Game Discussions Star Citizen Discussion Thread v12

Sorry, misread your last sentence.

Starfield is going to be incredibly mainstream. If it was a single title it wouldn't get the same traction, but Bethseda have a long pedigree of making such games, so very well established and known.

So while you are probably right in that there will be some bleed over from SF to SC, i still think that its death by a thousand cuts for SC, as the years pass, and new games release, each offering something CIG has promised, but failed to deliver.
It will cling to existence until it implodes, because most games won't do the MP walk around in your ship thing.
I check in on the funding tracker every few days and i've noticed a trend the last few weeks that funding seems to be slacking off after last month's splurge. I generally check at roughly the same time to make sure i'm not skewing what i'm seeing based on timezones.

Suspect this month is going to be a low one. This is the lowest i've seen it in a long time, back to 2016-2018 figures.

View attachment 360368
Now that you have pointed it out, expect the spike to suddenly jump for no explicable reason.
That's not how the economics of it work, some people who discover SC absolutely ##### love it, perhaps for every 10 people who discover SC 1 loves it.

Even bad publicity is still publicity, it all draws attention to the subject, bad publicity can still make people with money to burn curious, and they might actually like it, some do. If anything some of the more extreme publicity can help it, they might expect i to be completely unplayable all the time, and often its very playable, so they have a better experience than they expected.

SC has a real appeal to enough people, despite all of its problems, that's why it keeps going and going for so long now that others have come and faded while its still going strong.

The number of people willing to tollerate a game that is in constant flux, with bugs, inability to play, and limited features, is probably a lot less than you imagine.

Of course, some will fall down the rabbit hole of dreams.txt, a lot of people have fallen for CIGs dreams. But most people want to play games where they don't experience frequent frustration.

You only need to look at most gaming forums where people lose their heads over even small bugs to understand how most people won't put up with CIG's never ending lies and excuses and ITS ALPHA lines.
To put it another way, and i think i mentioned this already not long ago.

Its like the Nigerian prince scams. They deliberately have mistakes in their English and other red flags because it filters out those with brains. Once you've filtered them out, you're left with those stupid enough to part with huge sums of money and blithely accept whatever they tell them and accept all the excuses, while doubling down on their investments.

No offence to you or Mole or others who are invested (I know how you can be critical and skeptical of CIG), but that's just how i see it.
It will cling to existence until it implodes, because most games won't do the MP walk around in your ship thing.

For all his faults CR's genius was realizing early on that was key.

Look what happened to EDO when David remarked ship interiors adds nothing, its boring" in response to CMDR's asking "erm? ship interiors?" A significant chunk of them turned up on CR's door step calling themselves ED refugees.

The number of people willing to tollerate a game that is in constant flux, with bugs, inability to play, and limited features, is probably a lot less than you imagine.

Of course, some will fall down the rabbit hole of dreams.txt, a lot of people have fallen for CIGs dreams. But most people want to play games where they don't experience frequent frustration.

You only need to look at most gaming forums where people lose their heads over even small bugs to understand how most people won't put up with CIG's never ending lies and excuses and ITS ALPHA lines.

I read and watch more than you know, i also have thousands of in game hours, am an admin of 3 org's, part own one of them, i know dozens of SC players, quite a few of them for many years and talk to new ones all the time.
Few understand this game and the people who play it more than me.
I'm still more interested in: The Increasing Disappearance of Squadron 42

This random guy is talking all kinds of speculative (he's very fuzzy on the numbers, and clearly talking about US norms)... But...

They have been taking a 50% tax cut from the UK government for developing business and software and they have nothing to show for it (sq42 were are you) once the lawsuit comes in from the UK government which is what I believe is happening but we won't hear about anything till it's out of discovery which wouldn't be till around December if I'm correct. But once the lawsuit was filed it might be sealed but they would have had to stop selling sq42....this lines up with companies I have worked for that have had similar issues with the law that cig does

...SQ42 disappearing due to Space Court V2 would be an amusing narrative twist ;)

(In retrospect, it's kinda fun that they immediately flagged Rhys-Davies doing mocap pick ups. Look! A British actor, in this quintessentially British game... ;))

(As an aside: The UK tax relief was 25% off 80% of expenditure, now up to 34% in a recent rejig of the rules. I guess it's possible they've done a scrutiny round at the same time ¯\(ツ)/¯ )
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The number of people willing to tollerate a game that is in constant flux, with bugs, inability to play, and limited features, is probably a lot less than you imagine.
Of course, some will fall down the rabbit hole of dreams.txt, a lot of people have fallen for CIGs dreams. But most people want to play games where they don't experience frequent frustration.
You only need to look at most gaming forums where people lose their heads over even small bugs to understand how most people won't put up with CIG's never ending lies and excuses and ITS ALPHA lines.
Always forgotting that the alpha is currently more enjoyable for a lot of people than other released games despite the bugs...
"some will fall down the rabbit hole of dreams.txt" when the average SC player pour hundred of real playtime hours in SC, is just sticking your head in the sand and not see the real reason why new peoples come to the game since 2 years.
Ohh man.. the rush of getting shot down on a cutlass black and running to the back while my friend scream to get to the back while he tries to keep it stable while one engine missing and falling. The explosion on the cockpit and me getting thrown around while trying to grab the chair to try to sit and have a chance to survive . It was so amazing I've never played a game like this before. Even with the glitches there is no other game like this.. period

As a former CMDR with 1500+ hours in Elite this video summed up my feelings perfectly. Made the switch to SC not long after the Odyssey debacle and haven't looked back since.

I had about 1800 hrs into ED Horizons. I stopped playing when Odyssey dropped, and have been playing SC since. I left ED with a fleet carrier, a dozen or so ships and 20 Billion in the bank. I just don't have a need to return. I'm now a concierge and fully support SC. Nice job laying out how me and many other players have journeyed.

I tried going back to Elite a few months ago and I just couldn't. It may be a complete game but there's less in it than even this alpha of Star Citizen. Some may disagree which is fine. But for me, it's a much better pick.
Of course, some will fall down the rabbit hole of dreams.txt, a lot of people have fallen for CIGs dreams. But most people want to play games where they don't experience frequent frustration.
SC is probably one of those games where they don't really care about the bad press - they're out hunting for whales. Only 2% of gamers are 'whales' - and SC is a game that is targeted those big spenders. As LA happily confirms :)

I had about 1800 hrs into ED Horizons. I stopped playing when Odyssey dropped, and have been playing SC since. I left ED with a fleet carrier, a dozen or so ships and 20 Billion in the bank. I just don't have a need to return. I'm now a concierge and fully support SC. Nice job laying out how me and many other players have journeyed.

You can see how much they value the other 98% by watching any SaltEMike Week In Review - it's always 'game is so broken now, but look at the shiny they promise one day'

Taking players from Starfield will be more problematic than taking players from ED - it's a proper AAA Bethesda game first, and a space game second, rather than another niche space game like ED / NMS. OTOH there will be a lot of them, so a few might stick. I've been surprised that none of the existing space games have even tried to attract Starfield players - not a peep. I guess ED and SC can't move fast enough, though they've had 18 months, but I was expecting NMS to make a move for those finishing Starfield. Maybe closer to launch.
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For all his faults CR's genius was realizing early on that was key.

Look what happened to EDO when David remarked ship interiors adds nothing, its boring" in response to CMDR's asking "erm? ship interiors?" A significant chunk of them turned up on CR's door step calling themselves ED refugees.

I read and watch more than you know, i also have thousands of in game hours, am an admin of 3 org's, part own one of them, i know dozens of SC players, quite a few of them for many years and talk to new ones all the time.
Few understand this game and the people who play it more than me.
I don't feel ED was built around having interior. It'd been a long shot to make it work after initial release. Compare SF - you start with legs and so you get ship interiors. You just don't simply add such a thing to a game, you design such stuff from the ground.
So whenever they ask for interiors in ED, that's asking the near impossible.
To put it another way, and i think i mentioned this already not long ago.

Its like the Nigerian prince scams. They deliberately have mistakes in their English and other red flags because it filters out those with brains. Once you've filtered them out, you're left with those stupid enough to part with huge sums of money and blithely accept whatever they tell them and accept all the excuses, while doubling down on their investments.

No offence to you or Mole or others who are invested (I know how you can be critical and skeptical of CIG), but that's just how i see it.
I am Nigerian princess in distress. Won't none of you valiant heroes save me?
Trep's '1 in 10 stay' is probably a fair guess as to how many newbies really set down roots in a buggy alpha.

After all, plenty of players bounce ;)

i watched a few videos, and got hyped up after playing alot of elite, i finaly wanted to try out SC, and from a new player perspective the last 2 hours i tried to play or lets say test the game, was absolutely horrible, actually unplayable, from missions not updating to basic functions like selecting destinations and or leaving the ship it feels like NOTHING works and no matter the scale of the game after 11 years of "progress" thats just inexcusable

Tried Star Citizen but it is broken, then tried Elite Dangerous to fill the spacesim crave, never looked back.

Thanks Roberts. I guess.

Tried Star Citizen but it is broken, then tried Elite Dangerous to fill the spacesim crave, never looked back.

Thanks Roberts. I guess.
A good one you found here. Keep it preciously because it's more the other way around

I backed SC on Kickstarter, got ED free on Epic Games. Couldn't paly ED for more than an hour, SC with all its faults has ruined me.

I've heard amazing things about Elite, and I'm sure if I really sat down and played it more I'd probably find things I fell in love with.

But.. I jumped into the game and not being able to at least walk around my ship just ruined the immersion for me.

I tried to get into Elite, as a much more stable and complete game but I just couldn't do it.

Star Citizen has completely ruined me for that game.

ED has a special place in my heart because it was the first game I sunk hundreds of hours into after a really long time away from video games.

The thing is, Star Citizen kind of ruined ED for me.
David remarked ship interiors adds nothing, its boring"
I don't recall that 🤔 Most ppl just keep pointing to the Kickstarter video where he mused about interiors appearing one day. Surprising if he changed his mind that much.

OTOH I do see some people complaining about Ship Interiors being pointless in other games ;)

Always forgotting that the alpha is currently more enjoyable for a lot of people than other released games despite the bugs...
"some will fall down the rabbit hole of dreams.txt" when the average SC player pour hundred of real playtime hours in SC, is just sticking your head in the sand and not see the real reason why new peoples come to the game since 2 years.

Ohh man.. the rush of getting shot down on a cutlass black and running to the back while my friend scream to get to the back while he tries to keep it stable while one engine missing and falling. The explosion on the cockpit and me getting thrown around while trying to grab the chair to try to sit and have a chance to survive . It was so amazing I've never played a game like this before. Even with the glitches there is no other game like this.. period

CR is a dreamer, he daydreams of being Han Solo in the Millennium Falcon, he wants to create that experience and is uncompromising in it, too uncompromising, its a lot of technical difficulty.

Pointing a beam at a rock and now you have ore is never going to be enough for CR, it must be an experience in its self, so its ends up being a mini game in its self full of high maintenance complexities, being thrown around in your ship with half of it on fire banging, shaking and sparking while under attack is also a very complex thing to achieve, if you don't have ship interiors you don't need to do it, but that will not do for CR.

Others are more about the meta play, XML's and spread sheets, rather than the physical experience, To me that's a rather dull and Germanic thing, its not for me, i'm also a day dreamer.
A good one you found here. Keep it preciously because it's more the other way around

You know the best thing about that anecdotal quote? It's from a site with aggregated user scores ;)


Probably a more useful tool for gauging SC's capture rate amongst interested gamers. Which was the original topic ¯\(ツ)/¯
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Not that CIG probably want to highlight how little they have delivered with how much they have raised , but the funding tracker should be at $600 million by then. I appreciate they have already crossed that with their external funding, but there is something about seeing it on the tracker page that makes me go wow .
Personally, it makes me wonder how… then I remember that old saying, “If common sense were really common, this world would be a much better place.” :(


Volunteer Moderator
Always forgotting that the alpha is currently more enjoyable for a lot of people than other released games despite the bugs...
"some will fall down the rabbit hole of dreams.txt" when the average SC player pour hundred of real playtime hours in SC, is just sticking your head in the sand and not see the real reason why new peoples come to the game since 2 years.
Some people liking one or the other game is fine.

The only thing I categorically cannot agree with is "there is more to do in SC than in ED" - that is a blatant lie and I have personally proved it by making a comparison spreadsheet on my Hussars Discord.

Fact: There is more things to do in Elite than in SC.
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