Game Discussions Star Citizen Discussion Thread v12

Its funny though how they couldn't even make a small battlefield arena game and yet make grandiose claims about being able to make a game with thousands of players and persistence of objects.

It's obviously a lack of employees. If they scaled from 1,000 to 10,000 staff I'm sure the game would have launched by now. It's like Hello Games had to ramp up from 2 to 20 staff to launch No Man's Sky. But no, CRobbers has to scrimp and save on a shoestring budget. :p
Its funny though how they couldn't even make a small battlefield arena game and yet make grandiose claims about being able to make a game with thousands of players and persistence of objects.
They subcontracted it out too, so much for building the company. As of now, what can CIG do in house that is not Spectrum and taking money?
It's obviously a lack of employees. If they scaled from 1,000 to 10,000 staff I'm sure the game would have launched by now. It's like Hello Games had to ramp up from 2 to 20 staff to launch No Man's Sky. But no, CRobbers has to scrimp and save on a shoestring budget. :p
They're not done building their company yet, everyone knows that. It'll be another two years before development can really start.

Funny thought. I'm putting "refactor the game for new version of windows" on the Star Citizen excuse bingo card.
"Is the game real?", "Why are any of them 'playing' it?", so many questions.

This game is real ;)

People are using A1 bombs to fix the problem of them not being able to call for their ship

This is from*z6n0p4*_gcl_au*ODMxNDg1MDA2LjE3MjUwMjE0NjE.*_up*MQ
Get A1(yours or a friends)->Open Hangar Bay doors, get barely inside hangar and ready to pull out fast. Drop between 1-3 bombs(at the same time). While dropping bombs, run/fly up fast(so as not to blow up).
It is important this to be done by A1 bombs as, even though they are smaller than A2 bombs, the have a higher blast radius, force impact. Thus they will dislodge anything stuck under the hangar and hopefully repair the hangar.
Please keep in mind that this should be tested while having the hangar clean(no other debris).
If you do blow up while trying this, please use another ship with tractor beam to move the big parts after having the hangar repaired.
There have been a few people as well that confirmed this method worked for them as well.
This is only a temporary workaround as you are always prone for this to happen again after you get the hangar working properly.
I am now in that situation. I need to get an A1 and drop bombs again.
Because most of us can't get to our ships, the latest patch feels like
CIG: "we fixed hauling."
Player: "I still can't call for my ship, so I can't do the hauling mission."
CIG: "we fixed hauling."
They subcontracted it out too, so much for building the company. As of now, what can CIG do in house that is not Spectrum and taking money?

They're not done building their company yet, everyone knows that. It'll be another two years before development can really start.

Funny thought. I'm putting "refactor the game for new version of windows" on the Star Citizen excuse bingo card.

"The new Microsoft Windows API has so many fundamental changes, it is essential that we refactor several key components of the code, including server meshing which is in polishing phase, in order to properly utilize the netBEUI handshake protocols. This will add a near insignificant amount of time to development, but it is required in order to adapt our advanced framework to the Microsoft Windows environment."

Scary thought innit?


everytime disco goes on video, i remember the videos of todd howard with "sweet little lies" playing in the background.

And then this:

Got to admit, it must be pretty frustrating being the target of so many WHEN? question like a Finding Nemo seagull meme. He actually shows an admirable amount of restraint, given the position of relative power he's in.

I mean, i'm sure as a CM there are times you want to just tell the community to do something anatomically improbable... but the job of the CM is to be the face of the company and never ever lose your cool with the community, to never be snide about the community, to never disrespect the community.

Based on this, Jared sucks as a community manager, instead presenting a face that makes many simply want to punch it.

Scary thought innit?
At this point we all know that S42 has taken the majority of CIGs attention and resources for the past decade and it has more or less been entirely developed behind closed doors for 'spoilers' or whatever justification you want to make.
No, you don't know. You just know CIG absolve themselves by blaming an alleged SQ42 focus. Given CIG track record how can you trust their word when even what's exposed in plain sight isn't trustworthy!?

The thing is, I still want this project to succeed. I still want CIG and it's employees to succeed. I am more or less ambivalent about S42 but I still want that to succeed because a rising tide raises all ships (and I am afraid of what S42 being a flop means for all of us).
Yes, that's what CIG count - and has based their business model - on: your indefectible support AKA money. Normally you'd measure a product success on the product itself, here you're burning money in the hope the success materialize and the more the merrier. But the only success achieved is the business model's
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No, you don't know. You just know CIG absolve themselves by blaming an alleged SQ42 focus. Given CIG track record how can you trust their word when even what's exposed in plain sight isn't trustworthy!?

Thing is, they've flip flopped over the years on which project was getting the most attention. For many years the narrative was only the UK team was working on SQ42, with most of the effort going into SC.
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Volunteer Moderator
Thing is, they've flip flopped over the years on which project was getting the most attention. For many years the narrative was only the UK team was working on SQ42, with most of the effort going into SC.
Yeah, and I think the number of PU vs SQ42 focus flip flops is not insignificant. All the way back from the time before 2.0 in 2015. And if we could dig them all out I am pretty sure it would make for a fun short Camural or Golgoth’s video.

(Tuesday) Goals for the week: We are currently working on further stability hotfixes for 3.24 LIVE with plans to roll out server hotfixes throughout the week. We are also currently putting together a new build for a Tech-Preview RMQ/Meshing test later this week!

Looking forward to the meshing (y)
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