Fdev did couple of community translations for Elite too
They also mainly developed the game on their own dime.
Fdev did couple of community translations for Elite too
Meh, I only spent a nickel on that.They also mainly developed the game on their own dime.
An I never said you did…my comment about the meme being on point was due the fact I had exactly the same reaction when I found out that a translation for a game made by a third-party can be indeed considered a Mod.Again, I never said they have fulfilled the promise of having modding tools in game.
I'm fully used to being attacked and ridiculed in this particular thread for daring to speak good about CIG and praise them for something, so feel free to make more memes.
Wait what? Please don't put words (or anything else) in my mouth. I never said that.
I said that it is not fair of them to not be clear and keep saying they will look into it for 10 years.
Been a while since I thought about AROS.. my mind was thinking about more about this when composing though.
I could be wrong, but this "replication layer" test seems only to be a test of crash recovery and not a test of the replication layer being separated from the game server. LINK
Code:EVO: I'm just saying, this might be static meshing Wintermute-CIG: @EVO It's not. this is a core component of the mesh but what you're testing today is 1 DGS per Shard. EVO: @Wintermute-CIG Does that mean new tests tomorrow with 3 DGS? Wintermute-CIG: that would be a spoiler
What you see now during a 30K
VOIP and chat keep working
IT WORKS!!!! (takes a while though)
star citizen is creature complete
So after twelve years of development they are finally able to restore the state of a single server after a crash, on a separate machine?
So after twelve years of development they are finally able to restore the state of a single server after a crash, on a separate machine?
Did anyone call for a slow-motion car crash?
the other person self destruct? from the clip thats what it looks like.
or the Amiga becoming a mainstream computing platform again. I think I'd choose the latter...
Maybe, but Berks wasn't threatening him or anything, and assumed desync collision. The way he's reversing down the motorway, bumper to bumper makes it seem pretty possible ¯\(ツ)/¯
person is red to berks. generally only get that by shooting at each other.
Crash testing may become the new QTing...
View attachment 374895
They should really get a chessboard in there...