Game Discussions Star Citizen Discussion Thread v12

Apparently not.
You see, to be a joke, you have to add something that is actually humorous — you can't just substitute bogus maths and hope that fills the gap.

Well, yes, but even if it were an order of magnitude more more likely (and even that would be a very generous and still rather baseless assumption), that would still make it 1:10³⁹ rather than 1:10⁴⁰. So in practice, that safer bet is pretty meaningless anyway. :p

If you refer to the fact that CP release this week and not SQ42, we can use a certain % of variation for the delivery of SQ42 comparatively to CP. No-one expect both releases the same month. 15% should be acceptable (the community is incredibly patient) so SQ42 backers will start to whine and moan in 8*0.15 = 1.2 year.

BUT if you take into account the relative buggy state of CP, some backers will argue that you can't count this week as the "real release date" but more than a "beta release", they will start to count when bugs will be smashed by CDPR. We can add at least 3 months if we refer to what CDPR have done with The Witcher.
So the real whining and moaning should occur in 14.4+3 = 17.4 months (if no beta showed).

BUT we must take also into account the numbering of years. CP is released in 2020 and after december 31th 2021, all haters will going to p$ss off the backers with "haha, 2 years" and backers won't stand it and will start whining and moaning like never done before :LOL:

So, the starting of whining and moaning is scheduled for January 1, 2022.

This would be a great joke. If SQ42's roadmap wasn't already one of the greatest jokes in gaming history ;)

I could have just use the actual numbers (zero and zero), but then I wouldn't have been able to start out by agreeing with you. You're technically correct but it's like with infinities: 2ε is twice of ε, but the whole point of ε is that the in practical terms, distinction is too small to measure.
Wait, why is Bob The Builder trying to fit the bathroom when the building's foundations haven't been placed?

Its all a bit silly. I asked Bob to fix the bathroom back in 2012. But somehow it is now 2020, he ripped away the roof, I have no clue what happened to my kitchen and the bathroom is still not fixed. I asked what's up with all of this, but he said it is normal and I should just leave my house for a few years and check back later if it is too stressful for me. On my way out he yelled he could build a brand-new garage that would punch above its weight. :/
Its all a bit silly. I asked Bob to fix the bathroom back in 2012. But somehow it is now 2020, he ripped away the roof, I have no clue what happened to my kitchen and the bathroom is still not fixed. I asked what's up with all of this, but he said it is normal and I should just leave my house for a few years and check back later if it is too stressful for me. On my way out he yelled he could build a brand-new garage that would punch above its weight. :/

Sorry, we held a vote and decided you needed way more than a bathroom repair.
Expecting a game of enormous scale and depth like SC to not be buggy in alpha is foolish. ;)

Only the promises and claims are enormous in scale and depth. You still dont get the difference. CIG has shown very little capability on delivering what they promise and promised. So instead of praising CIG on what they SAY most people here tend to comment on what CIG ACTUALLY DELIVERED and because these things vary drastically you have the labels of "fanatics" and "haters" depending on which side of the hype train you are.

I get that some people try to claim that Star Citizen has "achieved so much already" but those statements have been truly and thoroughly debunked time and time again from a technical perspective. Star Citizen managed to capture a glimpse promising potential by doing something no serious game developer dared touch because they knew it would be a nightmare or impossible and the reality of the situation is that CIG is currently showing to even the most naive people in the room WHY no other game developer has dared touching it. Because they cant do it....but they are not admitting it as long as some people out there refuse to accept reality and continue to give them money for nothing. The glimpse itself wasnt particularly difficult to achieve, considering that everything that it utilizes has been provided by Cryengine right out of the box. Star Citizen hasnt really advanced from its starting point. There are more ships, the world is bigger and more stuff than back in 2014 but the foundation or mesh which would allow the dream to become a reality isnt there yet, hasnt even really started yet, is often theory and dreamweaving and 8 years in we have next to no evidence for things to come. We know that its not there yet and we know all kinds of excuses and reasons as to WHY its not there....what we miss is any kind of proof that we will get there somehow. Usually this would be a process or proof for the results to be achievable. CIG doesnt provide a process, what they do or why they do things is a mystery. And we also dont have any evidence for the things they claim will come. CIG expects people to "take it on faith" and personally I think faith shouldnt be a factor in video game development.

We are at a point where continuing to believe that CIG will "eventually get there" isnt cute or admirable anymore. If you truly believe what you write you shouldnt be surprised when people get the "cultist alert!!!!" impression reading it. Some of your recent demands for evidence have only shown that you are far more invested in this project than you claim, like so many defenders who try to come across like neutral bystanders. true colors usually show through quickly once they start posting.

Sq42 is vapourware only Witty Tinkertin hallucinated about in a delirium. SC already dropped and yes, it's quite bugged.

Until CIG manages to deliver something tangible regarding SQ42 these statements are actually pretty legit. I mean CIG even failed to provide a roadmap about SQ42...I actually dont think SQ42 exists at all...whatever the investors ve seen so far most likely were stand-alone assets and PTU short....fluff/lies. If CIG would have something good looking the backers would ve seen it already. My guess is that they dont have anything at all which explains their reluctance to even speak about it ^^

Star Citizen is a rich source of entertainment for its bugs alone but its buggy state isnt really that remarkable nor are they the reason why Star Citizen gets so much flak. For one I find it extremely hilarious that it actually has so many bugs because you might remember the famous Roberts statements that "quality if of upmost importance" which means that CIG will only release content and patches after thorough testing when its ready and they ll take as much time as necessary to accomplish that. Now look back over the last 2 years or so. /frankly, its always been like that)...WHEN has CIG ever released something that was of "proper" quality and didnt break the whole game or came out in a sorry state? Is THAT the level of quality we can expect as "achieved" from CIG? If so than my expectations for this project easily go into the negative.

But the laughter about complaining over bugs is an easy strawman I guess. The bugs are not the issue and me explaining WHAT the issue or the elephant in the room is will undoubtly fall on deaf ears. Anybody with a rational bone in his body would recognize or know this already so arguing this point only further demonstrates how invested you are. I ve been called "hater" often on various platforms but I m willing to accept something if its true. You seem very eager to dismiss uncomfortable facts or use unfair (wrong) comparisons to score points for SC. For example I can easily admit that Star Citizen LOOKS nice because that doesnt mean its a good game or coming along nicely. And fact of the matter is that this ONLY strong point has become weaker and weaker over the years to the point where SC only looks great when it works and we all know that pretty much is a dice roll these days. Your go-to retreat always is the "wait till they are done" but all facts we know about point to the reality that more time wont fix Star Citizen or allow it to become an actual game.

I have high regards for loyalty or thick skin which would be required to make such a project reality but after following Star Citizen for a long time I think that clinging to these qualities is undeserved and is actually exploited by CIG. Time will show for sure I guess...
I ve been passing the last hour or so on variozs 2077 streams and what I noticed is that its buggy state is alomost seen as confirmation for the validity of CIGs approach being the right one or the fact that 2077 being all buggy is a "given". But the hour so far (I know, not a good representation or statistical sample) have been bug-free and allowing for other things to grab my attention.

for example

  • the ridiculous good looks, provided at 60 frames putting SCs visuals to shame
  • NPC scripts actually working showing layers of complexity which SC is years away from
  • content that can be accessed and enjoyed without a paywall or going through a grind

So I would say....CIG....try to offer at least as much as 2077 does and people will be happy. Think you can do that CIG? Anytime in the next 10 years by chance? How many more millions will that cost? Can you even do it? Whats that?

....oh, its the deafening roar of silence.....
So I would say....CIG....try to offer at least as much as 2077 does and people will be happy. Think you can do that CIG? Anytime in the next 10 years by chance? How many more millions will that cost? Can you even do it? Whats that?

....oh, its the deafening roar of silence.....

It's probably a mistake to suggest they bring their game engine up-to-date at this point. Because they'd probably be quite happy pushing the release back another couple of years.
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