Game Discussions Star Citizen Discussion Thread v12

One thing i love about all this is the blatant hypocrisy from the faithful.

They are the people who tell others things like: Oh, this year we will be getting Vulkan and Server Mushing and new gameplay loops and more and more and more. Its there on the roadmap.

And they say those things knowing CIG have consistently, year on year, failed to miss a lot of their long term goals.

But once people point that out, they scream, it says there right there on the roadmap, everything is subject to change.

They use what is on the roadmap to promise SC to others, to tell them how wonderful things will be in the future because its there, on the roadmap, but don't hold CIG to delivering what's there! There are disclaimers, so none of it might come, but buy into SC anyway!

We've had people in this very thread doing exactly this.
The salt continues. Bannings will have to continue until morale improves!!!

They did fail to mention how CIG had blamed the backers for their own inability to manage backer expectations though. Also points out how new tech brings new possibilities but fails to point out how this has been a problem of CIG from the start. The inability to set the scope and stick to it. New tech? Great, let's add another 5 years to the development time! Also, despite being a well written post, they still got their post edited and they were PM'd by mods.

As such, IMO, CIG's blatant mischaracterization of these legitimate, long-established community concerns was both disingenuous and disrespectful to many, many reasonable and rational backers. To me, CIG's recent tone smacks of arrogance, elitism, and an apparent contempt for the very people who helped them grow so large and accomplish so much.

Star Citizen has 3.5M Pilots after 10 years, this is nothing, "Valheim" from a indie Dev sold more than that in the first month, and you risk everything on a small percent of these 3.5M? Do you think that we going to play that game when we have the same or better and online game?

Despite their calling out of CIG they still believe the 3.5 million number.

They're working on a roadmap to the response as we speak.

If there's one thing that the recent events have shown, is that our voices matters, and our voices have power.

LOL, CIG don't give a damn. They just did a new sale and backers lapped it up. CIG have demonstrated they can treat their backers like poopoo and they will eat it up.

A Q&W meme showing the quote from Erin explains why backers are salty.

White knights are on the case though!

Oh look. Another meme picture that takes what devs said out of context and ignores any caveats repeated ad nauseam

Cloud imperium games. 10 years later, With 730 employees, 430 million dollars of funding, a record-breaking 85 million dollar in revenue, and enough producers to invade a small-sized town. Has decided they no longer want to even bear the responsibility or face the pressure of committing to the release of SINGULAR features just 6-12 months out. Not the full game mind you. SINGULAR features.

Indeed. This is one of the sad things about it. But anyway, here's a coffee shop and a new sale.

Hah, they never had transparency. They had marketing. CIG showed exactly what they wanted to show.

And a white knight thread

Dismissing how CIG blamed backers for their own fault. Well played, i'm sure CIG will reward you with... nothing.
Counterpoint: CIG have raked in over half a million from their marks in 2 days since they blamed backers for removal of the roadmap.

It both sad and hilarious.

It appears CIG have tapped into an endless spiggot of money they can't turn off even if they try. I am waiting for another game to launch using the same marketing methods, they seem to be a money maker indeed. You don't even have to make a game, just pretend to be making it and put out lots of shiny roadmaps and marketing videos.


Volunteer Moderator
In an attempt to shift gears:

Putting How Long Star Citizen has Been in Development Into Perspective

I mean, it might be easier to count console generations, how many times I've moved, or simply say "over a decade."
Just let all that sink in.

AmBiTiOn or nEvEr DoNe BeFoRe arguments used to rationalize the record long development duration and monstrous spend have by now become simply disingenuous. You can only argue those for so long before the actual crappy, buggy and broken results of what is actually out there in SC after 10+ years and 400+ million wasted really show how bad the thing is. It is just an extremely poorly managed project with a ton of technical issues and blockers.
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It appears CIG have tapped into an endless spiggot of money they can't turn off even if they try. I am waiting for another game to launch using the same marketing methods, they seem to be a money maker indeed. You don't even have to make a game, just pretend to be making it and put out lots of shiny roadmaps and marketing videos.

I swear, CR could appear on camera and directly say that its all a scam and backers would double down and throw more money at him.
this was a very long recording for their audio podcast, but Guard Frequency did a great parody show and breakdown of CIG's roadmap mistakes over the years, including how the current drama was signposted along the way

Dude, i don't have 2 hours, much as i enjoy listening to those guys. Can you throw a few choice timestamps our way?


Volunteer Moderator
LOL, CIG don't give a damn. They just did a new sale and backers lapped it up. CIG have demonstrated they can treat their backers like poopoo and they will eat it up.
That is one more reason for SC to deserve regular game press reviews and scores. Some of the people spending their money are probably doing so with less information about the state of SC than most other regular games. The wild monetization SC is subject to should be reason enough for the game press to actually move in.
Most websites now treat SC as the joke it is. MassivelyOP always makes jokes about its unending development cycle and the latest manure CIG has managed to concoct, all while suckers still buy fake jpgs for whatever reason.

Not even the rabid fanbase and their unending hate towards anyone that dares critique is enough to stop them these days. Excluding the shill pieces like that Gamerant thing which reads like the "journalist" read one of CIG's advertising emails and took it at face value, or got paid to advertise SC while pretending to talk about Starfield.

Beyond a small circle of niche space game fans, no one really cares. It's a joke.
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