Game Discussions Star Citizen Discussion Thread v12

Honestly, terrain AI, dropship AI, giant PvE event AI...

All of this is getting added to servers where the AI already barely functions. Even if they do decide to cull some existing bunker & cave missions, it's still going to be jank...

(And if they don't, I say we run a book on the first AI to walk down a PU ramp successfully ;))
Most of us be like...


To get all these new barely functioning NPC's to work, Ci¬G have had to break all the 'walking furniture' type NPC's at the stations...they all just stand around clumped in large groups not moving at all. The new backend network 'fixes' have also broken actor sync to such an extent it's almost like watching a time lapse movie playing with other players.

Yup Ci¬G, just the right time to let marketing push out yet another rehash of a not really dynamic event tied predictably to yet another ship sale. After all, that brand new integral motion capture studio for the Empire of Roberts building in Manchester has to be paid for somehow.

All the Turbulent stuff looks really good derelict shipwrecks both on planets and in space plus on world salvager camp type locations. It's a pity that all the impressive work by the Montreal studio on the new locations is still just like tying a pretty ribbon on a pig's ear :whistle:
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Community found a natural race track, CIG improved it as a surprise for 3.17.2

Yep. Please forget all our previous attempts to add official PU races and gameplay...

So it seems there were racetracks.


But they are now 'by the wayside' because the prog gen surfaces kept breaking them.

Apparently there is also a race track around Grim Hex. Which also does not work.

But then they brought in 'scramble races' instead with 3.4, which were 'equal parts harrowing and hilarious' and 'will be expanded later':


They didn't work particularly well in PTU. And then got 'temporarily disabled' in 3.7

But they do seem to be in the game currently. Although that was one of the few vids from the last 6 months I could find.

This whole game is a memory hole...

We couldn't make those functional or fun...

Make your own fun with these assets instead ;)
Instant acceleration from actors = unpredictable movement = absolutely impossibly to sync over network for distributed clients. Their insisting on using the "quake/doom" movement style instead of a more modern, realistic (and thus slower) movement means they will never succeed.

Pretty sure that's how it used to be. I hated it. Felt like i was walking through molasses.
There's some fun, and pertinent, snark in that 2018 race track thread... Source: Source:

BHVR = Behaviour Interactive, originally contracted to do environment work for the game. Source:

It first hit me a while ago. When they were spending months and months building a ship, but had not adopted a metric for the docking collars between different ships, or adopted a metric for gun sizes!

The first one was obvious the second we had hangar ready ships, the second I only figured out when they mentioned (only like 2 years ago) that all of a sudden they were going to use standardized sizes for different size guns so they would GASP! fit on ships correctly. Of course even after that we have ships like the Constellation post reword that can't fit the guns its supposed to have on the bottom Some ships have guns that clip through the hull, and to top it off CIG still has no idea how docking is going to work, but continues to pump out ships with different shapes and sizes of collars.

The company strikes me as very micro managed, but not enough overall oversight. Or maybe the general managers are being micro managed too much and because of that they end up worrying and focusing on things that don't matter. With everyone told to regularly drop what they are doing and focus on one thing, its not a surprise that stuff just gets forgotten and left behind. Source:
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Yep. Please forget all our previous attempts to add official PU races and gameplay...

We couldn't make those functional or fun...

Make your own fun with these assets instead ;)
This has got me confused. I don't play Star Citizen so I think I may have the wrong end of the stick. A race track sounds bloody brilliant. Why the snark?

I've been banging on about getting official racetrack in Elite for many years now. Flying thru canyons in Elite is fun, but a real racetrack needs direction markers and a way of keeping time

I mean, that stuff you fly under in the Star Citizen racetrack... they do trip timers as you pass under them don't they? They aren't just lumps of inert scenery? I mean if they don't why would you call it a racetrack?
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