Game Discussions Star Citizen Discussion Thread v12

Sadly Frontier also seem to be diverting more time to first person maps as the community have an expectation based on what YouTube polls say are important.

A middle sized team that once had the dedication to consolodate astronimical star data is now focused on interactive seats and gray corridors just like the rest of the industry.

And then it will be ship interiors because people say ship interiors are more important than, for example, full atmospheric planets.

Of course people say they want ship interiors, but when actually asked if they want ship interiors or atmospheric planets first, the results on the informal polls so far atmospheric planets come out way ahead.

I hope FD are listening to the latter rather than the former.
Backers on Spectrum increasingly calling out CIG on their marketing practices:
Linkage to Spectrum OP

I agree with this particular post from Schpam:

CIG does only what the backers permit.
In a nutshell. It's unfortunate that it took the Cutty Steal and the Odyssey for those backers who are a bit slow on the uptake to come to the belated realisation that Ci¬G as a company are an online marketing venture rather than game's no longer about making a couple of space games...perhaps it was in the beginning but it certainly isn't now. What's disturbing is that there are still too many throwing money at Ci¬G who can't see the wood for the trees. The 'games' are now just the vehicle used for the marketing venture.

Some of us have known this for years of doesn't stop us playing the bare shell of a 'game' that's available and enjoying it (whilst keeping our wallets closed)...but a little realism on who and what Ci¬G are outside of the game we play tempers the dreaming and expectations accordingly :)
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The 'games' are just the vehicle used for the marketing venture.
As is with any big game studio really, I really hate this!
I think I should begin my own game studio, but we wont focus on profit, we'll focus on the game. We will crush the greedy game companies and publishers once and for all!

I will utilize crowdfunding for my project, because that will allow us to circumvent needing a publisher!
And then it will be ship interiors because people say ship interiors are more important than, for example, full atmospheric planets.

Of course people say they want ship interiors, but when actually asked if they want ship interiors or atmospheric planets first, the results on the informal polls so far atmospheric planets come out way ahead.

I hope FD are listening to the latter rather than the former.

I wonder if "listening" to your intended market is all it's cracked up to be? Does it really beat a steady creative force that understands the mechanics and direction the project can go in based on budget, time and technology?

The "wisdom" of the crowd can be a bit pants.

I doubt we'd have some truly great games if they'd been soley directed by what random youtubers and forum vocal minorities wanted. Would we have got the strong narrative of the Half life/Portal games if the market wanted "Tomb Raider" type games? Those games came about because a small team took a few mechanics from other projects, games and movies they liked and worked them into a massive new creative franchise.

Incidentally I do recall that Codemasters marketing team used go go out with a clipboard in Leamington Spa and ask people what games they wanted "helicopter" "snowboarding" etc. and those games all got canned ;-)
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In the earlier days, I used to split my time 60/40 between ED and SC...I fear it's about 85/15 SC to EDO now though...still scary the amount of time I spend in front of a pair of monitors :oops:
I've put about ~730 hours in ED, and about 100 hours into SC at most.

My most played game is actually Team Fortress 2, been playing that since like 2016 and have racked up about 2.2k hours.
You're talking to someone who has many years and many thousands of hours in SC, i enjoy it now more than i ever did, the average hours i usually spend in games before getting bored is 200 to 500 hours, i don't know how many hours i have in SC but 5,000 can't be far wrong, its probably more.

I don't feel that i have been ripped off or scammed, i knew what it was, i know what it is, i have had my monies worth out of it and i see no reason why i would not have many thousands more hours in it.

Yes i want it to be more, i'm frustrated at how long its taking to develop, but its already like nothing else to me.
Have you considered Space Rangers HD? Combat, trading, ground-based RTS, and a perfect example of why dev teams shouldn't try to be everything to everyone.
Have you considered Space Rangers HD? Combat, trading, ground-based RTS, and a perfect example of why dev teams shouldn't try to be everything to everyone.
I'm kinda in the same boat as @Intrepid3D. Star Citizen scratches an itch in a way that only Star Citizen can. We're both in the same boat where we know exactly who and what Ci¬G are and equally know exactly what the 'game' we play is (or isn't)...but there's simply nothing like it...similar, certainly...but whilst that may be enough for some or an excuse to quite rightly lay heavy on Ci¬G's marketing tactics as a reason not to play, I've tried enough of those similar style of games to realise they aren't enough for me.

When something does come along that fills the same niche...and there will be something eventually...I'll be the first to relegate Star Citizen to the 'also played' bin and head off to new pastures. Until then, I'll let Star Citizen scratch that particular gaming itch and be reasonably content spending my time doing it.
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Here's a stupid question (which may be redundant, given the source) - is X4 a good space game for someone who enjoys single-player stuff (even in MMOs I try to just do my own thing) without venturing into "empire management" territory? I am similarly trying to find a thing that scratches the SC "itch," but I've yet to find a fully released game that does it.

My gift to you all:

A holiday special from 1970 that manages to shoehorn the ancient alien stuff that permeated sci-fi for decades.
Here's a stupid question (which may be redundant, given the source) - is X4 a good space game for someone who enjoys single-player stuff (even in MMOs I try to just do my own thing) without venturing into "empire management" territory? I am similarly trying to find a thing that scratches the SC "itch," but I've yet to find a fully released game that does it.

My gift to you all:

A holiday special from 1970 that manages to shoehorn the ancient alien stuff that permeated sci-fi for decades.
I did try X4 ...way too briefly to be fair and unbiased about it...but I got the sense that the Empire building was the core...the be all and end all of the game. That may not be the case of course, I certainly didn't give it enough time to really find out. I fought my way through the horrendous UI for a few hours...enough to discover it wasn't really the game where I could be an anonymous miner or merchant just flying my ship working 'for da man' rather than spending my time organising fleets of AI controlled behemoths all working for my own small but perfectly formed Empire.

Wasn't for me, certainly...perhaps someone who plays could offer up more realistic info 🤷‍♂️
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Here's a stupid question (which may be redundant, given the source) - is X4 a good space game for someone who enjoys single-player stuff (even in MMOs I try to just do my own thing) without venturing into "empire management" territory? I am similarly trying to find a thing that scratches the SC "itch," but I've yet to find a fully released game that does it.

My gift to you all:

A holiday special from 1970 that manages to shoehorn the ancient alien stuff that permeated sci-fi for decades.
X4 can be literally be empire management…
you can buy a ship, hire an AI captain for it and then give it commands like go mine this and then sale it… you can place satelites in sectors to relay information to your “employees” so they know where to sell or buy.

Be aware X4 UI is clunky as f… and complex, so be prepared to learn or use some youtube videos

Edit: You can also play the game without the empire management part, like doing missions and what not, but the game is pretty much empire management
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As is with any big game studio really, I really hate this!
I think I should begin my own game studio, but we wont focus on profit, we'll focus on the game. We will crush the greedy game companies and publishers once and for all!

I will utilize crowdfunding for my project, because that will allow us to circumvent needing a publisher!

5 years later....

"I've got this great idea to get more funding while delivering less!"

I'm kinda in the same boat as @Intrepid3D. Star Citizen scratches an itch in a way that only Star Citizen can. We're both in the same boat where we know exactly who and what Ci¬G are and equally know exactly what the 'game' we play is (or isn't)...but there's simply nothing like it...similar, certainly...but whilst that may be enough for some or an excuse to quite rightly lay heavy on Ci¬G's marketing tactics as a reason not to play, I've tried enough of those similar style of games to realise they aren't enough for me.

When something does come along that fills the same niche...and there will be something eventually...I'll be the first to relegate Star Citizen to the 'also played' bin and head off to new pastures. Until then, I'll let Star Citizen scratch that particular gaming itch and be reasonably content spending my time doing it.

If i were to put aside my dislike of CIG and was willing to put up with the alpha state of the game, it might scratch some itches for me, but way too many itches would remain unscratched for me to get real enjoyment out of it. I mean... 1 system, says it all really. I want my space games to have space!
X4 can be literally be empire management…
you can buy a ship, hire an AI captain for it and then give it commands like go mine this and then sale it… you can place satelites in sectors to relay information to your “employees” so they know where to sell or buy.

Be aware X4 UI is clunky as f… and complex, so be prepared to learn or use some youtube videos

Edit: You can also play the game without the empire management part, like doing missions and what not, but the game is pretty much empire management

I feel like that Egosoft got way too carried away with the empire management part of the series. For sure, some people love that, and i do love a good strategy game or god game. But played too much X2 where it got to the point of just sitting there watching ships fly around maps and money just poured in with nothing really left to do.
I wasn't aware you still played EDO at all.
I pop my head in the big Möbius door every now and then but I mostly fire up Horizons and go do some long distance trading in the T-10 combat cow...I still enjoy that part of it more than the new fangled space feet stuff :)
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I'm kinda in the same boat as @Intrepid3D. Star Citizen scratches an itch in a way that only Star Citizen can. We're both in the same boat where we realise exactly who and what Ci¬G are and equally know exactly what the 'game' we play is (or isn't)...but there's simply nothing like it...similar, certainly...but whilst that may be enough for some or an excuse to quite rightly lay heavy on Ci¬G's marketing tactics as a reason not to play, I've tried enough of those similar style of games to realise they aren't enough for me.

When something does come along that scratches that same itch...and there will be something eventually...I'll be the first to relegate Star Citizen to the 'also played' bin and head off to new pastures. Until then, I'll let Star Citizen scratch that particular gaming itch and be reasonably happy spending my time doing it.

While some of you do play it quite a lot of you don't, for those that do its perhaps just not your thing.

Repeatedly i'm told try this or that game, that game has better graphics, this and that game you can walk around in ships.

Its not the walking round in ships, its not the quality of the graphics, its not that its a First Person space game, its not the level or attention to detail.

Its all of those things in combination, if i'm in a friends ship turret that just been put out of action in the middle of a space battle.
For just one of many example i could give...i get out and make my way through a photo realistic interior of a ship bathed in emergency lighting, banging, rattling, sparks and fire.... to get to the copilot seat and take over as his missile operator, that's the live action Star Wars thing i was talking about.
That is not an on the rails level, its completely spontaneous, ultimately that is what CR sold, for all his faults, and he has many, this as a game designer is the thing that he is good at, this is only possible with all its elements in combination, take out just one and the whole thing just doesn't work.
I think it is difficult to do, its expensive, its why up until now no one has touched it to this extent, so for all of CR's faults, for all of CIG's faults they are pushing for more than mediocrity and i'm glad for it.

If you don't play it you will never get it, which is probably why you think walking around a ship is what makes it.
I pop my head in the Möbius fuelled door every now and then but I mostly fire up Horizons and go do some long distance trading in the T-10 combat cow...I still enjoy that part of it more than the new fangled space feet stuff :)

Ah, i'm really enjoying the on foot stuff. While performance could still do with a lot of work, the covert stuff especially is nice. Some of them specify "no kills" which can be really tricky.

In other news

Well, i'm glad that's settled then. SC fan who is a marketer reassures us that CIG's marketing is not predatory. In other news, politicians assure us they are telling the truth when they open their mouths!
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