Game Discussions Star Citizen Discussion Thread v12

That's the 4th emergency ~3hr shutdown in 5 days then...


I am slightly amused by your comment that there's some sort of sour grapes thing going on here. Most of the folks on this thread could afford to buy Star Citizen if they wanted to. A lot of them were Kickstarter backers of the game

I like flying pretend spaceships. It's why I follow this thread. I will most likely buy Star Citizen once/if it ever reaches a playable state. But the reason for my doubt is that I've watched the development of SC for over ten years. I've seen all the naughty stuff Chris Roberts and Sandi Gardiner have done over that time, and so I'm not exactly brimming with confidence that they've changed their tune

Talking about doubts, do you ever get that niggling feeling at the back of your head that the only reason they are still wiping saves after all these years is that it gives an incentive to players to buy the more capable spaceships with real-life actual money?
Whilst not a Kickstarter backer , I did pledge in 2013 (Colonel Package If i recall) , I gave things a go for while but became a Refundian three years later.

I am disappointed with CRoberts/CIG more than anything, I am basically still waiting for the game I (and others) originally pledged for. I appreciate that that ship has well and truely sailed, but the simple fact for me is nothing I have seen in the 9 years that has passed has made me want to jump back in.
How much time do you spend to make these screenshots?
I can't even get my ship out to see if its doors open today. :-(

I've found that most of the super cool/interesting/realistic screen shots of SC that get posted around are made to be as enticing as possible, they scream "look at how cool all this is!". Staged, set up, fettled with and absolutely no reflection of the game or gameplay, just a cherry picked screen grab of the end result while the reality is that of a broken, buggy mess of too many ideas and not enough thoughtful execution.

It's almost stealth marketing where the actual product has little in common with the brochure (screenshots). In fact, I reckon a lot of the cool looking screenshots should have a disclaimer in the corner that says "Contents contain jank", "Not to scope", "Contents definitely differ", and "Image not similar to product in any way". Whole thing just makes me laugh these days, if the day ever comes where people stop throwing money at this, it'll shut down and vanish so fast that most people won't know what happened regardless of "progress to completion".
An interesting burner account cropped up on Reddit a month back. Claiming to be an ex CIG dev:


Yup, just stuff they gave us over the years, dont want to keep any of it

They've had some interesting things to say over that month. Familiar themes, to be taken with the usual shovel o' salt. But interesting ;)

On code 'black boxes' and outsourcing:

The code has definitely become a black box for them... When their partnership ended with the previous facial anim company, CIG was left with the code that ran the facial animation. They literally called it the black box as they had absolutely no clue what it did. They knew what to push into it for it to spew out what they needed. That was all tho, when they wanted to update or change something, they couldn't as they had no clue how.

On Junior Seniors....

Because they lack the basic knowledge and experience of producing a game. Something like this is an easy win, for CIG however its something that needs the next type of god tech to be able to get implemented. All because they believe themselves to be doing something no other studio has ever done or would be capable of doing. So they refuse to take note of others doing what they need. No experience overall, devs with only graduate experience and directors with junior level experience results in the show you are witnessing.

On CIG tech and industry rep:

Dont worry, there is absolutely no tech at CIG that any other developer would care about. Most of it is outdated by a decade or just badly coded/designed. CIG is a running joke in the gaming industry. That is if they even ever heard of them... But hey, they are disrupting the industry with their groundbreaking games

"leaving a company that will continue to surprise and disrupt the games industry" - just not in a positive way. Nobody in the industry is surprised or disrupted about anything they do, most dont even know about the existence of CIG.

On CR and family living in the UK:

He moved to the UK with his family, massive house there as well, not sure if its rented
I can tell you with absolute certainty, they all live in the UK. They have a house there. Which is also the reason why most of the higher ups had to move to the UK. (Note MOST, some had special deals) CR and family obviously travel a lot to escape the bad UK weather... Lavish travels to big capital cities in Europe. CR being in the UK makes no difference on sq42 anyways, if anything it made things even worse for the production schedule.
Edit to add the following: The decision making marketing team is also in Manchester, including Sandi.

On dev count:

Actually its still above 1k as of today

And just some sass ;)

This is the kind of post I would expect to read about a game that only recently got developed by an inexperienced developer testing their latest build with the help of the public in ironing out the latest bugs before the actual release because they dont have budget for big QA testing. Then you realize this post is written about a game that has been in development for way over a decade with the budget of multiple AAA-projects.

Potential only on paper... Sadly, anyone can just spew out ideas, claiming it will revolutionize the industry. Not happening with CIG
Had a quick look, and there are a few guys selling employee merch on ebay at the mo. (Which is what the above account was advised to do).

This fairly anonymous new account was the most interesting.

Star Citizen - employee gift - Microtech glass globe. And signed postcard (CR)​


Mainly coz of the daft polygon blurb on one of the bits of tat ;)

The polygons bit.PNG

(But also because they were asking for £357 😁)
Had a quick look, and there are a few guys selling employee merch on ebay at the mo. (Which is what the above account was advised to do).

This fairly anonymous new account was the most interesting.

Star Citizen - employee gift - Microtech glass globe. And signed postcard (CR)​

View attachment 417408

Mainly coz of the daft polygon blurb on one of the bits of tat ;)

View attachment 417407

(But also because they were asking for £357 😁)
Think they've missed out a decimal point in that number somewhere :whistle:
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