Game Discussions Star Citizen Discussion Thread v12

One of the 132, you will certainly have your work cut out:


I think the backers who complain have very little right to do so.
Actually I think backers who are helping funding a game, rather than buying a retail product, are more entitled than anybody to complain.
It was obvious for anyone with half a brain that the biggest factor that would determine when this game actually releases is going to be the state and standard of the consumer PC market.
Wait, so logically that means unless pc technology inexplicably stops improving, SC won't release?
There is no spoon flight model...

"like in zero G but with a bit more drag" sums it up kind of, I would add "without any inertia due to ship mass", "without actual aero lift effects" and "without any graphical evidence of any thruster firing in the proper direction so the ship movement vector would stabilize the way it does". Which is really clear by contrast in the background game he shows (which i'm going to get, looks really nice) where anything below the ship when it slows down would be annihilated by the thrusters exhaust blast. Also back in early 1990's Elite II had it perfectly right at least for zero G flight model (thrusters would fire properly).
Actually I think backers who are helping funding a game, rather than buying a retail product, are more entitled than anybody to complain.

Wait, so logically that means unless pc technology inexplicably stops improving, SC won't release?

Expect to need 64GB ram and a 12gb+ RTX GPU to play what gets released on high.
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