ED refugee cant even install game because it's so broken. Turns out it's not just doors that's hard - pretty much anything programmed seems a bit hard for CIG.
I call Booleshed, ship would have blown away in this gale.That must be a Concierge level backer, he has a ship that actually works and does what it's supposed to!
Estimated time to release the full game - Star Citizen Spectrum
Flora, fauna aliens sandworm multicrew stations gameplay missing capital ships and rest of smaller ship concepts missing features for flight ready ships like Carrack or Reclaimer etc. exploration...robertsspaceindustries.com
Interesting thread. Wonder when the fact CIG seems to consider that Star Citizen has already been released (in Early Access) will become accepted as mainstream knowledge. Not just by the community and backers in general but also by the gaming press, and treated as such.
Estimated time to release the full game - Star Citizen Spectrum
Flora, fauna aliens sandworm multicrew stations gameplay missing capital ships and rest of smaller ship concepts missing features for flight ready ships like Carrack or Reclaimer etc. exploration...robertsspaceindustries.com
Interesting thread. Wonder when the fact CIG seems to consider that Star Citizen has already been released (in Early Access) will become accepted as mainstream knowledge. Not just by the community and backers in general but also by the gaming press, and treated as such.
Which is quite likely true because the quality goes up (think gold pass ships and improved biomes on planets), the time extends. Time, cost, quality. Pick any 2.
The least this installer could do is let me swirl my coffee while waiting for it to break.You clearly don't understand installer development
And so we enter the Jackfragic era...
Source: https://old.reddit.com/r/starcitizen/comments/vy52dg/how_are_new_people_finding_star_citizen/
Bonus thoughts:
Source: https://old.reddit.com/r/starcitizen/comments/vy52dg/how_are_new_people_finding_star_citizen/ig01r1d/
Source: https://old.reddit.com/r/starcitizen/comments/vy52dg/how_are_new_people_finding_star_citizen/ig02iyq/
Source: https://old.reddit.com/r/starcitizen/comments/vy52dg/how_are_new_people_finding_star_citizen/ig03hyv/
Source: https://old.reddit.com/r/starcitizen/comments/vy52dg/how_are_new_people_finding_star_citizen/ig0ab5a/
My PC was in bits...
Meh, the jump to second tier concierge amounts to around $750 spread over 5 years... don't forget at the beginning of those 5 years I'm counting from, I was already a concierge level backer anyway. If you missed that bit, you haven't been paying much attention since I've mentioned it often enough. Over that same 5 years, I've spent more than as much again on other games, not only buying them but paying for macro-transaction DLC content as well...looking at you DCS and IL2.After learning you were in for two and a half large your PC wasn't the only one!
Meh, over 5 years...and don't forget at the beginning of those 5 years I'm counting from, I was already a concierge level backer anyway. Over that same 5 years, I've spent more than as much again on other games, not only buying them but paying for macro-transaction DLC content as well...looking at you DCS and IL2.
It's a hobby...whether I spent that amount on SC or blew it on other games only seems relevant or shocking to those who feel obligated to be offended by Ci¬G or SC in general. I don't see it as a big thing at all, surprisingly embarrassing, but no big deal![]()
About the same as I think about her horsesWhat does 'er indoors think about this?
The end of the vid with him deliberately damaging his lungs seems appropriate.Could be worse!
I don't even know where to begin with the pretentious judgmentalism of that comment...probably for the best that I don'tThe end of the vid with him deliberately damaging his lungs seems appropriate.