Yes, those insurance can only be bought atm with real cash, and are indeed a real advantage for combat. When you'll loose your ship, the financial loss will be less than the players without LTI. I don't see pay2win in SC, everybody will have the ship he wants few months after release.
Well we dissected that argument already and its not especially new in the video game industry. Lots of publishers tried to rewrite or invent new terms to circumven the much hated "P2W" descriptor. Doesnt change the facts but it helps to get a few more people into it or increase the tolerance treshold. Pay to skip the grind is the same as P2W, you want to give it less impact thats a personal choice but its P2W under its initial definition all the same. And the ingame advantages aquired through real life money are present and relevant and will not simply vanish once the game goes life because people who put in the money will start out "decked" compared to newbies who try to claw their way up. This might also be the main reason for people to sink money into this and not the much touted "I just want to support these guys". Thats an easy out given to you to justify the expense when "I want to be better then a newb" sounds bad even to you ^^
P2W exists in many games, some are absolute trash because of it (when the devs overdid it - most korean games fall into this category) others find a balance that allows them to glean additinal money from their playerbase without having everybody up in arms (Blizzard and Ubisoft are good examples). CIG could very well go the Ubisoft or Blizzard way regarding acceptance but the ingame advantages sold on their store are extreme so I doubt people will see 3000 dollar puchases as "innocent" as buying a mount in WoW or a shiny new skin for your gun even tho all of them are overpriced considering what you get in return.
The fact that
you dont see P2W here is just like "I m having fun" saying more about you then it does about the fact. Because P2W is a fact in Star Citizen. We had a multiple discussions about the term itself and how people generally see it in the past so I wont bore you with repeating myself or others. But of course some people continue to claim its not. And you could very well say "its P2W" and "I m still having fun" like others do. Accepting reality doesnt mean you have to deny or hate SC. Sometimes people seem to miss this and thats why they refuse to accept the P2W term at all cost.
The most fascinating thing about Star Citizen to me is that we try to talk about cold hard facts and evidence and still come away with completely opposite views when viewing the same material. And its not because the material in question has multiple definitions or meanings. This isnt a language issue. This is like flatearthers or religious discussions where people look at scientific evidence and simply
chose to apply their own meaning, justification or meaning in order to make "their" view the correct one. This thread started out as a platform to figure out
whats what about Star Citizen. it has transformed into this epic tug-of-war between good and bad where each side sees the other side as bad and there are no rules anymore, just the message at the end is important. Insights from actual experts are dismissed and logical conclusions are ignored. Despite this any kind of supporting argument, regardless how weak, far-fetched or irrelevant/wrong it might be is grabbed and held to for dear life.
The Star Citizen phenomenon but this thread in particular has proven that you oftentimes deal with fanatics and it might be sad or a waste of time but its a fact by now. It gets proven every single day. This isnt known because some people say its fanatics. Its because the behavior demonstrated is fanatical so most people saying it come to that conclusion on their own based on what they read or see. I know this line of thinking has a high risk of moderation but the fact remains that many things about Star Citizen and what makes it tick or interesting is about its community by now. The game itself is a sideshow. There isnt anything new or interesting happening in SCs development anymore. Whats interesting or fun are the
viewpoints of people, especially new ones to this thread who are not hardened or shaped by the thread itself. You and me are both following SC for years now. I cant tell you anything new about it you didnt know before. Neither can you. All the two of us can do is to exchange how we chose to interprete things that are identical for both of us. I happen to focus more on the negative while you do the exact opposite. The posts we trade back and forth, often going into really long-winded and elaborate posts only help to explain each others viewpoint better, make them understandable or to come to answers by logical conclusion or elimination process. After 8 years of watching experience and elimination process do play a role and I personally think CIG isnt coming away too good looking in this.
My conclusion is able to stand on its own supported by the gameitself and doesnt require a few pages of additional information or justfication to "shift" a bystanders perspective is all really.