This is patently not true. The internet we have today is driven by mass media and mass commerce. There is no paucity of that data. I want to buy your secondhand ship that you advertised, is the bread and butter of data running. The game is planned to have the equivalents of Youtube, Amazon and Ebay. We know of Sharrington Cross and Epulae Dining at least, there will likely be more. There is also passenger services and the adverting / payments / booking of those. There will be databases that track players and their activity, their criminality for example. If you commit a crime in one system that data will be carried to other local database systems and so you may be able to keep in front of your criminal record, that is the reason for bounty hunters, it is unlikely there will be a shortage of that information.
People insist to think of the PU as merely trading and fighting.. it's not going to be that way. There will be tourism and local annual events - Sporting events like Murray Cup to stream around the verse. The Opera House on Mars to go see. Fashion Week at Prime on Terra II. Politics and local factional rivalries all of this information streamed around the verse day by day, perhaps even hour by hour. We know we can buy property in the game, apartments, houses etc. How do you find out about these being available and local price fluctuations? Advertising. We see it already in the game now, they go to the trouble of making ship adverts for sales. Right now it is static, but it won't be in the future.
The reason for data runners is because Chris decreed there is no FTL transmission from system to system. Data has to be physically carried through jump gates and only transmitted by comms relays once it has arrived in system. Ships will carry information for interpersonal transactions (the mail), mas media, mass commerce, the news, intelligence gathering etc The list is endless, it has nothing to do with scarcity it has everything to do with perceived value.
The Reliant MAKO News Van is clearly telling us that not only will CIG be adding to the constant stream of data piles, but players will be too. Not all cameras will be attached to ships. All that info scrolling on the screens at the local TDD will have to be manually hauled just like mail bags of old on the pony express. The one thing we can be sure there will never be a shortage of anywhere, is data.