Game Discussions Star Citizen Discussion Thread v12

I watched an hour of Cohh* playing CP. I didn't see him having any problems. I bet there are bugs, but it wasn't falling all over itself.

*Cohh is in the game
Several reasons.

  • trying to figure out if its the right game for me
  • waiting for bugs and issues to be resolved
  • 60+$ is the top end of what I m willing to pay

So me watching streams doesnt mean I m not gonna play it. It allows me to compare SC and 2077 on the same level tho. Why exactly is that "sad"? I get why you posted this but do you even notice how sad it makes you in this scenario? When you dont have anything to post other than weak trolling attempts teasing and belittling people trying to provoke a trigger? I mean thats your agenda right? At least it looks like that from my point of view but I could be wrong. I mean you dont even try to hide it :)

I don't know if you've noticed, but I've been here for quite a while (2013-ish). The knee-jerk reactions on SC in this thread give a bad name to this community. If you notice that people spend hours on hours every day watching streams and hunting for bugs in video clips trying to discredit a game in alfa, yea, that's pretty sad. At least play it if you have such an outspoken opinion on the game.
I'm playing it tonight on a PS5, but honestly you're probably better off waiting until the first major patches roll out or even the first big DLC. CDPR's games on release are notoriously buggy but they do invest a ton of time fixing them and making major quality of life improvements. I don't have high hopes for the multiplayer portion of the game, but who doesn't want to get in on those sweet billions GTA Online brings in?
Yea, well, I'm waiting on my PS5 first, they are still all sold out here, so I think I'm good :D
Huh okay, I do watch streams on various games so maybe I have a different view. Its not "watching other people play video games" because yeah, I pretty much dont get that either. So I watch a few World of Warships streamers because they are entertaining and listening to them is on the level of listening to radio to me. I can relate to what they say and understand what they are doing so theres a connection but I usually leave them in the background listening. Anyway thats for entertainment purposes. When I actually watch streams I do it to figure out something. I usually chose low pop streams because that allows me to get a question in thats actually gets answered too.

Right, I think I understand a little better now.

Looking for a review that gives me an impression/idea about a game. Watching a stream to get an impression/idea about the game. Why is one of these "okay" and the other "sad" when its the same exact thing? The stream option even allows me to ask questions of my own or address issues or topics the review doesnt go into. So me watching a stream for an hour makes me "sad" and all the people (thousands) who watch Star Citizen streams...they are not? Because.....I dont actually dont know probably would be more qualified to answer that....or ArAsH.

Firstly, cool your jets. I didn't say it was 'sad', just something I personally didn't 'get', and that is an opinion I'm entitled to have. At the risk of sounding pompous, my time off when I can game is limited at best, so I personally don't see why someone would watch a stream of any game, or a hour long 'dev diary' type thing (such as the ones FDev are pushing out now they want to hype up Odyssey) at my computer when I could in fact be playing a game right there and then.

I think its important to note: at no point have I said that somehow SC Stream watchers 'get a pass' so to speak for my view. That's you projecting a bit I think there.

Do you watch sport events? Does that make you "sad" because you could play soccer (or x) yourself? If the question was serious it boggles my mind as to the level of double standard demonstrated. Or the inability to think something to its logical conclusion before speaking (thats usually not a problem when posting). And if its a weak trigger attempt I guess I reacted accordingly :)

When you read the above paragraphs, I think you'll realise that's a bad comparison in regard to my view I just put forward.

The reason I don't 'get' people who obsessively watch streams/pour over every dev video is that I'd be doing that at my PC, with a decent internet connection, which is where I would be gaming. Using your analogy, it'd be akin to me standing on the pitch with 21 other people and my phone out trying to watch a game on it.

Obviously people paying thousands of dollars for pixel ships that might not even exist at this point is A-okay. Its peoples money and they can do whatever they want. But it seems I dont have the same right regarding my free time or choice of activity, got it :)

Again, at no point have I said any such thing. Putting aside the pixel ships comparison, I've not at any point said its 'wrong' or what not. Just something I didn't 'get' (as a side bar, I don't 'get' dumping £1,000s of pounds into a computer game either).
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I don't know if you've noticed, but I've been here for quite a while (2013-ish). The knee-jerk reactions on SC in this thread give a bad name to this community. If you notice that people spend hours on hours every day watching streams and hunting for bugs in video clips trying to discredit a game in alfa, yea, that's pretty sad. At least play it if you have such an outspoken opinion on the game.

1) He was talking about Cyberpunk primarily, so your snipe came across as both bizarrely unrelated and a desperate reach for grounds to insult.
2) Most of the criticisms in this thread are actually pretty lengthy and considered, rather than knee-jerk.
3) The mainstream gaming take on SC is pretty in-line with this thread’s. ('Wouldn’t it be great if it was great, but it appears to be a poorly-managed, ruthlessly monetised, serially-delayed, mess'). Watch some random streams and you’d know this ;)
4) It’s hard to see how being in line with the broader gaming community could give anyone a bad name in the broader gaming community.
5) Your own posts are absurdly knee-jerk, and cast the SC community in a bad light. See point 1) ;)
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1) He was talking about Cyberpunk primarily, so your whole post run comes across as an unrelated rant, designed to shoehorn in insults.
2) Most of the criticisms in this thread are actually pretty lengthy and considered, rather than knee-jerk.
3) The mainstream gaming take on SC is pretty in-line with this thread’s. ('Wouldn’t it be great if it was great, but it appears to be a poorly-managed, ruthlessly monetised, serially-delayed, mess'). Watch some random streams and you’d know this ;)
4) It’s hard to see how being in line with the broader gaming community could give anyone a bad name in the broader gaming community.
5) Your own posts are absurdly knee-jerk, and cast the SC community in a bad light. See point 1) ;)
You should read his original post again
Expecting a game of enormous scale and depth like SC to not be buggy in alpha is foolish. ;)
LoL. Let's see the scale of SC. Just a few early 2000's sized FPS maps, scatted around one single system. Tell me what you can do in Area 18. And how much time you get around the whole content there, including the entirely inactive NPCs, the completely buggered barmen, and the 1 or 2 fixed scripted mission givers that have a handful of missions at all.
Or lets see the one and only surface (or should i say, subterranean) FPS mission. It's again, an early 2000's sized FPS game map with 2 levels, entirely passive and brain dead NPCs, and you are in and out in about 15 minutes. In terms of interaction or gameplay, that's all there is to it. That the entirety of the scale here. Do you really want to get into a comparison here ? Do you really want MTBFritz to put a 4-pager to list that for you ?
You should read his original post again

You have a read again friend. Which post is best described as knee jerk? :)

I ve been passing the last hour or so on variozs 2077 streams and what I noticed is that its buggy state is alomost seen as confirmation for the validity of CIGs approach being the right one or the fact that 2077 being all buggy is a "given". But the hour so far (I know, not a good representation or statistical sample) have been bug-free and allowing for other things to grab my attention.

for example

  • the ridiculous good looks, provided at 60 frames putting SCs visuals to shame
  • NPC scripts actually working showing layers of complexity which SC is years away from
  • content that can be accessed and enjoyed without a paywall or going through a grind

So I would say....CIG....try to offer at least as much as 2077 does and people will be happy. Think you can do that CIG? Anytime in the next 10 years by chance? How many more millions will that cost? Can you even do it? Whats that?

....oh, its the deafening roar of silence.....
This is pretty sad. Why not play it?
I don't know if you've noticed, but I've been here for quite a while (2013-ish). The knee-jerk reactions on SC in this thread give a bad name to this community. If you notice that people spend hours on hours every day watching streams and hunting for bugs in video clips trying to discredit a game in alfa, yea, that's pretty sad. At least play it if you have such an outspoken opinion on the game.

Havent noticed and I dont understand why that should be a factor here (how long you are a member)? Theres a lot of knee-jerk reactions in this thread but they usually come from folks who refuse to accept other peoples opinions and are dishonest enough to openly defy logic and common sense which basically is the entertainment value this threadnaut provides. If you think that the posters in this single thread give the whole community a bad name you might understand why a few fanatical nutjobs in the SC community do the same? Its equally wrong and shouldnt be taken as a given due to its illogicality. Do you really think the offtopic star citizen thread on the frontier forum generates so much attention as to make it true?

Well yes, it does to the people who feel aggrevated or attacked by its content. The traffic we generate on this thread is miniscule compared to the traffic on the whole site yet it seems to dominate your attention when you sweep the rest under the rug and focus so much on it according to your statement no?

You might be mistaken regarding the agenda of people too. First of all Star Citizen doesnt require a lot of digging or wasting of time in order to produce any kind of hilarity. Also a lot of the ribbing and jokes floating around are an exact representation of the project as of right now. The delusional and sometimes fanatical reactions and statements of its community are at the core of SCs attraction for many. It provides reliable drama. Drama is interesting. I m sure you are familiar with the concept. I consider people disregarding past events and spending thousands of their money on video game fantasies pretty sad too but thats an opinion you can have but not voice....its called etiquette or respect....another concept you should be familar with....if not for those pesky knee-jerk reactions you see.

What I find "sad" is the purpose of participation in this thread for the sole purpose to "prove" that Star Citizen is superior and worth the effort, facts be damned. By being selective in what is posted, using double standard, playing down issues and overstating others (in short....pushing an agenda or shilling). The general attitude towards Star Citizen in this thread has formed due to the projects own accord. Because of the events and the statements coming from it. Theres a select small group of posters who denies to accept these things or uses internal justifications to make it okay for SC only....because other games or projects doing the same are the devil and deserve punishment, teasing and memes obviously. Also the desperate attempts to make SC appear special by providing examples that simply are not or outright disinformation.

Memes are the majority of what you can expect from SC today. It shouldnt be surprising that most posts have a comical or teasing side to it. Depending on your sensitivity you will probably perceive that as attacks no doubt. Especially when you simply cannot just stay away to make it stop but feel compelled to retaliate with sarcasm or trolling.

I realize that most news about Star Citizen are provided by the very same people who make fun of it. Despite some posters here seeing themselves as shining defenders to SCs honor they hardly provide any news at all. I know it cant be easy to report on something not working or going horribly wrong because that requires honesty or integrity....Mole knows what I m talking about but hes not the only one. Some others tho....not so much.

We are all watching Star Citizen the project for various reasons. I m not denying that some do it for the easy trolling but you seem to confuse every negative post or refusal ro celebrate SC as hate or having an agenda. And that you are a long.time member having this view is placing you in a very specific group of the participants...if you like it or not :) But I m sure you see yourself as neutral in all this ^^

I do have a question for you if you care to answer it.......why do you even bother?

You must realize that you are not going to stop people from doing something by telling them so and/or calling them names? You could engage them in conversation to change their minds via arguments of your own but dont do that. And your sarcasm falls on its face due to the double standard involved. You dont even attempt to answer questions others have like LA. Knowing or realizing that you could also simply ignore it. Many people do exactly that being tired of the childish back and forth and the endless repetitions. You dont do that either so from where I m standing your participation in this thread is.....peculiar and the reason why I ask. I think I know exactly why you do it. And I dont really expect an answer on this...not a serious one at least. Its not your MO.


Dont think I attack you or get riled up about something you write. I m not. We are cool :) I understand and accept that you dont "get" why people watch streams so I provided an answer to explain my motivation. You ask...I answer. I think we are both good on this. I often mix or miss to seperate people in my replies often replying in a general nature instead. Thats what happened here I guess when I replied on the problem/topic on hand but because I quoted you gave you the impression my WHOLE statement was directed at you. That wasnt the case and I wasnt implying YOU did what I wrote. The only part of my reply that concerns you directly is where I explain my motivation for watching streams. The rest is thinking out loud really.

The reason I don't 'get' people who obsessively watch streams/pour over every dev video is

I didnt say that tho...ArAsH did 😉

Also...define "obsessively" ^^

Because you were confused before, did my answer help in understanding my side of things? I m not asking if you now do the same or think as I do. But do you "get" why people do it?
I don't know if you've noticed, but I've been here for quite a while (2013-ish). The knee-jerk reactions on SC in this thread give a bad name to this community. If you notice that people spend hours on hours every day watching streams and hunting for bugs in video clips trying to discredit a game in alfa, yea, that's pretty sad. At least play it if you have such an outspoken opinion on the game.
You're gonna love this channel then:
Do you really want MTBFritz to put a 4-pager to list that for you ?

How did I miss that? cracks knuckles

I specialize in stating the obvious in long-winded posts. I neither have original thoughts of my own nor do I understand what I write in detail. Its all for some easy rep points chasing after that elusive internet fame plus I like talking. I also spend a lot of time re-reading most of my posts (I call it double-checking but lets be honest here...) 😉

I m not sure what to add to this particular question pretty much nail it there but if you insist..... (y)
Personally I think its more and more likely that SC will be never published, meaning out of alpha and beta stage. It seems to me that developers are concentrating their effort to keep money going in, so more ships and ship concepts, and what ever one can monetize. Meanwhile basics are forgotten and left to rot. For example how hard is to make working elevator, or making surfaces you cannot drop through? Pretty many game studios can do that. Networking stuff that pukes for nearly any reasons.. Also game being extremely heavy even on top tier gaming PC's while offering at best mediocre graphics, is not a good sign. And more stuff they add on shoddy foundations harder it is to get rid of bugs, and easier to add new bugs. Whole project probably dies when they run out of gullible people with deep pockets, or rather cannot add enough gullible people to cover costs.
While SC cultists are grasping at straws to make comparisons to CP2077, i would add one important, fundamental difference (aside from one being a complete, working, released game and the other a slapped-together Crytek Engine demo). CDPR never made any empty promise on that game, never took backer money on features that will never be released, and actually delivered what they said they would deliver.
Remember the reclamation / repair gameplay ? Or that refuel ship they sold years ago, that's still as of today a huge piece of useless junk (at best used as an FPS map for bored pewpew addicts) ? Or "day one support for VR" (at the time, Oculus) ? Or these absurd land claims ? Or in-universe player hangars ? Or should we move to that "actual gameplay footage" from 2011 that was just a pre-rendered animation, because that was slimy as heck. The list could go on for a long time but you get the point.
CDPR just release a tiny trailer at first, then went silent, then just emitted a beep on twitter when the project went alive, and that's it, only just before release when everything was in final polish stage they released interviews, gameplay footage,... Also day 1 patch was there as promised, we'll see the status of the game from there but i'll wager it's highly playable.
The knee-jerk reactions on SC in this thread give a bad name to this community. If you notice that people spend hours on hours every day watching streams and hunting for bugs in video clips trying to discredit a game in alfa, yea, that's pretty sad.

Do they? I just grab them from SA!

Why spend time looking for bugs when goons will offer them up!

At least play it if you have such an outspoken opinion on the game.

Tried that, was an unplayable mess. However, that isn't the reason i have such an outspoken opinion. I've had an outspoken opinion of SC since very early on and it has nothing to do with how playable (or not) the game is.
Do they? I just grab them from SA!

Why spend time looking for bugs when goons will offer them up!

Tried that, was an unplayable mess. However, that isn't the reason i have such an outspoken opinion. I've had an outspoken opinion of SC since very early on and it has nothing to do with how playable (or not) the game is.
What where your specs again?


Volunteer Moderator
I ve been passing the last hour or so on variozs 2077 streams and what I noticed is that its buggy state is alomost seen as confirmation for the validity of CIGs approach being the right one or the fact that 2077 being all buggy is a "given". But the hour so far (I know, not a good representation or statistical sample) have been bug-free and allowing for other things to grab my attention.

for example

  • the ridiculous good looks, provided at 60 frames putting SCs visuals to shame
  • NPC scripts actually working showing layers of complexity which SC is years away from
  • content that can be accessed and enjoyed without a paywall or going through a grind

So I would say....CIG....try to offer at least as much as 2077 does and people will be happy. Think you can do that CIG? Anytime in the next 10 years by chance? How many more millions will that cost? Can you even do it? Whats that?

....oh, its the deafening roar of silence.....

Nah, Cyberpunk is a piece of buggy biowaste and so far it´s getting the reviews it deserves:

Here is Witcher 3´s for reference.

This is good for CIG, reckon they should do the same and release right about now like Cyberpunk. After all backers seem to agree Cyberpunk is as buggy if not more and it has taken as long so far no?
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