Game Discussions Star Citizen Discussion Thread v12

His vision most definitely includes them. He's not going to have much of a view from the back of his boat without them....
He's already spent their contribution so they aren't of any import whatsoever. Everything Star Citizen is tied to being an online marketing and sales outlet...from the roadmap (old and projected) keeping the sales hooks in the buyers to the constant and very blatant advertising videos as well as everything coming out of Chris Roberts mouth... these oft regurgitated but never realised 'visions'... are all doing exactly the same thing. Projecting and promoting sales.

If you're not spending new cash on the dream, you're yesterdays news.

Star Citizen 'The Game' only exists in backers imaginations...Star Citizen 'the marketing franchise' is the reality supplied by Ci¬G. They're selling dreams.txt, not a game.
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You sound very disillusioned there Mole. Never mind the Great Battles Hurricane is in final testing and might be released next week :)
I haven't ever been a dyed in the wool dreamer when it comes to either playing Star Citizen...or supporting it. Seeing the reality behind the monstrosity doesn't stop me playing and occasionally enjoying it for what's there...but my days as a dreamer are pretty far behind me :D

Can't wait for the much as Desert Wings filled the gap for me in the meantime :)

they are though, that dreams.txt theorycrafting vid SaltEMike did with the high rollers showed that, they are so far away from the normal its untrue. One said they knew someone who had spent $150,000 on JPEGS so far. they have their own 'world' within SC with their own clubs where they post fleets and just theorycraft with no worry about the money. Strange as it seems, $45 to the average person will mean a lot more that $150K to a millionaire, as will waiting 8 years to get that yacht or mansion built or whatever it is.

one guy was buying his kids JPEGS if they did well at school, one learned to type at 40wpm to get some ship or other (that was a few hundred $ Im sure of it). One said they have all 3 gaming platforms and consoles set up side by side on 5 massive screens in one room so the family can play together, and they all have ipads and iphones etc etc Different world. I know a world where people pay $10K to enter a tournament, where a photographer charging $9 doesnt make as much as photographer charging $50 coz thats one bill to hand over and its easy, the amount doesnt really come into it. Different world but it does exist and CR has tapped into it. If he ever opens an office in Vegas he'll cream it in.
For a certain value of "easy"

Its very buggy but still very usable... erm?

Quote: "We will take all the time necessary to ensure backers receive the best possible quality and performance"

This isnt a quote for the release product in case somebody wants to jump in with "but its alphaaaa" and "they are tesssssting". Roberts said this to explain or excuse the long waiting times for alpha patches. Obviously all 600+ people at CIG are working overtime, unable to meet delivery dates because they are making sure bugs and glitches are squished and frames are smooth.....something doesnt pan out here.

Hey, maybe there's something to dig here : if playing on open is a nightmare, citizens will probably open their wallet furthermore so CIG implements dedicated servers?

Private servers COMING BACK but will cost extra. I can see CIG going for this, whatever marketing gig other companies are crucified for...CIG will be praised and celeberated instead ^^

It is a game and CIG need to simplify some things or only a handful of hard core survival type players will play it. already is a "game" for the hardcore survival types. Active players/backers/testers need to have an extraordinary level of patience, acceptance, goodwill, thick skin. The way development goes it doesnt look like any of the current issues will get any easier. It rather looks like CIG is waiting for the existing people to get used to the current state of the alpha before they further bark it up more at which point they go back to waiting until the people stop whining. So once Star Citizen releases to the broader public you ll have the conditioned, hard-core tested by fire and brimstone over years compared to the newcomers who have rose tinted baby skin...the first few weeks after release will be EPIC ^^

You sound very disillusioned there Mole. Never mind the Great Battles Hurricane is in final testing and might be released next week :)

You know I am sad for people like Mole yet also glad that there seems to be sane and mentally sound people around :D

they are though, that dreams.txt theorycrafting vid SaltEMike did with the high rollers showed that, they are so far away from the normal its untrue. One said they knew someone who had spent $150,000 on JPEGS so far. they have their own 'world' within SC with their own clubs where they post fleets and just theorycraft with no worry about the money. Strange as it seems, $45 to the average person will mean a lot more that $150K to a millionaire, as will waiting 8 years to get that yacht or mansion built or whatever it is.

one guy was buying his kids JPEGS if they did well at school, one learned to type at 40wpm to get some ship or other (that was a few hundred $ Im sure of it). One said they have all 3 gaming platforms and consoles set up side by side on 5 massive screens in one room so the family can play together, and they all have ipads and iphones etc etc Different world. I know a world where people pay $10K to enter a tournament, where a photographer charging $9 doesnt make as much as photographer charging $50 coz thats one bill to hand over and its easy, the amount doesnt really come into it. Different world but it does exist and CR has tapped into it. If he ever opens an office in Vegas he'll cream it in.

Well in other corners of the internet there is a heated argument going over female streamers who receive money/donations for basically breathing and utilizing their born advantages which under twitch/Youtube shouldnt be allowed..but somehow is. At the center of the argument are not the content creators but the people empowering/enabling them. Kind of like Star Citizen where the alpha itself has stopped being the main focus and the community is where you get what you want. These other areas (there are more btw...) demonstrate very clearly how there are many many people in the world who command more money than common sense or are willing to pay hard real cash for a few minutes of attention or fame. How it all works eludes me but it does work. What you describe sounds like more of the same.
Quote: "We will take all the time necessary to ensure backers receive the best possible quality and performance"

This isnt a quote for the release product in case somebody wants to jump in with "but its alphaaaa" and "they are tesssssting". Roberts said this to explain or excuse the long waiting times for alpha patches. Obviously all 600+ people at CIG are working overtime, unable to meet delivery dates because they are making sure bugs and glitches are squished and frames are smooth.....something doesnt pan out here.

Private servers COMING BACK but will cost extra. I can see CIG going for this, whatever marketing gig other companies are crucified for...CIG will be praised and celeberated instead ^^ already is a "game" for the hardcore survival types. Active players/backers/testers need to have an extraordinary level of patience, acceptance, goodwill, thick skin. The way development goes it doesnt look like any of the current issues will get any easier. It rather looks like CIG is waiting for the existing people to get used to the current state of the alpha before they further bark it up more at which point they go back to waiting until the people stop whining. So once Star Citizen releases to the broader public you ll have the conditioned, hard-core tested by fire and brimstone over years compared to the newcomers who have rose tinted baby skin...the first few weeks after release will be EPIC ^^

You know I am sad for people like Mole yet also glad that there seems to be sane and mentally sound people around :D

Well in other corners of the internet there is a heated argument going over female streamers who receive money/donations for basically breathing and utilizing their born advantages which under twitch/Youtube shouldnt be allowed..but somehow is. At the center of the argument are not the content creators but the people empowering/enabling them. Kind of like Star Citizen where the alpha itself has stopped being the main focus and the community is where you get what you want. These other areas (there are more btw...) demonstrate very clearly how there are many many people in the world who command more money than common sense or are willing to pay hard real cash for a few minutes of attention or fame. How it all works eludes me but it does work. What you describe sounds like more of the same.
At a remembrance day function a few years ago...thankfully one of the few times I've had occasion to drag my medals out of a box in the attic to wear...I was approached by some hapless idiot who offered me a 4 figure sum on the spot for a choice couple of them. It not only surprised, but strangely offended me... considering I don't place any value, either emotional or monetary on the collective bits of tin. I'm actually quite embarrassed and self conscious about wearing or displaying them in public. No idea why...since I supposedly earned the right to wear them in a previous life.

Quelling the initial urge to give the person a hearty slap, I suggested that should he go out and do something noteable besides showing his ignorance and profound disrespect, I'd give him all of them for free.
There are just some things that no amount of money can buy, a concept that this particular person had no understanding of..

As for the medals, they might look all shiny and pretty pinned on to my ill fitting suit...but to be honest, I'd trade the lot of them for a decent nights sleep. To me, they're just a physical reminder of dead friends and belong in the box in the attic along with the photo albums of that other life..
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We used to have a saying when playing Rainbow 6: Rogue spear or Ghost Recon multiplayer, 'Only the dead can talk'....since when you died there was no respawn and couldn't chat to your team mates. You could watch the rest of your team finishing the mission through follow cams but you could only chat to other dead players...stopped folk cheating by spotting enemies for their live team mates.

It was a harsh system...since if you died right at the start of the mission/map it meant a serious amount of time just watching. It certainly made folk less prone to doing a Rambo and encourage working as a team...but that was Tom Clancy games with clans of MilSim players and not Star Citizen with a player base consisting of a lot of Mr Angry randoms and groups of 3 teenagers who all met the day before and imagine they're an org.

Rogue Spear, I have some warm memories of that. NPC's were superaccurate shooters, and upping difficulty level just upped their speed of target acquisition. They nearly always headshotted player. Personally at least on single play I liked more of SWAT3. Npc's could panic, and main aim was to arrest criminals rather than outright kill them.
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To me, they're just a physical reminder of dead friends that belong in that box in the attic along with the photo albums of another life..

Have you thought about donating them to a museum if your kids dont want them? You should be able to attach a message or description.

I have a medal from 1916, 'Lost at Sea', a thin tinpot thing, its all I have, its all his wife got. They needed the metal at the time as you probably know. I used to think it would have been plastic if they could, but they couldnt so its as thin as possible and its all I will ever have.

As a historian I always think we need more history from the normal people, especially the ones who didnt make it and their stories should be told and recorded somewhere if possible, if their friends can do it for the future generations so that we do 'never forget'

I hate seeing medals in particular at car boot sales and such. Their story and hopes and dreams are potentially lost forever, along with the ones who didnt make it, I wish they were more apparent in history.
Have you thought about donating them to a museum if your kids dont want them? You should be able to attach a message or description.

I have a medal from 1916, 'Lost at Sea', a thin tinpot thing, its all I have, its all his wife got. They needed the metal at the time as you probably know. I used to think it would have been plastic if they could, but they couldnt so its as thin as possible and its all I will ever have.

As a historian I always think we need more history from the normal people, especially the ones who didnt make it and their stories should be told and recorded somewhere if possible, if their friends can do it for the future generations so that we do 'never forget'

I hate seeing medals in particular at car boot sales and such. Their story and hopes and dreams are potentially lost forever, along with the ones who didnt make it, I wish they were more apparent in history.
I've donated my fathers decorations to the military museum...same with my grandfathers. They'll no doubt get mine when I pop my clogs. My kids all have their own momentos of service, both my sons and my eldest daughter are veterans, both sons (twins) are ex paratroopers and combat veterans of Afghanistan and Syria, my daughter as an ex aircraft systems engineer with the RAF having served a couple of active tours in both Iraq and Afghanistan...even my wife has her own set being an ex RAF air traffic controller, she has a NATO campaign medal with bar from Cyprus and the Balkans... plus a GSM with 3 bars from active tours in Northern Ireland and a South Atlantic campaign medal from a posting to the post war Falkland islands.

You could say it's a family madness :D

I have a fond memory of my wife almost getting into fisticuffs with a retired Army Major when he stupidly assumed she was wearing her husbands decorations out of respect.... "No." She said, "He's got plenty of his own...he's the chap over there with the chest full of ribbons that your wife is sucking up to."
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And this...
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My take, even if you bring buddies, that sniper will take everyone down, hell, they might even just launch a rocket at the ship as it is landed. Or anyone coming out to rescue people might get sniped. If the sniper is good, they won't just get 1 kill, they will get multiple, and then they will proceed to gib the bodies to make sure the maximum death penalties apply.

DOASM is really a greifers wet dream.

And some of the replies are really hammering home how SC is not going to be a game for solo players to fully experience, at least in their heads. Play in groups, be an org member, or get ganked. That seems to be the message. Which also translates as, forget casual play. Be online when your org mates are online. Schedule your raids... erm, activities.

Snipers repeatedly taking people out in a "safe" area isnt really a concern. Even taking out one person at 2km is a bit much. Did you watch the clips of it? Takes multiple hits to someone sitting completely still. Move around a little bit and it isnt going to happen.

Add to that getting a crime stat after the first kill. It should change but as it is now, the sniper is a sitting duck with an ingame marker that leads you right to them. Just take the pvp bounty hunting mission against em and they are screwed. Any ground based activity with a crime stat is somewhat suicidal.

Even if you dont want hunt down the sniper, you get markers for the wanted players and know where not to go. However, this is too much effort for most players.

DOASM as they are talking about it now is a wet dream for suicide ganking though. :ROFLMAO:

Gotta have that alt you don't really care about.
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