Game Discussions Star Citizen Discussion Thread v12

Dreams.txt about NPCs. If NPCs acted like players it would be a nightmare. They would run everywhere. They would kill and teabag players randomly. They would camp stations and kill people taking off.

I only got as far as "Imagine CIG got really good at developing"

Bugs ≠ features.

It's confusing in CIGland, I know ;)
I understand you.
Seeing an NPC going from the hangar grid to the ship grid and not beeing lost by the server must be confusing for you.
You can even see that the NPC is sitting on the correct location, even if the chair animation has not been triggered. That indicates that beside being able to switch grid, he can also recognise and interact with objects on this new grid.

Really, really nice bug 🥰
:eek: You can even see that the NPC is sitting on the correct location, even if the chair animation has not been triggered. That indicates that beside being able to switch grid, he can also recognise and interact with objects on this new grid.

Really, really nice bug 🥰

NPCs have been ending up on ships for years though:


Whether pushed by bored players, clipping in during collisions, or wondering in of their own accord. (And indeed even sitting down :eek:)

The point is that: Over two years after Chris displayed it as working function at Citcon, and over 6 years after they took their "first step for us to be able to handle AI NPCs moving inside a multicrew ship", NPCs on ships are still not a gameplay feature in any shape or form. Just some random, sketchy, novelty. At best.

Maybe they'll finally get basic passenger missions in this year as they plan to. (6 years+ after they sold the $400 passenger ship with the drink mixing gameplay ;)). Maybe.

But the fact that you're celebrating the above glitchy nothing in 2022, when one of the game's central gameplay pillars is to have working NPC crews of profound complexity, is pretty telling of the game's stalled progress on that front.
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Im still impressed, there are still so many posts about this Code ( its not a finished game at all).
Do ppl really bother with it still?
Hard to beleave that some ppl still give money.

SC is the forever-alpha friend.

It's reached a point after 9 years where it looks very much like a game now. That's always going to be enough to keep people paying for entry to see what it's all about. (And if they're so minded, paying bigger for a spaceship collection, and related claims of future fabulousness too...)

So the whole crazy space train to dream land keeps on rolling. Despite the track seemingly having no destination, and tending to fall apart whenever it's put under excessive load ;)

Most people in this thread are just enjoying the ride, waiting to see what happens next, and telling tales of what was supposed to be ;)

So the whole crazy space train to dream land keeps on rolling. Despite the track seemingly having no destination, and tending to fall apart whenever it's put under excessive load ;)

Nice to see you saying "fall apart whenever it's put under excessive load" instead of the standard "fall apart everytime everywhere" 👍
SC is the forever-alpha friend.

It's reached a point after 9 years where it looks very much like a game now. That's always going to be enough to keep people paying for entry to see what it's all about. (And if they're so minded, paying bigger for a spaceship collection, and related claims of future fabulousness too...)

So the whole crazy space train to dream land keeps on rolling. Despite the track seemingly having no destination, and tending to fall apart whenever it's put under excessive load ;)

Most people in this thread are just enjoying the ride, waiting to see what happens next, and telling tales of what was supposed to be ;)

I'm here for Mole's storm pics. They are refreshing and fresh. Star Citisnt is musty and stale.
I'm here for Mole's storm pics. They are refreshing and fresh. Star Citisnt is musty and stale.
I would have posted some...if I had been able to get out and take them. We had just a brief two day respite from the incessant gales and storm force winds that have been battering us for several weeks now, they started back up last night with a vengeance, gusting to 80mph (130kph). Right now, it's a whole lot of 'Nope...not going out there'. :)

Here's one from a photographer chap over on Eday (the island a few miles south west of us) that he posted on the island residents FB page today. You could normally see our island off in the distance from that give a sense of scale, the cliffs there are over 200 feet (60m) high.

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