Game Discussions Star Citizen Discussion Thread v12

Again, I never said they have fulfilled the promise of having modding tools in game.
An I never said you did…my comment about the meme being on point was due the fact I had exactly the same reaction when I found out that a translation for a game made by a third-party can be indeed considered a Mod.

I'm fully used to being attacked and ridiculed in this particular thread for daring to speak good about CIG and praise them for something, so feel free to make more memes.

Do you genuinely consider my previous comment or that meme, that wasn’t made by me, an attack or attempt to ridicule you?
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Volunteer Moderator
Wait what? Please don't put words (or anything else) in my mouth. I never said that.

I said that it is not fair of them to not be clear and keep saying they will look into it for 10 years.

Apologies! But then it is extremely clear though. No Polish translation. From the moment the game is officially released it is what it is and what you see is what you get, i.e. no Polish. We are welcome to keep asking them by all means. We can also punish them in reviews, refunds or even avoid the purchase altogether. But the thing is very clear.

Anything else that comes after release is a free bonus, or a PDLC as the case may be. If Polish translation is to come FDEV will let us know. Until then it is extremely safe to get some well deserved closure and asume no Polish.

Also, just so to get back to the comparison with SC thing, FDEV is not selling Elite in Polish, at least not anymore since December 2014 (the incorrect information from the August Newsletter lasted 4 months). Unlike CIG who has been making us pay for over 11+ years (and still is) for a game which is supposed to have translations in French, German and Spanish among other languages and it is not only making us now do those translations for them instead, but also we have to pay for the privilege to do so. And some people are super happy with it. I mean, I have to admit CIG´s masterminds are geniuses.
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I could be wrong, but this "replication layer" test seems only to be a test of crash recovery and not a test of the replication layer being separated from the game server. LINK

Ok so yep, sounds like it. Still only single server shenanigans...

I'm just saying, this might be static meshing

@EVO It's not. this is a core component of the mesh but what you're testing today is 1 DGS per Shard.

@Wintermute-CIG Does that mean new tests tomorrow with 3 DGS?

that would be a spoiler

Pipeline very giddy over the server recovery...

What you see now during a 30K


VOIP and chat keep working
IT WORKS!!!! (takes a while though)

(Don't count your Picos just yet boys & girls ;))
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