Game Discussions Star Citizen Discussion Thread v12

Should I be looking for it on Netflix?

Hulu IIRC.

Its very much boy humour. Season 1 is great. Season 2 is so-so. Season 3 is better, but not on a par with Season 1.

The actors are great, especially the guy who plays Wolf, the guy in my avatar. The series also parodies quite a few things.

Premise is guy who is in a dead end job, living with his mum, only thing he is good at is playing a computer game, turns out to be the only person who can save future humanity. (a bit like The Last Starfighter).

If you make it though the series the end credits of the final episode should have you laughing in tears.
In game it's bounties or mining...basically because nothing else works :D
Doing the Xenothreat mission pays the most at the moment. Very quick income, especially with the Tali, each Idris that gets torp'ed is about 100K a pop. Add to this the regular income for delivered goods. I got to bring one or two randoms in my turrets and turns out they also get the same pay for just being in the ship, plus shooting incoming fighters and get their bounties, that was really profitable for everyone.
Chris promised that they would do 1 Stream every 3 months on SQ42 development.

It has been 4 months and there hasn't been another SQ42 development stream since then.
Genuine Chris clearly said that they will make a stream each time they spend 3 months on SQ404 development. They have spent zero days on SQ404 development since fall, what stream would you expect?

LA was on in the last couple days advising you could scan the xeno first to see if QT cargo....or something like that
Ah, the fabled "bar code scanner operator" gameplay loop, where you have to manually scan each container on load/unload?

The roadmap has been updated. ONE card in the current quarter moved from Tentative to Committed. :D
Oi, they are working there!!
I got to bring one or two randoms in my turrets and turns out they also get the same pay for just being in the ship, plus shooting incoming fighters and get their bounties, that was really profitable for everyone.

Wow, a feature implementation that’s better than Elite’s version! It genuinely feels like years since I’ve heard of something like that in SC. (And the bar is so low on some features 😄)
Wow, a feature implementation that’s better than Elite’s version! It genuinely feels like years since I’ve heard of something like that in SC. (And the bar is so low on some features 😄)
Wait until this get the nerf hammer and the pay gets shared, I believe it's that way because they have not get to code the bounty share part actually, from a dev point of view it's much easier if everyone gets the same reward.
It can't be any worse with the gross out humour than The Boys...and I loved that :D

Weird. I totally LOVED The Boys, finally a movie or series that portrays the darker side of empowered humans. My absolute favorite scene (SPOILER ALERT) when the crowd turns on Homelander which gave me goosebumps, the whole series makes excellent work on pointing out the internal dilemma and temptation of corruption and also that there are far more tools at your disposal to control and manipulate than muscle and brawn. Future man on the other hand I was unable to complete season 1 too comedy, too clichee, wasnt even able to see it as plain entertainment and the intended highlights in humor only made me roll my eyes.

The what now? (It's lady parts in my language.)

How old are you? 12? supresses giggles :LOL:

Wait until this get the nerf hammer and the pay gets shared, I believe it's that way because they have not get to code the bounty share part actually, from a dev point of view it's much easier if everyone gets the same reward.

Awesome bit to take away from the SC fiasco ^^

"We didnt do it because its hard...." lolz


Volunteer Moderator
Its a damn strange book and a hard read, but its just one of those books you have to read as a student because everyone is reading it. Or at least that is how it was when i was at uni.


The Name of the Rose is a much more pallatable work from Umberto Eco, Foucault´s Pendulum in opposite contrast requires seriously high levels of discipline to endure. I must have started the darned thing more than 3 times... Half of the pople that tell you they have read it are just liers :p
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The Name of the Rose is a much more pallatable work from Umberto Eco, Foucault´s Pendulum in opposite contrast requires seriously high levels of discipline to endure. I must have started the darned thing more than 3 times... Half of the pople that tell you they have read it are just liers :p
It's about conspiracy theories. If that isnt entertaining you have a hard time. When I started the Illuminati trilogy I had read Foucault pendulum already and it was jzst like a cheap knockoff of deja-lit.
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