Game Discussions Star Citizen Discussion Thread v12

As yesterday (or maybe the day before) when you touched on this, I've been playing today on and off, servers of 40+

Not sure where this has come from (again, not massively invested in SC) but supposedly theres a pic showing the Carrick inside the Odyssey.

I shall repost that on Spectrum and take my incoming banishment with gleeful abandon 🤭
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which seems to be the attitude of folks still imagining that Ci¬G aren't really 100% committed to Sqn 42 but are still working on the PU.

To be fair, we don't really know how much of CIG is working on SQ42 or the PU. For years the faithful have flip flopped on which is getting the priority depending on the narrative needed at the time and rarely based on actual statements or information from CIG. We get the "roadmaps" but those don't tell us exactly how many people are working on each, although its not that hard to determine which features are common to both (interestingly enough, why don't they actually break the roadmap into 3, SQ, SC, Shared?).
You seem to be dismissive of the fact that Turbulent devs are part of the general internal Ci¬G dev pool working with as well as designing and implementing a set of shared 3D assets as well as making their own work available for the project in general...or you're still assuming wrongly that Turbulent are just 'the website guys'...which seems to be the attitude of folks still imagining that Ci¬G aren't really 100% committed to Sqn 42 but are still working on the PU. The ship and vehicle experience teams are still working for both...which is about it. The main focus of Ci¬G as a whole has been switched to CR's vanity who do you imagine is taking up the slack...and why is Todd Papy the PU Live director, over in Montreal having heavy discussions with Turbulent?

Turbulent...looking at them for a moment as a separate entity from Ci¬G... have more programmers and engineers on their small team and are less concept artist and designer top heavy than their Ci¬G counterparts...although the designers and artists they do have are very experienced, most of them coming from Ubisoft or Eidos over in Montreal.

The PU is still Ci¬G's project...the same as Turbulent are still part of Ci¬G's reputedly 700 strong team working on it.
Where have you read I see Turbulent only as "web guys" as I've even forgotten this point in my list !
What I say is what have been said in interviews/dev talks (french and english) from CIG and Turbulent. It's facts.
For what I know, no one ever said that Turbulent was coding gameplay. I'm curious to know your source.
Where have you read I see Turbulent only as "web guys" as I've even forgotten this point in my list !
What I say is what have been said in interviews/dev talks (french and english) from CIG and Turbulent. It's facts.
For what I know, no one ever said that Turbulent was coding gameplay. I'm curious to know your source.
Oh, so how are you supposed to be the fact guy now? You put stickers on your nonsense?
We had some talk (as occasionally pops up) about how accurate is the funding tracker. I've done some back of the napkin calculations with some rough averages, and i have to conclude it has to be accurate. If it wasn't, CIG would have already gone bust, unless they are paying well below the industry average.

I won't publish my calculations here for people to dissect, just run your own. But as a rough estimate they are burning through over 60 million a year in staff costs alone. That doesn't include all the infrastructure and other costs (mocap, equipment, coffee machines, etc.), which will be significant, plus investments in new buildings, plus their dividends. Last year they took in 77 million in pledges plus money from other sources.

I have to conclude the funding tracker has to be more or less accurate, but also CIG are walking a financial tightrope and that would explain the constant ships sales and free flies... they need more funding, its still not enough.

How CR plans to expand the UK team to 1500 people is a mystery, unless he really is going to start publishing other games or something... on backer money where they swore all money would go to development of the game.
To be fair, we don't really know how much of CIG is working on SQ42 or the PU. For years the faithful have flip flopped on which is getting the priority depending on the narrative needed at the time and rarely based on actual statements or information from CIG. We get the "roadmaps" but those don't tell us exactly how many people are working on each, although its not that hard to determine which features are common to both (interestingly enough, why don't they actually break the roadmap into 3, SQ, SC, Shared?).
That's from Ci¬G's mouths..."We're now Sqn 42 prioritised and Sqn 42 focused." Richard Tyrer said exactly that in an ISC video not long ago, juust after the Turbulent meet and greet session the week before. There was a point to that meet and greet session...
Not saying this can’t be true but there is no actual source info for that, correct?Just speculation? As far as I remember CIG own reports count separately staff and contractor spend.
No speculation in the slightest, this has come from both Turbulent themselves during the round table session they had on video and direct from Ci¬ was also made plain during Citcon with the CEO of Turbulent, Benoit Beausejour doing the intro and discussion surrounding server other Turbulent devs smattered throughout the various topics during Citcon..
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Where have you read I see Turbulent only as "web guys" as I've even forgotten this point in my list !
What I say is what have been said in interviews/dev talks (french and english) from CIG and Turbulent. It's facts.
For what I know, no one ever said that Turbulent was coding gameplay. I'm curious to know your source.
Turbulent round table video from ISC...go back and watch it, listen to what the devs present in the video are saying. I did :)
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Anyway, enough of Turbulent ...since other folk seemingly don't actually listen to what's being said when they're watching the nice moving pictures in the videos... :D

I've done a lot of things during my lifetime, in video games too...but I've never once had to drag my own corpse into the back of a spaceship until now :oops:

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Muh immershun!!!!

Oh right, send in the clones.

You'll notice in the screenshot my 'corpse' isn't wearing a helmet...I had a bottle of water before leaving the ship and forgot to put it back on :rolleyes:

Luckily enough the server was quiet and no-one else had dropped into that outpost and nicked my nice gear from my body. I woke up in the cardboard nightshirt, chucked some more armour on, grabbed another ship and screamed off to get my stuff back. As a bonus...the mission I was doing when I choked to death 20 yards from the Cutty was still active.

It's a lot easier dragging the body back to the ship than looting each item and carrying it back piecemeal...tractor beams don't work in the armistice zones so no easy way to get the corpse into the ship :)

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You'll notice in the screenshot my 'corpse' isn't wearing a helmet...I had a bottle of water before leaving the ship and forgot to put it back on :rolleyes:

Luckily enough the server was quiet and no-one else had dropped into that outpost and nicked my nice gear from my body. I woke up in the cardboard nightshirt, chucked some more armour on, grabbed a ship and screamed off to get my stuff back. As a bonus...the mission I was doing when I choked to death 20 yards from the Cutty was still active.

It's a lot easier dragging the body back to the ship than looting each item and carrying it back piecemeal to the ship...tractor beams don't work in the armistice zones so no easy way to get the corpse into the ship :)


Just think, when full persistence is in you will be able to pick a spot on a planet and make a mountain out of your corpses!


Volunteer Moderator
No speculation in the slightest, this has come from both Turbulent themselves during the round table session they had on video and direct from Ci¬ was also made plain during Citcon with the CEO of Turbulent, Benoit Beausejour doing the intro and discussion surrounding server other Turbulent devs smattered throughout the various topics during Citcon..
I was not referring to Turbulent work scope, I was referring to Turbulent headcount for SC being included as part of the 700 CIG staff figure. Or you meant that has been explicitly confirmed already?
One thing which I'm finding sad is that the new ships.....look rubbish (IMO)

CiG need Playmobil helmets so players can fit into the Kenner Star Wars styling of the Odyssey, some look like withered bird skulls while others (the recent orange loader) are (concept wise) incredibly dull.

I've always liked the look of SC ships, but recently it seems to have veered into a hedge. If I wrote a letter to Chris, do you think they'd get a rework?
Turbulent round table video from ISC...go back and watch it, listen to what the devs present in the video are saying.
This one ?

I struggle sometime to understand spoken english but I don't hear them about creating gameplay loops. All talks about creating code was about procedural tools (mainly tying Houdini to the SC editor). Other are talking about artist stuff and creating levels only.
At 30:40 the guy said how they use the tech given by CIG and how they wait for other tech by CIG to modify later their levels.
I haven't heard one mention of medical gameplay created by Turbulent here.
I was not referring to Turbulent work scope, I was referring to Turbulent headcount for SC being included as part of the 700 CIG staff figure. Or you meant that has been explicitly confirmed already?
Turbulent have certainly said they've been working on SC for quite some a development role, even programming and designing their own dev tools as opposed to the website thing...taken from the same Turbulent round table video. I know I keep quoting the same source, I took notice of what was being said and by was certainly very interesting from my point of view 🤷‍♂️
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