Game Discussions Star Citizen Discussion Thread v12

But most of the things I cited are there my dear.
Okay honey.
Persistence is in 3.18, salvaging in 3.18, more than 50 players already there (100 now), second system not there but in good shape.
Hey, you're the one who wrote this, not me:
There is no persistent state ? Yes we know, they are working in it. There is no second system ? Yes we know, they are working on it. There is only 50 players by server ? Yes we know, they are working on it. There is no salvaging ? Yes we know, they are working on it. Etc.

The point is all these things and all the others you say "they are working on it". Why are they working on it after a decade? Why are they often working on version 3 or 4 of each thing?

Why is it not designed first? Rather than being worked on multiple times without being released?

Mismanagement, incompetence, deception, because people keep giving them money to fail.

An alpha without bugs, is called release or fake beta, not alpha.
SC isn't an alpha, it's a grift.

And for the 'why so long' because SC alpha is one of the most complex game in development today, they had to build the company and some errors were made in the past (because no one is perfect). Complex games need time and long alpha.
When does a perpetual "alpha" become a grift?

That's exactly why ED has no ship interior after 10 years, because it's too complex and no classic company can afford long alpha.
No, there are no ED ship interiors because fdev didn't attempt it, they created a game first, between 2012 and 2014. Remember 2014? Oh no, you don't do you, you're one of the later faithful, who hasn't realised yet what's happening. SC started with ship interiors, found backers initially based on (fake) early gameplay videos, those backers gave them too much money for them to just stop the funding and make the game. No, that would have been the moral thing to do. And now they continue to build OUT from the ship interiors, while simultaneously building more ship interiors to make more money, and occasionally try and make something space-y outside the ship interiors to convince the faithful that one day there will be a game.

Unfortunately, the more they build outside the ship interiors, the more it breaks. Because it's basically this

fdev didn't even try to make ship interiors beyond the cockpits which have always been seen in game. It was the right decision to get 10 years of playing an actual game with far more game in it than the SC demo has now.

Honestly though? I don't believe any other company than a Chris & Ortwin company would have had the ... moral ineptitude ... to even try what they are still doing today.

It will all come crashing down, eventually. I do hope I'll still be around to chuckle when it does.
Brand new patch, just posted now:


PES keeps on delivering ;)

E: Lol those patch notes.

Bunch of new issues listed, some of them very PES-flavoured. (Can't open inventory near food vendors, yadda yadda).

Bunch of serious issues with the new features still present. (Hauling physical cargo at volume kills performance, yadda yadda).

But the specific bugs with the Reclaimer elevator got pushed off the list a long time ago. So in many ways they're fixed ;)


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Gen12 v2 still seems to be lowering performance significantly:

LIVE: ~ 90 FPS
PTU: ~ 65 FPS
PTU (but with gen 12 set to 3.17): ~85 FPS

Imagine defending a multinational corporation that says "playable now!" about its product, with the phrase "it's not really a product, they're trying to make a product, stop laughing and pay to support it it, you'll get a certificate if you give them enough money!".

Today's consumers are superb marks.

Playable* now!

* - your interpretation of playable may differ from CIG corp and its associated subsidaries. Terms and conditions apply. Buy an Idris.
Imagine defending a multinational corporation that says "playable now!" about its product, with the phrase "it's not really a product, they're trying to make a product, stop laughing and pay to support it it, you'll get a certificate if you give them enough money!".

Today's consumers are superb marks.

I'm not involved in a high yield scam. I just put LOTS of money in and encourage my friends to do so, the returns may look low compared to other products but it's not really a product so I'm right to do so.

Can't you just understand...It's the best damn space game that can't stand up on it's own merits enough to not need defending on the interweb, ever made.
I'm not involved in a high yield scam. I just put LOTS of money in and encourage my friends to do so, the returns may look low compared to other products but it's not really a product so I'm right to do so.

Can't you just understand...It's the best damn space game that can't stand up on it's own merits enough to not need defending on the interweb, ever made.

You forgot to add in the inevitable “And compare this space game to that one over there! You know, the one that has 7% of our budget, a hundred times our gameplay, and thousands* more locations to visit? The best we can say is that we sometimes loook better in screenshots, and at least we have ship interiors!”

*understatement of the year
It's been a while since I watched a vid featuring the quest givers (like Eckhart) are they still here? Are they worked on ;) ? Did they follow Delamar in the abyss?

Every time I see them, they seem pretty neglected and sketchy...

That's the guy who's currently missing on a drugs bender in the PTU ;)
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