Game Discussions Star Citizen Discussion Thread v12

Yes, that was the joke :)

So lets do some maths.

Based on the community created spreadsheet, for 2022 they have had 271,934 new accounts. We know 1/3rd get converted to actual paying backers (as per CR's statement) so that would account for 90645 new paying backers. The amount raised so far this year is $30.36 million.

Approximately 85% of customers never pay anything over the standard entry fee, so 77050 would only spend $45 accounting for $3.46 million
Leaving almost $27 million from 13,600 new backers, requiring each and every one to spend almost $2000.

The other way to see where they make their money is to look at their marketing. Do they create and market cool low priced ships to entice backers with only a small barrier to entry or is it aimed elsewhere?
We all know the answer to this.
Nice numbers. There are fractions, millions, dollars and %. Must be very accurate !
Waiting for CIG to apply for charity/religion status.

It practically already is.

It even has an antichrist figure: Derek Smart

To be fair there was a run of guys here arguing that the 'pledge' was basically a charitable donation for a while ;)

CIG do need to make it official. Get that charity status going...

(Think that may come with some non-profit stipulations though I suspect :unsure:)
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I haven't heard about him for years outside of this topic and SA.

Ach, he still gets referenced on the sub. The stories still live on...

That's why Derek got into this. He was used to lure minions outside of goonfleet but eventualy he was rendered obsolete because he caused more harm than good.

Now the high tops that still care operate mostly in the shadows using clone accounts to rally the few sheep that still follow them as a way to make noise.

More in a 'response to FUD' sense from some of the flakier types, rather than a 'gets his own thread' sense these days. Although that still happens too...


He has def settled more into background 'lore' now that he's not actively throwing stones though, for sure.

Does still get the odd uber-fan reference over here though ;)

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As someone to laugh about. You really need to get that chip off your shoulder.
"Why don't you let me ridicule, insult, mock and abuse countless other people behind their back! You are so mean!"

Ach, he still gets referenced on the sub. The stories still live on...
That's one rando who got downvoted for it in his own sub. Lets be honest for a sec here, DS plays virtually no role whatsoever in the SC community, nor does he himself seem to care any way whatsoever. Its just people like Agony who keep bringing him up over and over and over. No clue why he feels the constant need to, to use his own words, "laugh about" other people so much. I've heard there are excellent surgical options nowadays to increase the length of any body part he feels the need to compensate for. Might even be cheaper than an Idris.
"Why don't you let me ridicule, insult, mock and abuse countless other people behind their back! You are so mean!"
I've heard there are excellent surgical options nowadays to increase the length of any body part he feels the need to compensate for.

Ah, insults straight to people's faces instead, not even behind their backs. Truly, this is the moral high ground...

Way to hypocrite it up, yet again Sleut.

I have no idea why such relatively harmless memes trigger you quite this much. You might want to consider chilling out a touch ¯\(ツ)/¯
disagreeing with people to their face is better than behind people's back.
I just don't like people stalking female employees online, scourging twitter to ridicule fans of a 'rival game' and all that kind of stuff that normal people instinctively find rather distasteful

Insulting people is more than just disagreeing.

And when the catalyst is a goofy retro joke, focused primarily on CIG and Smart in this case, there's precious little there that warrants the personal insult.

If you're angry about other acts, then the 'tasteful' and 'upfront' thing to do is to raise those. Rather than just wait for a lesser excuse to attack.

And frankly, you might want to try and stand up your 'stalking' claim now. But to be honest, it's clear from past examples in this thread that you're likely perceiving greater sins than actually exist, and then lambasting people excessively as a result.

I repeat my advice:

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