Game Discussions Star Citizen Discussion Thread v12

Why have so many long term Star Citizen streamers switched to other games?
Because nothing shiny since several months ?

Getting trading those LTI tokens everyone. It's where the real game is at ;)
Yes, the real deal with buying ships with real money is in the LTI, not the ship. But this LTI cover only the base ship, not the components added/switched. Those LTI ships will have monthly cost.
I actually like that gameplay, but I like my games on hard mode. As long as its all in-game currency to rebuy it if lost. I'll never like the RW buying ships bit, it seems to have got out of hand beyond a simple KS type 'reward for pledging X amount' which should have been a fun enticement at the start. I'm also not sure if the players with their own ships at release will want to do anything but explore on their own in their own ship, not by joining a ship that needs 20 players or whatever it is. I can see those large ships being stranded for a while as everybody is doing their own thing first. I think its just getting out of hand / out of control.

The dubious thing about Lifetime Insurance in SC is that it's only available through cash purchases currently.

Like, admittedly the insurance system isn't turned on in the test universe at the moment. And the exact way insurance will work doesn't seem to have been nailed down. But that hasn't stopped LTI tokens from becoming this weird artifically-rare desirable. A daft incentive for those who want to buy the best of the best ;)
Yes, the real deal with buying ships with real money is in the LTI, not the ship. But this LTI cover only the base ship, not the components added/switched. Those LTI ships will have monthly cost.

It's still an edge though right? In theory. And one only obtainable through cash purchase?

Stats from twitch seems strongly fluctuants. The chart for ED.
Annotation 2020-09-07 152926.png
I can see lockdown effects & Fleet Carriers (beta & release) in that one, not sure what the other spikes are though? Could be the updates / patches/ bug fixes and people testing? Interesting.
It's still an edge though right? In theory. And one only obtainable through cash purchase?
Yes, those insurance can only be bought atm with real cash, and are indeed a real advantage for combat. When you'll loose your ship, the financial loss will be less than the players without LTI. I don't see pay2win in SC, everybody will have the ship he wants few months after release. But with LTI, you can say there is a sort of pay4discounts. But LTI will not reduce the claiming time (that will be huge on big ships) or the cost of component's insurance.
I think the thing I find most concerning is they seem to regard themselves as being in a personal relationship with a company. Do we need to invent a new psychological term for this phenomenon or does it already exist?

we could but its really just inventing new terms for well known and sufficient terms CIG style. Some of the conditions at work here are just not well known to the public eye in its extreme form so of course its like you are dealing with aliens sometimes. But go over the symptoms with a medical and he ll tell you exactly whats at play here, nothing about what you can observe is in any way "new" or "unique" or even deserves a new word like we r millenials who need to use words of their own for stuff that everybody knows ^^

.but I've never played Eve, so what do I know ;)

I ll be frank I m a bit shocked by this :)
Yes, those insurance can only be bought atm with real cash, and are indeed a real advantage for combat. When you'll loose your ship, the financial loss will be less than the players without LTI. I don't see pay2win in SC, everybody will have the ship he wants few months after release. But with LTI, you can say there is a sort of pay4discounts. But LTI will not reduce the claiming time (that will be huge on big ships) or the cost of component's insurance.

I think we can invent all the 'Pay To X' acronyms we like, but LTI is pretty clearly a paid advantage ultimately ;)

Just like bought credits (with no overall cap on holdings) are a paid advantage. (And a prepping advantage, for those who are into the arms race side of accelerating themselves to a point of dominance for launch, and maintaining that advantage.)

And your 'months after release' is speculative at this point. If whale cash remains the main income for SC (which is possible if they fluff the launch, via the soft launch that Chris has hinted at for example), then grind walls will be hiked as high as possible, to preserve the perceived worth of those items. (IE the 'I paid $1,000 for that and people can earn it in X hours?? You'll get no more money from meeeee!' effect becomes that much more impactful at that point).
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we could but its really just inventing new terms for well known and sufficient terms CIG style. Some of the conditions at work here are just not well known to the public eye in its extreme form so of course its like you are dealing with aliens sometimes.
Or they just like to play the alpha ?
I love it but don't do a lot since 3.10.2. CIG have deactivated single delivery missions to ensure that everyone is testing a new type of mission with 3 chained deliveries. Therefore it multiply by 3 the risk of not be able to get your reward from bugs/30K. Also I have too little playtime to do a lot of them.
The roof deliveries are really entertaining. When the weather is pretty bad and you frost as soon as you quit your ship, struggling against the wind to reach the delivery box.
See.. this is the kind of post I can actually glean details from:
  • The game is too unstable to play long enough to reliably complete one delivery mission, let alone three.
  • CIG doesn’t feel confident enough to balance risk/reward between mission types, and so removes some mission types to force players to engage with a new one.
  • Mission length is too long to reliably complete in a single session, and persistence is too unreliable or non-existent to complete between multiple sessions.
  • Weather effects looks like they have potential.
I don't see pay2win in SC, everybody will have the ship he wants few months after release.

If the game ever sees a release, then you may say what happens on release. As of right now, the game is the one players can actually play. Do not hold your breath on getting a "release" beyond that. What is release anyway - SC is at version 3.x.y already.

And it takes forever to earn ships with in game currency with just the starter package in the current game, after which the ship is lost on every patch. Assuming can even complete money making missions without hitting a game breaking bug.

If it wasn't obvious, this is incentive for people to buy ships with real money. Create artificial barriers to getting something in game, vs the easy method by just paying cash.

Do try to differentiate between dreams and reality.
See.. this is the kind of post I can actually glean details from:
  • The game is too unstable to play long enough to reliably complete one delivery mission, let alone three.
  • CIG doesn’t feel confident enough to balance risk/reward between mission types, and so removes some mission types to force players to engage with a new one.
  • Mission length is too long to reliably complete in a single session, and persistence is too unreliable or non-existent to complete between multiple sessions.
  • Weather effects looks like they have potential.

the challenge and task at hand is of course to describe it in a way that sounds "better" then your list. Yours isnt really making me want to sample or play this whereas a different wording might change the appeal. Its all about what you want to accomplish. Relay information or just make it look good.
I don't see pay2win in SC,

Aww... you were doing so well with your repostes to the replies until this bit.

Call it pay to progress then. Call it pay to skip playing. Pay to save time. Its all just a form of pay to win.

And we still don't know whether CIG will continue to sell stuff post-release. We do know they will sell credits post-release, so there you have it plain and clear, there will be P2W in SC even after release.
See.. this is the kind of post I can actually glean details from:
  • The game is too unstable to play long enough to reliably complete one delivery mission, let alone three.
  • CIG doesn’t feel confident enough to balance risk/reward between mission types, and so removes some mission types to force players to engage with a new one.
  • Mission length is too long to reliably complete in a single session, and persistence is too unreliable or non-existent to complete between multiple sessions
One delivery mission are stable for me. Globally for 10 missions, I can't finish just 1 of them. I don't want to spend time on missions with 3 deliveries, they take too long for my short playing time.

"CIG doesn’t feel confident enough to balance risk/reward between mission types"
??? CIG just want the testers to test what they have to test. It's an alpha, not a beta. It's common for them to deactivate missions.

"Mission length is too long to reliably complete in a single session"
The only one chained box delivery mission I've tested was a success.

"persistence is too unreliable or non-existent to complete between multiple sessions"
There is no persistence for missions. ATM you have to do your mission in one session, there is no saving of mission between session.
Yes, those insurance can only be bought atm with real cash, and are indeed a real advantage for combat. When you'll loose your ship, the financial loss will be less than the players without LTI. I don't see pay2win in SC, everybody will have the ship he wants few months after release.

Well we dissected that argument already and its not especially new in the video game industry. Lots of publishers tried to rewrite or invent new terms to circumven the much hated "P2W" descriptor. Doesnt change the facts but it helps to get a few more people into it or increase the tolerance treshold. Pay to skip the grind is the same as P2W, you want to give it less impact thats a personal choice but its P2W under its initial definition all the same. And the ingame advantages aquired through real life money are present and relevant and will not simply vanish once the game goes life because people who put in the money will start out "decked" compared to newbies who try to claw their way up. This might also be the main reason for people to sink money into this and not the much touted "I just want to support these guys". Thats an easy out given to you to justify the expense when "I want to be better then a newb" sounds bad even to you ^^

P2W exists in many games, some are absolute trash because of it (when the devs overdid it - most korean games fall into this category) others find a balance that allows them to glean additinal money from their playerbase without having everybody up in arms (Blizzard and Ubisoft are good examples). CIG could very well go the Ubisoft or Blizzard way regarding acceptance but the ingame advantages sold on their store are extreme so I doubt people will see 3000 dollar puchases as "innocent" as buying a mount in WoW or a shiny new skin for your gun even tho all of them are overpriced considering what you get in return.

The fact that you dont see P2W here is just like "I m having fun" saying more about you then it does about the fact. Because P2W is a fact in Star Citizen. We had a multiple discussions about the term itself and how people generally see it in the past so I wont bore you with repeating myself or others. But of course some people continue to claim its not. And you could very well say "its P2W" and "I m still having fun" like others do. Accepting reality doesnt mean you have to deny or hate SC. Sometimes people seem to miss this and thats why they refuse to accept the P2W term at all cost.

The most fascinating thing about Star Citizen to me is that we try to talk about cold hard facts and evidence and still come away with completely opposite views when viewing the same material. And its not because the material in question has multiple definitions or meanings. This isnt a language issue. This is like flatearthers or religious discussions where people look at scientific evidence and simply chose to apply their own meaning, justification or meaning in order to make "their" view the correct one. This thread started out as a platform to figure out whats what about Star Citizen. it has transformed into this epic tug-of-war between good and bad where each side sees the other side as bad and there are no rules anymore, just the message at the end is important. Insights from actual experts are dismissed and logical conclusions are ignored. Despite this any kind of supporting argument, regardless how weak, far-fetched or irrelevant/wrong it might be is grabbed and held to for dear life.

The Star Citizen phenomenon but this thread in particular has proven that you oftentimes deal with fanatics and it might be sad or a waste of time but its a fact by now. It gets proven every single day. This isnt known because some people say its fanatics. Its because the behavior demonstrated is fanatical so most people saying it come to that conclusion on their own based on what they read or see. I know this line of thinking has a high risk of moderation but the fact remains that many things about Star Citizen and what makes it tick or interesting is about its community by now. The game itself is a sideshow. There isnt anything new or interesting happening in SCs development anymore. Whats interesting or fun are the viewpoints of people, especially new ones to this thread who are not hardened or shaped by the thread itself. You and me are both following SC for years now. I cant tell you anything new about it you didnt know before. Neither can you. All the two of us can do is to exchange how we chose to interprete things that are identical for both of us. I happen to focus more on the negative while you do the exact opposite. The posts we trade back and forth, often going into really long-winded and elaborate posts only help to explain each others viewpoint better, make them understandable or to come to answers by logical conclusion or elimination process. After 8 years of watching experience and elimination process do play a role and I personally think CIG isnt coming away too good looking in this.

My conclusion is able to stand on its own supported by the gameitself and doesnt require a few pages of additional information or justfication to "shift" a bystanders perspective is all really.
Why have so many long term Star Citizen streamers switched to other games?

Dual Universe it gonna be taking a big chunk out of SC's twitch views. And Dual Universe is even buggier than SC at the moment. And wait until you guys get a look at the travel times. You'll be apoplectic. And oh my, there is only one system! What a piece of junk!
See.. this is the kind of post I can actually glean details from:
  • The game is too unstable to play long enough to reliably complete one delivery mission, let alone three.

I’m just gonna pick in on this one because I have experience with it. Most of the time when I play, I play to unwind a bit with a few beers and some smokes. Because of this, I usually just pick up a few of these missions. The interesting thing is that these missions are pretty local around one planet with the pickups useally on one moon. If you plan them right, youcan make some good extra cash buying and selling distilled liquors first and then switching up to whatever the mining stations sell. I useally make around 30-40k in one run plus the pay for the delivery. If it wasn’t stable for me, I wouldn’t pick up the cargo. I’ve had zero issues with them for now.

so, I don’t know how others their experiences are, but for me it’s stable enough.
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