Game Discussions Star Citizen Discussion Thread v12

Early access release is not gold release.
Whole "release" and "ready" are pretty hard to define things for a game as service type software. Any non-dead such kind of game gets updates, sometimes feature updates, sometimes major feature updates. It is not like pre-net days when game was written on diskettes or cd's and that was IT, its ready. For example Elite Dangerous nowadays is quite different beast than what it was when it was released. Likewise something like EVE, and so on and on.
Whole "release" and "ready" are pretty hard to define things for a game as service type software. Any non-dead such kind of game gets updates, sometimes feature updates, sometimes major feature updates. It is not like pre-net days when game was written on diskettes or cd's and that was IT, its ready. For example Elite Dangerous nowadays is quite different beast than what it was when it was released. Likewise something like EVE, and so on and on.
Chris Roberts did say Star Citizen will be a polished release game with no fixes or day one patch. Going by that the current state isn't release. I have to wonder if it ever will though. It's so future proof, its just that the future is infinite.
Chris Roberts did say Star Citizen will be a polished release game with no fixes or day one patch. Going by that the current state isn't release. I have to wonder if it ever will though. It's so future proof, its just that the future is infinite.
So you are saying that, according to CI, SC is a yet to be released, released game that is there only to test while being playable now?

Things couldn't be simpler and less shady.
A released game is a released game. Early Access or otherwise. There is no difference.
There is when a game is in pre-alpha. That's why you have no official review by the gaming press about the alpha of SC, because they also know that there is a difference, that you don't review pre-alpha because it's plainly stupid to do so. But I guess you know more than them :sneaky:
There is when a game is in pre-alpha. That's why you have no official review by the gaming press about the alpha of SC, because they also know that there is a difference, that you don't review pre-alpha because it's plainly stupid to do so. But I guess you know more than them :sneaky:
Okay its devoloping backwards nowadays. Alpha->pre-Alpha. Next stop is "playable demo"? What even IS pre-Alpha?
There is when a game is in pre-alpha. That's why you have no official review by the gaming press about the alpha of SC, because they also know that there is a difference, that you don't review pre-alpha because it's plainly stupid to do so. But I guess you know more than them :sneaky:
Yeah CIG should be really proud for staying in pre-alpha for more than a's almost like a guy who stayed in elementary school while everyone else finished their studies.....
I just wonder, on OS side something like alpha is still in flux and can get new features and so on. Beta is featurelocked and concentrates on bug smashing. Release candidate is very late phase beta, just needs some polishing, and release is "ready" version. But pre-alpha, it is something that may not run at all. Well perhaps CIG uses their own terminology for their tech-demo :D
Because it would be boring. If you look at the top 10 played games on Steam, they're all grief simulators with communities people say are "toxic" aka "drive players away" yet they absolutely dominate the industry without peer. Greed Grief is Good, and should be embraced.

For pay2win games though, grief-by-design has long been used as the motivating factor for getting people to pay. In GTA: Online, which imo is what Chris was thinking of when parting ways from the kickstarter version of the game, murderous players were sometimes called "Shark Card Salesmen" as getting murdered would encourage the victim to pay for a Shark Card (GTA:O's MTX) to one-up their adversary. Games like Lost Ark have full pay2win PvP between guilds where when you get beat the only way to stay on top is to pay more and reclaim your turf (some guilds spent over $100k to be king of the hill in a terrible game). Same thing with Black Desert Online where stats not skill decide fights and you can buy your way to those stats, and the game provides many stalking/griefing tools to help you get into money fights with a rival.

Marketing that plays to those feels pre-dates video games, what vidya brings is the ability to create situations that cause those feels. There was a whole era of "wimp gets sand kicked in his face, buys our product, stomps rival" ads, probably starting with Charles Atlas cartoons, as that feeling of being the wimp and being offered to switch sides and bully people for a few bucks drives sales. Apologies for the ant-sized text on this one, this is the most readable I could find:

View attachment 360909

I remember those ads in comics as a kid, as well as the Sea Monkey ones.
Chris Roberts did say Star Citizen will be a polished release game with no fixes or day one patch. Going by that the current state isn't release. I have to wonder if it ever will though. It's so future proof, its just that the future is infinite.

In the early days it was all about releasing a polished product from day 1. That it would contain everything promised for release upon release, and not like a certain other space game.

Then as things dragged on, the faithful forgot all about that, and the narrative changed to development as a service.

I think the thing they didn't realize was the only thing getting serviced was the Roberts' family bank accounts.
There is when a game is in pre-alpha. That's why you have no official review by the gaming press about the alpha of SC, because they also know that there is a difference, that you don't review pre-alpha because it's plainly stupid to do so. But I guess you know more than them :sneaky:

So it's 'pre-alpha' yet you'd have us believe the ship and equipment prices and earnings are always gonna be this way thus, to quote you, 'ships are easy to get so it's not P2W'. Therefore the earnings and prices of ships/equipment are at 'Gold 1.0' standard right now even though everything else clearly is not?

You mock Elite for releasing, having an ok run for a decade then fading away? That is what games do you spanner, most of them anyway. They are developed, tested, released then, with a few exceptions, they fade from consciousness. I've been gaming a lot longer than I'd care to mention but I can literally count on less than half of one hand the number of games I've played for more than a decade.

And before you go down the 'SC is still popular after 10 years' route please compare that 'popularity' to long lasters like World of Warcraft = SC is not even in the same ballpark in terms of numbers, game loops or expansions.

You seem to want your cake and eat it, sadly for you your cake has been in the oven well over a decade.
I've been gaming a lot longer than I'd care to mention but I can literally count on less than half of one hand the number of games I've played for more than a decade.

I'm the exact opposite my dear Theodrid. Most modern games I purchase, install, try out for a bit and then quickly go "meh" and onto archival NAS it goes, and then I boot up a true classic that brings gameplay and entertainment. And it's not just nostalgia - I've found there is more "fun" to be had in 6 player PVP Baldur's Gate than many modern titles can even hope to achieve.

Star Citizen is even worse - half the time interesting PVP is blocked by game rules, game mechanics, or the program simply not functioning as intended, or it's core network architecture falling completely apart. That is not fun.
I often wonder why more companies/games don't take Hello Games approach (for NMS), whereby each player can set whether other players fire can injure them, and whether their own fire damages other players. There's also a setting for making your bases industructable.

Then everyone can play as they choose, excepting perhaps one group... but tbh who gives a flat fig about people who's pleasure seems to be causing others' grief.

i wish they would do this in Call of Duty. I'm constantly getting griefed when im tryring to look around the maps.

I just want to explore damnit!@
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