Game Discussions Star Citizen Discussion Thread v12

Whoa, someone posted an image of a customer support response and someone else quoted the forum rules at them.

The details of Player Relations and Customer Support interactions are not relevant to the continued development of Star Citizen as a game. Do not post the contents of any Customer Service interaction on the forums.

Hell bells. The guy just posted an image of their request for a refund on the Ares Ion. And that's a bannable offense?

More spicy Spectrum threads:
Spectrum seems to just get saltier and saltier.

Faithful are having to repeat ITS ALPHA over and over again. So many threads are negative. So many negative posts all around. Its becoming more like this thread!

I suppose this is what happens when you market your game like a released product and people come in expecting something better than what actually exists.

Here's someone else challenging CIG about their work

I can answer the question though. Staggered development never actually happened, or at least not as it should have. Maybe they started doing it, but it went out of the window quickly. Its easy to prove. Items that are already started moving back 1 patch. Shouldn't be possible with staggered development. But its happened, repeatedly.
In that staggered development thread there is a white knight hard at work with a post of epic proportions full of the most regular talking points of the faithful, including this...

Do you know what the normal amount of employee's is for ONE game? Anywhere between 2,500 to 4,000 people... CIG as of this year is reaching 1k.. For TWO games...

Which orifice do they pull these facts from?

Do they not see NMS with double digit numbers running rings around CIG in terms of releasing updates, new content, new features?

And they sure love to talk about ED, but then don't seem to consider that for most of its development its been around the 100 employee mark for the number of people involved.

And of course, the "2 games" excuse, while failing to note that they share a lot of the mechanics and assets and that one of those games is a single player story driven game that we were told was close to release in 2014 and that QA had played through all the level in 2015.

Oh man, this thread is fun!

First off a couple of reasonable posts.

The situation is simple really. When you have two teams, each working on a patch for six month to release them staggered in three month intervalls - but then, before this idea can come in to fruition, start to take away more and more members of those teams to work on that other thing. You know; the one where they keep their supporters in the dark on its actual progress because of “spoilers”. Eventually team sizes will be so low that the idea of two teams working in parallel doesn’t matter anymore. There just isn’t enough man power / hours left to get more than a couple of PU deliverables done in that time frame! And thats what we see happening now. S42 focus is causing hefty delays for SCs PU content, as too littel people are full time working on SC atm to get S42 finished. The kicker is - we have no clue how far along S42 is at this point in time. We dont know how long this "SC takes the backseat, cos focus on S42" will last. A year, or two, or five or more? As CIG simply wont talk to us about S42.

Ok, we are assuming CIG are allocating most of the resources to SQ42 like they say, and its not just another load of bull coming out of CIG. It means that at least parts of the US and Germany offices are working on SQ42 instead of SC.

They need more people, because the teams will never be reallocated to the PU. SQ42, even after release, will be a continuous project, and the need to release more content will be greater because it turned into a new source of income (unless it fails horribly, if that happens, it might take the PU with it).
Adding more people will increase costs, which is not good considering the PU is mostly stagnant at the moment and people are seriously ed, mainly old backers. Maybe, just maybe, if they actually started working on server meshing, getting multiple systems will generate enough income to boost the devs head count, but even then we'll only start seeing clear benefits from the increase in personnel after about a year (you can't just jump in a large project and be autonomous and productive, each new dev will slow the experienced devs around him considerably).
So yeah, dark times are ahead of us, just hope SC makes it through.

Good comment there i think, although it could have done with noting CR's plans to increase the manchester team by around 1000 people would put CIG seriously into the red unless they increase funding significantly.

And here it comes... from the person who posted the (in my opinion) first sensible comment above.

They are working on server meshing, but creating a new netcode that is to hold an MMOs the size and complexity the world has not seen before - you just dont do between lunch breaks.

Netcode the size and complexity the world has not seen before.... which will enable checks notes 50 to maybe 100 people on the same shard. LOL

Ok, to be fair, they do get more realistic again afterwards.

The problem with S42 is that we dont know its status. We dont know why they could not reach their Q3 2020 beta goal. We dont know if they rebooted S42, or are tweaking what they
have since 2017s "Vertical Slice" demo. S42 to us is a blank. We know next to nothing. And the Montly Reports dont help, as CIG is very careful to not set too many things in to context
so all we see is detached from eachother. We should get "18 missions are fully done and are playtested for flow and dificulty. Engine tech is waiting on Gen12 / Vulkan to finalize some
FX. 70% of the cutscenes are at release level. Five ships needed are in their final stages." Thats not what we get. We get "work on chapter 11 has continued, the mess hall chef can now
interact with the microwave. The thingyMaBop needed to enable WhatsItCalled, needed for an important scene, ran in to polarity inversion issues". If we knew they are getting close, that
its not too far away. Acceptance on slow SC progress would be higher. But instead we get static. Not a beep. All updates aside cryptic monthly reports, ceased to exist per CR mandate.

Also - if CIG is not going to shift focus back to SC once S42 is released and got stabilized via patches - I expect spectrum and reddit to get hot, REALLY HOT! Like suns surface kind of hot!
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Goddamn it CIG! Can't you just call it Vulkan like a normal person would?

That could just mean DX12 instead!

In fact, are we sure it isn't DX12?

And.. T1? Tier 1? Does that mean released? Or is it like Tier 0 and a bit? What tier is necessary for it to be working properly in game?
Apparently thirty developers working for four years are enough to create a new game engine for large scale FPS war games:

Using a ballpark figure of 100k EUR per developer per year, this amounts to 12M EUR. Which is about 2-2.5% of SC's money burn so far.
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why is this thread still even alive? to me this just show why sc is still "relevant", as long as there are people like you still capable of talking about this , equally there are still people getting involved with the same thing that we call the "fandom", be it monetary involvement or just white knighting...

the whole thing should've been dead, buried, forgotten and become irrelevant, and yet here we are. I mean to be honest, this "skeptic community" has become the other side of the same coin , that is of one garbage and part of the problem.
why is this thread still even alive? to me this just show why sc is still "relevant", as long as there are people like you still capable of talking about this , equally there are still people getting involved with the same thing that we call the "fandom", be it monetary involvement or just white knighting...

the whole thing should've been dead, buried, forgotten and become irrelevant, and yet here we are. I mean to be honest, this "skeptic community" has become the other side of the same coin , that is of one garbage and part of the problem.
And your point is? Assuming you have one and aren't just acting superior for no reason, of course.


Volunteer Moderator
Good comment there i think, although it could have done with noting CR's plans to increase the manchester team by around 1000 people would put CIG seriously into the red unless they increase funding significantly.
I thought the general opinion consensus on this was that those 1000 "extra" spots were not really to be filled with newly net recruited staff but most likely with relocated existing personnel/roles eventually. No?
I thought the general opinion consensus on this was that those 1000 extra spots were not really to be filled with newly net recruited staff but most likely with relocated existing personnel/roles eventually. No?

Don't think so. And where would they take these 1000 people from? The US and Germany? They don't have that many people there.

Chris is talking about the UK office becoming the largest CIG one by recruiting loads of new people.
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