Most of the time in SC is spent in the smaller ships...Cutty Black in my case since it's a Jack of all trades. It's a matter of a few feet from cockpit to exit ramp. The bigger ships like the Herc or Caterpillar is a bit more complicated until you know the layout...between doors, compartments and elevators, you're not just jumping out the window. One of the most time consuming actions is after landing...the refuelling on the big ships takes an age...sitting in the cockpit watching the fuel gauges fill up in slow I said, the big ships do have their penalties...but landing one in a shoebox sized landing bay with no landing radar... head on a swivel in the headtracking still gives that sense of achievement...makes flying through the slot in a T-10 look like parking a car at TescoI can associate with this; in ED that experience of landing in VR on a pad is something that never ages for me. I tend to fly a Cobra so climbing aboard and walking to the seat is a few yards, so provided it wasn't a clunky experience hunting for door handles or fraught with danger moving through doors it seems like that would be similar. In an Annie I could imagine it might be different because of the time to seat or door.
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