Game Discussions Star Citizen Discussion Thread v12

The lightning of the A1 ramp. Really cool.

Nobody denied that the artists can stick fancy shaders into their engine. They don't always do it in the right places, though. A readable HUD sells fewer ships than red lights on a ramp, I guess :)

You don't pass from a relationnal DB to a graph DB for the pleasure.

This is actually one field where CGI can bring true innovation to the world and not just re-invent things. The world-database tech does not really exist, yet. Some clever data scientists need to come up with new ways to store and index data to make a DB capable of all the features they need. Products exists for any 3 out of 5 attributes, SC needs all of them.

Chris Roberts inserted himself into the game directly as the founder of the in-game Roberts Space Industries and (i may be misremembering this part) the inventor of the first interstellar drive.

Would that be the "young and enterprising inventor named Chris Roberts" who will have founded RSI in 2038 "to alleviate some of issues of the day" (i.e. world peace and love) and will have "passed away in 2108"? Yes, he will have been going to bring the first Quantum Drive to market in 2075 but does not claim full credit for its invention. That will have been a Dr. Scott Childress.

Man, time travel really screws with grammar.

You don't have at least 30fps ? What's your spec ?

My 2080S (with Ryzen-5 CPU) reaches about 37fps max in general. I get ~50fps just staring at the ceiling but in other places it usually is worse. A streamer I like to watch often has less than that.
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To be fair, the ad for their movie engine looked pretty. I don't believe it was rendered in real-time but think of the potential for future AC holo-vids.
Unpersistent Test Universe announced...

For when 6 tiers of pre-pre-alpha testing aren't enough...

PS Pyro before 'Server Meshing' it is then 😁

We're excited to announce that on Tuesday, October 31, we'll open access to Pyro on the Preview Channel. We'll utilize a randomized selection process, pulling from Digital Goodies Pack owners, Concierge, and our most active testers, followed by our usual wave process. More details to come.
To be fair, the ad for their movie engine looked pretty. I don't believe it was rendered in real-time but think of the potential for future AC holo-vids.

Of course, CI-G have always been able to produce nice looking promotional content, sometimes even before there was product to promote!

Sadly however, there are still zero released products, wether promoted or not.
Can't watch the stream, so I'm just dipping randomly into the sub...

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