Game Discussions Star Citizen Discussion Thread v12

In the earlier days, I used to split my time 60/40 between ED and SC...I fear it's about 85/15 SC to EDO now though...still scary the amount of time I spend in front of a pair of monitors :oops:
I’m sure when I retire, I’ll be doing the same thing… and reminding myself I should golf more. Currently, though, I’m a bit on the time poor side. Despite that, though, I’ve never one of those “I have a job! I should be able to able to get a top tier ship/stats/gear in just a few hours!” gamers. What I consider “respecting my time,” and what they do, is too different things. :)
I’m sure when I retire, I’ll be doing the same thing… and reminding myself I should golf more. Currently, though, I’m a bit on the time poor side. Despite that, though, I’ve never one of those “I have a job! I should be able to able to get a top tier ship/stats/gear in just a few hours!” gamers. What I consider “respecting my time,” and what they do, is too different things. :)
Winter up here in the frozen north has it's benefits...and drawbacks... due to the lack of daylight and persistent winter storms. It doesn't get light until gone 10am and it's dark again at 2pm. Short days, long periods of dark where there's nothing to do except turn the heating up, stoke the fires and find something to occupy your mind slightly more than watching TV :)
If i were to put aside my dislike of CIG and was willing to put up with the alpha state of the game, it might scratch some itches for me, but way too many itches would remain unscratched for me to get real enjoyment out of it. I mean... 1 system, says it all really. I want my space games to have space!
Agreed. My main space game itch is, was, and will like always will be, actively operating vehicles while exploring strange new worlds. I also enjoy survival games, designing realisticspace vehicles and bases with full Newtonian physics simulations, and games that challenge my skills, planning, and ingenuity. Any game that does all of that well is one that will keep my interest.

Needless to say, I’ve got very… refined tastes. ;)

Kerbal Space Program, especially when modded, comes the closest to getting it all correct. ED and Surviving Mars used to be fairly good at scratching many of those itches, until their development teams started catering primarily to “Participation Reward” type gamers. SE and EGS together do a fair job scratching those itches as well, though neither game scratches multiple itches well enough to favor one game over the other at the moment.

* this can include near-future and “One Big Lie” technologies like FTL… if they’re treated in a realistic and consistent manner. ED won major points from me with their FTL travel by developing a system that was not only fun to operate, but was not only self-consistent, but was also a logical progression from how FTL travel was handled in FE2 and FFE. The then lost many of those points by filling in the depth they’d created, and slowed down good flying technique, to reduce the travel times of those who flew using the absolute worst technique. 🤦‍♀️
Winter up here in the frozen north has it's benefits...and drawbacks... due to the lack of daylight and persistent winter storms. It doesn't get light until gone 10am and it's dark again at 2pm. Short days, long periods of dark where there's nothing to do except turn the heating up, stoke the fires and find something to occupy your mind slightly more than watching TV :)
Sadly, I work retail, so most of Winter up here is spent preparing for the holidays, being overworked through the holidays, recovering from the holidays, and then we transition into the yearly inventory. Once that’s done, Not Winter will arrive soon, and then outdoor fun competes with gaming for my limited free time.
Ah, i'm really enjoying the on foot stuff. While performance could still do with a lot of work, the covert stuff especially is nice. Some of them specify "no kills" which can be really tricky.

In other news

Well, i'm glad that's settled then. SC fan who is a marketer reassures us that CIG's marketing is not predatory. In other news, politicians assure us they are telling the truth when they open their mouths!
I wonder if they have a referral code they'd be willing to share.
I feel like that Egosoft got way too carried away with the empire management part of the series. For sure, some people love that, and i do love a good strategy game or god game. But played too much X2 where it got to the point of just sitting there watching ships fly around maps and money just poured in with nothing really left to do.
I greatly enjoy X4 Foundations and have spent untold hours playing it.
If i were to put aside my dislike of CIG and was willing to put up with the alpha state of the game, it might scratch some itches for me, but way too many itches would remain unscratched for me to get real enjoyment out of it. I mean... 1 system, says it all really. I want my space games to have space!
I mean, there's quite a lot of "space" in this 1 system aswell...
Here's a stupid question (which may be redundant, given the source) - is X4 a good space game for someone who enjoys single-player stuff (even in MMOs I try to just do my own thing) without venturing into "empire management" territory? I am similarly trying to find a thing that scratches the SC "itch," but I've yet to find a fully released game that does it.

My gift to you all:

A holiday special from 1970 that manages to shoehorn the ancient alien stuff that permeated sci-fi for decades.
Fun fact: That special was made by Nelvana Animation, who went on to make the animated sequence from the infamous Star Wars Holiday Special that introduced Boba Fest, and then later did the Ewoks and Droids cartoons, as well as Care Bears and Strawberry Shortcake.
Here's a stupid question (which may be redundant, given the source) - is X4 a good space game for someone who enjoys single-player stuff (even in MMOs I try to just do my own thing) without venturing into "empire management" territory? I am similarly trying to find a thing that scratches the SC "itch," but I've yet to find a fully released game that does it.

My gift to you all:

A holiday special from 1970 that manages to shoehorn the ancient alien stuff that permeated sci-fi for decades.
The start is very much a space game but since it's a quite German game it has a somewhat tendency to transition more and more to a management sim. It is a blend between business sim, builder and space game and the business is a big part. The majority of the economics is simulated with ressource flowing from station to station ending in either ship production or a number of sinks. It is a bit like the mythical "persistence" of SC and you can tell an aged playthrough from a fresh one by degradation of performance, mostly bigger and bigger save files - and duration to save and load.
You can of course neglect the building and managing production chains but it'd be a bit of a waste since it's such a core element. End game sees you produce your own fleets, customise their equipment, seal of entire sectors and become your own power. The 1st person is not comparable to SC, it serves its own gameplay loops for boarding and some EVA actions. No planets either, just space and stations. And the biggest ones are those you build, first by contracting construction ships later by fielding your own.

How you go about this is your choice. Play story lines, build your economy, trade, fight, loot and pillage, role play a pirate, a scientist, Teladi industrial magnate, Split raider - its rather diverse. New expansion will focus on recycling - there are a number of factions at war so you can harvest scrap there. Or play in the new sector with an environmental hazard that will provide likely lots of scrap as well.
While some of you do play it quite a lot of you don't, for those that do its perhaps just not your thing.

Repeatedly i'm told try this or that game, that game has better graphics, this and that game you can walk around in ships.

Its not the walking round in ships, its not the quality of the graphics, its not that its a First Person space game, its not the level or attention to detail.

Its all of those things in combination, if i'm in a friends ship turret that just been put out of action in the middle of a space battle.
For just one of many example i could give...i get out and make my way through a photo realistic interior of a ship bathed in emergency lighting, banging, rattling, sparks and fire.... to get to the copilot seat and take over as his missile operator, that's the live action Star Wars thing i was talking about.
That is not an on the rails level, its completely spontaneous, ultimately that is what CR sold, for all his faults, and he has many, this as a game designer is the thing that he is good at, this is only possible with all its elements in combination, take out just one and the whole thing just doesn't work.
I think it is difficult to do, its expensive, its why up until now no one has touched it to this extent, so for all of CR's faults, for all of CIG's faults they are pushing for more than mediocrity and i'm glad for it.

If you don't play it you will never get it, which is probably why you think walking around a ship is what makes it.
It's been a while since someone came up with one of those flowery descriptions of utterly mundane gameplay ("I was sitting in one seat, and then I went and sat in another another seat"). We all know how open world games work, Roberts didn't invent them, he's shown no aptitude for designing them, and he has so far done a very poor job of creating one that's compelling to anyone who isn't willing to put up with mechanics and tech which are under-designed, under-developed, broken, or missing entirely. You might be, and that's fine. But I'm sure you are seeing the emperor's new clothes, and some of us just don't have the special insight required (I'm told it comes free with an Idris).
I was extremely excited by the Concierge drink set. When I saw the pictures, I knew I had to have them. It looked like a very classy item for a product based on a game.

The product came in the mail today and the quality was surprisingly lacking. There was a white substance on the lid that I washed off (regretting that now as I should have gotten a picture). On opening the box I was greeted with what you see in the below pictures.

Dry glue, foam falling off, chipped wood, and a missing coaster. You can also tell by the dry glue that it was hardly spread evenly.

Really let down by the lack of quality on an item such as this.

Edit: The coaster was found. It must have slipped under the foam during shipping. Thanks to the comments for pointing out that this can happen.

The perfect analogy for the game as well, right down to the coaster clipping through the foam.

If we really were the gullible low effort, low intelligence tepid sycophants we're accused of being do you think we'd be here 9 years later still cheering wildly and urging them on to bigger and better things?

LOL, no comment.
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