Game Discussions Star Citizen Discussion Thread v12

Fair enough, BUY - 90% of new players will buy the cheapest Aurora package and will know nothing about how to play the game. 100 USD is already twice the cheapest game package. It doesn't have to be Pay Gazillions To Win. It can be Pay Twice the Starter Pack To Win.

Still - it is pay to win. If there is a wipe and a noob that now knows better has a goal to get into the cheapest meta build - he is still very much so suseptible to be tracked down and griefed by someone in a 75 USD small PVP boat package. Simply because that person paid 25 buck more to have an advantage.

Or is my logic flawed here?
Not flawed at all since the pursuit of pew is a very big (but small minded) factor in how many can, do and will play SC....and never get to looking much beyond it. Big ships, even multicrewed are fairly boring with most being suited to other pursuits, heavy fighters are an unnecessary expense when all of the best PvP fighters cost little more than a starter package.

Speaking as one of the bling barge owners, the general idea of buying ships for many of us is industrial on an org scale rather than the basic pursuit of pew... multiple cargo, salvage or mining ships escorted by some of the more expensive heavy fighters, all manned with crewed turrets tends to dissuade the casual trolls under the bridges and keep them to annoying newbies outside the orbital stations until they get bored.

That was the plan anyway, pity none of it will ever be realised.... so all that's left is to jump into the starter package troll ships and join in the fray :)
Did anyone played SpaceBourne2?It's very ambitious project basically created by only 1 play wise is kinda of what Star Citizen supposed to be....

Now imagine if this guy have even 1% of Croberts budget....
Yup, currently playing's pretty impressive. Infinitely more playable and far less bugs than star citizen...and this from one guy on a shoestring budget. I tried it initially to tide me over until September, and I'm finding it quite addictive... it's a great pity this will be one of the few early access game projects truly worthy of support that will suffer with the release of Starfield. 🤷‍♂️

Spacebourne 2 is currently 11 quid on Steam...well worth a look.
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Not flawed at all since the pursuit of pew is a very big (but small minded) factor in how many can, do and will play SC....and never get to looking much beyond it. Big ships, even multicrewed are fairly boring with most being suited to other pursuits, heavy fighters are an unnecessary expense when all of the best PvP fighters cost little more than a starter package.

Speaking as one of the bling barge owners, the general idea of buying ships for many of us is industrial on an org scale rather than the basic pursuit of pew... multiple cargo, salvage or mining ships escorted by some of the more expensive heavy fighters, all manned with crewed turrets tends to dissuade the casual trolls under the bridges and keep them to annoying newbies outside the orbital stations until they get bored.

That was the plan anyway, pity none of it will ever be realised.... so all that's left is to jump into the starter package troll ships and join in the fray :)
It is as if the life of a long-time SC player and their evolving relationship with the game is much more interesting than the official lore and world building :D
These content creators are such FUDsters. Honeymoon phase over, doomer phase kicking in


Its still an unreleased game in alpha state. You are TESTING not playing.

Someone want to tell him that it is released according to CIG's legal team. Also that people playing the game are actually playing it, since they used the word playing, not testing, in their letter to that refundian.
How I think it goes, pre-alpha is just a concept of software, something that may not run at all, or tech demo at best. When you get something that runs and has rudimentary basics together, you have alpha version. Basically Little Ant is saying SC is a techdemo :)
Yeah kinda...'tho it's more like when you have everything still in a "GREY" phase without a proper texture or anything and still as I said it's more a Dev gimmick then a proper term to gain you time and resources before you acknowledged that you start seriously working on a game but offcourse you can't drag Pre-Alpha status more than a few months at the top.....well srry you actually CAN do this even for more then a decade if you are CIG and no body account you responsible for doing it...
Technically, you can. There is no limit to how much you can voluntary spend on ARX, is there? :)
True. That reminds me, I am liking the latest liveries. How many ARX do you get for $5000? Not that I'd pay that, but some SC packages wow.

Good for you but we are a lot to be interested. If ED had real ship interior, SC would have collapsed x years ago.

Paying 135$ to fund a company that will give you a real immersive ship's pilot experience in a space game is a bargain for a lot of people.

I do have a running theory (which I keep reiterating more and more lately) that DB is highly invested in SC too, and CR promised SC would be in a good state by the time Odyssey released. Well, SC did have a free fly around then, but whatever hype there was for a big update turned out to be nothing. (DB, like any idiot, believeing CR again and again) All of a sudden, Odyssey is made to run badly (even though planets and everything else looked great in footage from before!) and caused lots of folks to jump to see what all the SC fuss was about. It makes me think DB and FDev are just holding back. It gives me the impression that at any time DB wants, he can drop a big ED update that has walkable ship interiors (since they're modelled already, no? FC's didnt have any place to walk around, till they just released an update yes?), seemless transitions (ala sitting in any chair in the galaxy which you can do now), replace the placeholders (you know, every pylon in a hangar has the same paint...aka why things dont look so different wherever you imagine each one, and everything else, fresh and different) and let SC sink by the wayside. But...he's just being nice and letting SC make their hundreds of millions by releasing nothing, instead of forcing their collapse.

But that's just conjecture, a fantasy that could be real, which is the same as SC's 4th star system. They have how many now? 2, one of which is incomplete and the other unplayable? Bravo!
Almost 50% views loss in 3 months. Wozers.

Wonder if this is just him or happening in general?

Either way pretty sure CitCon will “restore faith” with any odd shiny. Even if not in game for the foreseeable.

I wonder how much attention and expectation Starfield is taking from SC/Q. From what's been shown I can see how it would appeal to both SQ and SC camps to some degree, doubly so with CiG's glacial 'progress'.

Given that Starfield seems to be a comprehensive, coherent and mature delivery - although compared to SC/SQ what isn't - I'd imagine that a good number of space-game players (of all flavours) are looking forward to its release and, I'd imagine that come September, such current games will see a dip in player numbers.

As an aside, I appreciate that it doesn't allow players (yet) to fly or drive over planets, but rare is the game that has their success/failure based entirely on one feature (or the absence thereof).

It will be interesting to see what chaff is thrown in the air at CitCon. Expect payed cheerers in the crowd, whooping up a storm!
Yup, currently playing's pretty impressive. Infinitely more playable and far less bugs than star citizen...and this from one guy on a shoestring budget. I tried it initially to tide me over until September, and I'm finding it quite addictive... it's a great pity this will be one of the few early access game projects truly worthy of support that will suffer with the release of Starfield. 🤷‍♂️

Spacebourne 2 is currently 11 quid on Steam...well worth a look.
These low-headcount projects are telltale signs for troubled projects often. I have a hard time believing this was just one guy.
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