to stake your whole identity on it. Its a road that can lead to serious disappointment, even tragedy.
I think you have invested a lot more of your time in SC than me. Your daily routine will be more impacted than mine if SC disappear.
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