Game Discussions Star Citizen Discussion Thread v12

What's a plan for you ?
CIG said they want to add prison. Several years later, they add prison... It's look like a plan no ?
I don't see exactly how the number of years invalidates having plan.
If I follow your reasoning, the Sagrada Família has no plan either ?
Dear sir, please stop twisting the phrases, it's unbecoming of you. CI-G pitched prison planet to be delivered in 2014, but actually delivered just a prison building in 2020. For the same money.

I regret to inform you that you can't really compare Sagrada Família to SC as it has no space legs.
Or perhaps you imply that SC would not be finished in the next 138 years? That, my dear sir, would've granted you the label of FUDster.

And about your inability to see how 9 years in production instead of promised 3 invalidates a plan, let's do a little experiment:
From this moment you will work for me for 3 years, and I'd pay you $500,000 a year. Your job will be to gift me ships.
Except in reality you will work for me for 9 years, and I will actually pay you 500,000 cents total. Does it sound like a plan to you?

No, just like SC, it is not plan, it is a scam.
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So, roll call time on CIG.

Chris: On the board of directors. Currently directing documentaries.
Sandi: On the board of directors. Lost/gave up position of head of marketing. Pursuing her acting career.
Erin: On the board of directors. Status unknown. Not been visible in a while. Alledgedly heading the development of SC now.
Transparent -

Something you can see through, that has nothing hidden or blocking the view


Something you can't see at all
Game -
1 a (1): a physical or mental competition conducted according to rules with the participants in direct opposition to each other


3 b: an illegal or shady scheme or maneuver

SC is much fun, very game.


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So do the backers here have any questions for Chris Roberts spending time co-directing a documentary completely unrelated to Star Citizen?

I suggest one of you ask a pertinent question on Spectrum. Call it the $300M question if you like. ;)

Edit: Just to be clear, he's listed as both a Director and Location Producer.
I would asume Chris Roberts is ethical enough to have announced this to the backers who fund his project to avoid any misunderstandings and has also discounted from his own compensation the corresponding prorated amounts for the time he has spent working in this documentary instead of chairing SC?
Oh man, those comments....

Not sure if they are taking the mickey, its so hard to tell.

Perhaps even Tier 0 or Tier 1 or 2 of Server Meshing!!!!

Hell, why not Tier 3 or 4???
Note that the video shows just a few of the typical bugs we encounter on a regular basis. There are quite a few others, like the buggered navigation map that fails to register clicks on destinations or to plan flight paths (with the most hideous, badly thought UI one could imagine), the killer ramps and ladders, doors that lead to the space of void instead of next room, the complete clusterpoop that is now the planetary spaceport access system and ATC, getting stuck in geometry, MFDs that cease to operate, etc. etc.

I would asume Chris Roberts is ethical enough to have announced this to the backers who fund his project to avoid any misunderstandings and has also discounted from his own compensation the corresponding prorated amounts for the time he has spent working in this documentary instead of chairing SC?
Coincidentally some "interesting" people are right now going to prison over another crowd funding effort they didnt deliver, and where they pocketed the money instead. It seems that the law does apply to crowd funding just as well as other commercial projects.
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I've heard there is 500 persons to protect the facade ;)

Nah sorry.....ALL of them being in on this is just tinfoil territory and highly unlikely on the evel of flatearthers. But its more then just the family ring and closest friends for sure. Too many people within the company push so much for money spending and "we are almost there guys" thats the project either IS really close to completion or they are in on this scam.

Also its more like 400 by now aint it? Employee numbers fluxuate like crazy all the time and we dont know how many of those stated really work there but are just outsourced forces added for a better "look". With Star Citizen and CIG its all about the looks right?

Transparent -

Something you can see through, that has nothing hidden or blocking the view


Something you can't see at all

What the term really means


what CIG means when they use it ^^

Apply the same approach for things like "win", "planet", "large", "fidelity", "fun" and all kinds of other words the world at large knows but doesnt understand due to the twisted meaning

I'm wondering who's making up more stuff, CIG or the fanbase..?

Oh definitely the fanbase by now. It was CIG at the beginning but this has become a run-away project that even drags CIG with it by now the company reacting to the fanbase and doing whatever they want. The problem is that the fanbase is pulling into 10 different directions at once and is unable to come to a concensus so CIG is simply running toward the loudest shouter at any given moment. At least CIG tries to stay realistic by now due to fear of legal consequences I guess but the fanbase doesnt have those limitations. Some really go full out on the crazy stuff :)
Chris is a natural story teller. He shows an intuitive understanding of narrative structure and flow - along with an eye for the cinematic. He has proved to be highly capable at both casting and steering actor's performances. Practical, passionate and energetic, he is determined to always raise the bar with each film he directs. He's also got a great sense of humour and very much a team player - would very happily recommend working with him!
Patrick inson - Series Producer
I've worked with Chris on several projects and he's always proved to be a pleasure to work with - hard working, creative, forward thinking and calm under pressure. He has a talent for getting the best out of those he works with - and works wonders with any budget constraints to maximise it on screen - producing great films as a result.
Kieran Parker - Line Producer
Chris is a great PD. He always has a comprehensive grasp of the story, gets compelling interviews and illustrates them with beautifully crafted drama. He's hardworking, a great team player and always open to better ideas wherever they come from. And he's a laugh - all in all a joy to work with.
David McNab
Chris has recently decided to make the jump from editor to PD and he is already proving to be a very accomplished in his new role. He worked for me on a WWII drama doc series and it was an absolute pleasure to have him on the team.
Having worked with him as an editor I knew he was already very able at story telling, pacing, music, visual style and the technical side of production. The unknown for me at the start was how he'd cope with all that stuff an editor doesn't have to deal with - research, fact checking, schedules, shoots, scripting...but Chris has excelled in it all.
Ashley Morris, Series Producer / Producer Director
My my... Maybe we sent our money to the wrong Chris Roberts! :eek:


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