Game Discussions Star Citizen Discussion Thread v12

Though my dad once did, it was christmas eve, -25c outside, we had ham in oven, and because lots of people staying at my dad's place, I and my brother sleeped in camper wagon. So cold that propane heater was not enough, needed electric heater of the wagon...and well when electric sauna went online, house main fuse blew out. And nowhere to buy new one. Well dad hammered a nail to through fuse, and closed down camper wagons electric heater untill we had bathed in sauna. Dad is electrician and told us that do NOT ever do what I just did :D
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New dreamcrafting video for this week...perhaps pick someone else to describe the completely non existent feature next time though. Thorsten is nice and all that...but talks like a programmer rather than a presenter :)

For those of you who didn't get that far into watching the vid... 😳


"Journey to 4.0"

Trademark by CIG 2015.
New dreamcrafting video for this week...For those of you who didn't get that far into watching the vid... 😳

The absolute worst thing (speaking as a soldier by profession) with allowing game developers to program any kind of military Ai is that they have absolutely no idea how anything 'military', be it systems, vehicles, ships or personnel, actually function independently or within a unit.
Horrible flashbacks to the aft Senior Rates’ heads on HMS Edinburgh about 20 years ago - the aft sewage treatment plant had issues, shall we say, and many a time I’d open the door to a deck of “bangers & mash” 🤢

On a couple of occasions I’d logged on to the system and had to do a nip & run when the ominous gurgles started - seeing the poonami erupting behind me as I got to the door let me know I’d made the right choice 😁

Hold on, have I come to the defence of Star Citizen? Bloody hell, I’d better go and buy an Idris!
Horrible flashbacks to the aft Senior Rates’ heads on HMS Edinburgh about 20 years ago - the aft sewage treatment plant had issues, shall we say, and many a time I’d open the door to a deck of “bangers & mash” 🤢

On a couple of occasions I’d logged on to the system and had to do a nip & run when the ominous gurgles started - seeing the poonami erupting behind me as I got to the door let me know I’d made the right choice 😁

Hold on, have I come to the defence of Star Citizen? Bloody hell, I’d better go and buy an Idris!
As the Falklands war kicked off and before the task force set sail, some herd of idiots in an office somewhere decided it was a spiffing idea to fit 8 of us pongoes into a diesel sub...there was an incredibly stupid plan formed, presumably over tea and scones, that we would be put ashore at night in rubber dinghies from the sub floating trimmed down just off-shore so we could head off and annoy the Argies until the main task force got there...obviously doomed to failure simply by adding 8 heavily armed squaddies to a small diesel sub in the first place.

So, off we went with all our kit from Ascension aboard the sub for a hastily arranged practice run or two...

Anyhoo, to cut a very long and inevitably disastrous war story short, the matelots on this here sub discovered that my mate (being 6' 7" and terrified of cramped spaces) was becoming more and more uneasy by the minute. Asking where the heads were, he was directed to the aft head just off the stokers mess with dire hushed warnings not to flush the head with the door closed as the pressure would suck him right out of the sub via the toilet bowl. Yeah, I know...but the BFG never was the brightest sparkler in the packet :rolleyes:

The horrified shouts from the stokers sat in the mess as he noisily and spectacularly did the business with his foot holding the door open was worth every bit of ribbing the matelots dished out to us for the rest of the (very) short and calamitous military blunder :D

The skipper unceremoniously threw us off the boat back at Ascension after a mere few hours when we stranded the sub on the surface for about an hour by accidentally inflating one of our dinghies in the for'ard escape hatch trapping 4 of us in there pinned to the sides of the small compartment by the dinghy like pilchards in a tin...last I heard from the skipper as we scuttled ashore was of him shouting at our C.O from the conning tower that given the choice of suffering his crew and his boat with "Bloody Pongoes" again, he'd personally sail down to the Malvinas and fire us up the beach from the for'ard tubes :oops:
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That pilchards scene is lodged in my head forever now 😁
Not nearly as much as it is on don't blow those 16 foot dinghies up with a foot pump like an inflatable beach pull a chord and it explosively inflates in under 7 seconds.... in a space not much bigger than a large shower cubicle already filled with 4 squaddies, their weapons and gear. Damned thing broke my nose and cracked my cheekbone when it went off 😶‍🌫️
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