Game Discussions Star Citizen Discussion Thread v12

Serious question - is box delivery a fun activity to do with your ship?

It could be. Same as people having fun in ED doing delivery missions or in Skyrim doing a "go deliver" quest.

Depends on the person and what they enjoy.

Perhaps a better question would be is box delivery a fun activity when having to deal with server crashes, clipping through floors, ramps of death, spinning ships of doom, (and just to please Asp) a total lack of sandworms.
Not angry at all. This whole charade has been hilarious and I don't want it to stop.
When it does come an end though, it's going to be magnificent.
Buy an Idris.
This is perfect!
Or not. I have never liked CR, since looking at Wing Commander as my brother was playing after having played Elite. What a joke. I hope ED has or gets enough funds to get to the original vision, I know they have the talent to get to it, with PG Earth-likes and all that. ED has spent like what folks? 120 GBP vs. 400 MUSD for SC? Unbelievable joke.
This is SC. “Better” always need to be read very relatively.
It no longer DDoSes the entire network. It no longer reports as malware. That's the level of “better” that you can expect from CI¬G software given a year or three of constant improvements.
Fixed: "Year or 8 of 'constant' improvements".
If its a relationship, its an abusive one.
Apparently, even Bored Gamer has learned this.
And his troop very un=professionally and madeningly were pitching SC to me at an FD funded Elite meet where the FD crew were so lovely and fun... it was very disapointing for sure.

Yes, Abusive for sure.
Apparently, even Bored Gamer has learned this.
And his troop very un=professionally and madeningly were pitching SC to me at an FD funded Elite meet where the FD crew were so lovely and fun... it was very disapointing for sure.

Yes, Abusive for sure.
Let me get this were at a meet organised specifically for fans of space games and then appear shocked that you met some random loonies? :unsure:
I don't think you concierge guys understand the struggles of the common citizen ;)
I am a common citizen and I don't struggle !

And you found one guy in 3.10.2 not retreiving his ship. Before this patch guys like him where many. After 3.10.2, guys like him are very few.
And for now the retreiving of destroyed ships works well. I've never bought an expensive ship before because I was afraid of loosing this ship. Now, since the last patch I've started saving money for a prospector.
Now, since the last patch I've started saving money for a prospector.

I am a common citizen and I don't struggle !

And you found one guy in 3.10.2 not retreiving his ship. Before this patch guys like him where many. After 3.10.2, guys like him are very few.
And for now the retreiving of destroyed ships works well. I've never bought an expensive ship before because I was afraid of loosing this ship. Now, since the last patch I've started saving money for a prospector.
In case you didn't notice...that one guy not retrieving his ship was me :)
Title of thread: Star Citizen Discussion

So I thought SC was going to have more than just fetch quests. From what can be seen on Twitch, spending 30min traveling to pick up a box isn't particularly entertaining game play, objectively speaking.
Without spending money, it's either box missions or basic pew since all of the other game loops (2) are locked behind a paywall...either small or large...but still a paywall. Admittedly buying ships in game is now an option but everything progress wise is all going to be wiped at Ci¬G's whim when moving from alpha to beta then release more beta meaning everything not bought for cash will go bye-bye.

You could join an org to gain free access to their extensive ship pool and graft away for them earning a paltry 30% of the profits from your sweat and toil of course...but that's not for everyone. Certainly not my idea of engaging gameplay...but I've never played Eve, so what do I know ;)
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Your picture is appropriate.
You post it to the second degree with irony. I accept it in the first degree because I can finally progress more safely than before in the alpha. I'm really happy that CIG has greatly reduced this big problem. Since I've found a way to save cargo from 30 K too, it's really the beginning for me with this 3.10.2.

[URL='']Xink[/URL] said:
Serious question - is box delivery a fun activity to do with your ship?
I love it but don't do a lot since 3.10.2. CIG have deactivated single delivery missions to ensure that everyone is testing a new type of mission with 3 chained deliveries. Therefore it multiply by 3 the risk of not be able to get your reward from bugs/30K. Also I have too little playtime to do a lot of them.
The roof deliveries are really entertaining. When the weather is pretty bad and you frost as soon as you quit your ship, struggling against the wind to reach the delivery box. And from time to time you find another ship to the delivery point. Sometimes it's a cool guy, sometimes you have to get the gun out.

@Mole HD : haven't noticed ! Cool from you to take time reporting bugs.
Your picture is appropriate.
You post it to the second degree with irony. I accept it in the first degree because I can finally progress more safely than before in the alpha. I'm really happy that CIG has greatly reduced this big problem. Since I've found a way to save cargo from 30 K too, it's really the beginning for me with this 3.10.2.

I love it but don't do a lot since 3.10.2. CIG have deactivated single delivery missions to ensure that everyone is testing a new type of mission with 3 chained deliveries. Therefore it multiply by 3 the risk of not be able to get your reward from bugs/30K. Also I have too little playtime to do a lot of them.
The roof deliveries are really entertaining. When the weather is pretty bad and you frost as soon as you quit your ship, struggling against the wind to reach the delivery box. And from time to time you find another ship to the delivery point. Sometimes it's a cool guy, sometimes you have to get the gun out.

@Mole HD : haven't noticed ! Cool from you to take time reporting bugs.
As former Evocati...I used to do it quite a lot. These days...not so much :)
Without spending money, it's either box missions or basic pew since all of the other game loops (2) are locked behind a paywall...either small or large...but still a paywall.
For the solo part, delivery box allow you to do some cargo, it's nice extra cash. And I do some investigation in caves missions as I can mine a lot in those. From time to time, I rent my service as miner on mole of others players.
But if I want quick cash, I can rent a prospector or a big cargo ship (but I have not enough playing time to make it profitable).
For the solo part, delivery box allow you to do some cargo, it's nice extra cash. And I do some investigation in caves missions as I can mine a lot in those. From time to time, I rent my service as miner on mole of others players.
But if I want quick cash, I can rent a prospector or a big cargo ship (but I have not enough playing time to make it profitable).

You rent yourself out to other players?
And you found one guy in 3.10.2 not retreiving his ship. Before this patch guys like him where many. After 3.10.2, guys like him are very few.

There are plenty of people reporting / confirming missing ships in 3.10.2:

Ship bought with aUEC in 3.9 still missing
Missing ship
No ships appearing and recoverable after an account reset.

That's the point. The problem hasn't disappeared, seemingly. It's just less wildly terrible than it was before ;)

And for now the retreiving of destroyed ships works well. I've never bought an expensive ship before because I was afraid of loosing this ship.

Again, the bug reports paint a different picture. The ship duplication bug is still very much a thing

Now, since the last patch I've started saving money for a prospector.

Cool. I will pray to the gods of regression so they shall stay their wrath. Enjoy it before the wipe ;)
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