I was doing a bounty assessment contract over Microtech when my shields went down.
The pirates blew off one of my wings and I started to spiral out of control because I was no longer aerodynamic. Then they blew off the other and I realized that I could not get away, so I aimed towards the ground and impacted it in a crash landing. Then I bailed out and got a safe distance from the ship and the pirates blew it up. Next, I tried to arrange a ride off of the planet Microtech, but because it was an ice planet I was developing hypothermia, and I have 15 minutes to live. Finally, I found someone who was in the area, but the pirates were still flying around. He arrived in a Hercules Starlifter, which is a beefy cargo hauler, and tried to shoot down the pirates. We were running out of time though, so he had to land and get me on board as I had 3 minutes left. He landed about 100 meters away, and I began to hobble towards him as my vision blurred and everything was going black. I got on board, but because I was already so far gone, my condition was still terminal, and I needed a med bed. By pure luck he had a Pisces in his hanger, which is basically an ambulance, and as I had 30 seconds left, I made my way into it, and as I was passing out lay on the med bed. I immediately regained consciousness, and realized that my injuries were too great to be treated, so I told the pilot I needed to get to a hospital. He decided to take me to the Brentworth Care Facility, which was equipped enough to handle the tier two injuries on my arms and legs. On the way, the med bed was able to stabilize my condition, and I no longer had hypothermia, but because I was out for so long, I still had repercussions. For some reason, though, the pilot landed me about 200 meters in front of the garage. I decided to hobble my way into the New Babbage interstellar spaceport terminal and took the MT Hyperloop to the hospital. I hobbled up and got a room. I survived.
Star citizen may be buggy, but that experience is not possible in pretty much any other game.