Game Discussions Star Citizen Discussion Thread v12

Chris, Sandi and the gang being paid nice salaries want the alpha development to continue, so it is definitely not insane. It is by design. :)
Well, yes. Unfortunately CIG's sales are seen as "pre-orders" and are not subject to any financial authority's supervision. There are many parallels to what CIG do in many other P2W games. As long as it is profitable for CIG and their investors, it will continue.
I suspect Linus bailed like a lot of us back then, 2016 post Citizencon and early 2017 was the mass refund exodus. It was after the live demo of what Ci¬G had actually achieved with Star Citizen, the reality, rather than a fake tech demo like the Homeland video with the remember the one, the wheels falling off the Ursa rover as it tried to go up the ramp? It also was the time when Ci¬G pulled the supposed Sqn42 vertical slice planned for that Citcon at the last minute...the start of the year long delay with producing 3.0 and complete radio silence...the vanishing roadmap.

There were so many of us bailing that it forced Ci¬G into changing the TOS once again to universally prevent refunds... I've no idea if Linus refunded...some didn't but a lot of us did, from $45 backers to $25k whales. It was a universal show of disapproval in the hardest hitting way we could...taking our money out of the project. It might not seem much in the grand scheme of things but when you consider that 5 of my closest friends, and little old me, were Wing Commander level backers ($10k)...that's a 60 grand loss in less than a month as we pulled our cash out...we weren't the only ones, not by a long chalk.
$3K former backer here,got it all back 👍
Must admit, i can't wait to see how CIG expand the scope further while the faithful continue to claim the scope hasn't increased in years.
Underwater gameplay. Its not an "increase in scope" you see because water bodies have been there for ages ^^

This is indeed insane. After 9-10 years of development the guy is essentially and casually admitting to further significant scope creep or at least a huge amount of work still pending and, implicitely, more delays.

Frankly, that has been the name of the game since year 1 of development hasnt it?


Volunteer Moderator
Underwater gameplay. Its not an "increase in scope" you see because water bodies have been there for ages ^^

Frankly, that has been the name of the game since year 1 of development hasnt it?

Indeed, but there has always been a number of key rationalisation pillars offered by CIG for backers to grasp as a way out and reconcile huge delays. Record funding was the first one. Full planet tech was the next. Server meshing and any of the previous terms used to characterise network tech was another.

The way Sean Tracy explained these physicalized damage tech applied no just for ships and their rework, but also for anything else, looks like a new possible one, especially now that full planet tech and server meshing may be becoming a bit stale. Will depend on how CIG publicises it going forward.
$3K former backer here,got it all back 👍
At least you weren't daft enough to go buying back in. Myself and a couple of others who refunded back then have since fired a few bucks back into the project once again...nothing like the levels of the previous hopeful idiocy of course, but still back to watching the project drag out as we get older...and older and older... :)

I'm 'comfy' whith what I've put into it this time around, and I'm done putting any more into it...same as the small group of us who've been hanging around Star Citizen since we first bought in back in 2015. We know we can write it all off as general PC hobby expenses...we're not investors expecting anything as a return at the end of the day, just guys who like pixel spaceships :)
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At least you weren't daft enough to go buying back in. Me and a couple of others who refunded back then have since fired a few bucks back into the project once again...nothing like the levels of the previous hopeful idiocy of course, but still back to watching the project drag out as we get older...and older and older... :)

I'm 'comfy' whith what I've put into it this time around...same as the small group of us who've been hanging around Star Citizen since we first bought in. We know we can write it all off as general PC hobby expenses...we're not investors, just guys who like pixel spaceships :)
Well as I said then, maybe when the game is released as in going gold, I would get back in, until then no thank you.
But each to their own.
The way Sean Tracy explained these physicalized damage tech applied no just for ships and their rework, but also for anything else, looks like a new possible one, especially now that full planet tech and server meshing may be becoming a bit stale. Will depend on how CIG publicises it going forward.
They need to find an excuse for the delays, other than "we can't find how to make server meshing the jesus tech".

Though any person swallowing this new "we're physicallizing everything to the molecular level" without raising any red flag is a lost cause.
At least you weren't daft enough to go buying back in. Myself and a couple of others who refunded back then have since fired a few bucks back into the project once again...nothing like the levels of the previous hopeful idiocy of course, but still back to watching the project drag out as we get older...and older and older... :)

I'm 'comfy' whith what I've put into it this time around, and I'm done putting any more into it...same as the small group of us who've been hanging around Star Citizen since we first bought in back in 2015. We know we can write it all off as general PC hobby expenses...we're not investors expecting anything as a return at the end of the day, just guys who like pixel spaceships :)

Thank you for your service. If it wasn't for people giving CIG buckets of cash it would all be over, and then what we would talk about? Other games?!!!!
Thank you for your service. If it wasn't for people giving CIG buckets of cash it would all be over, and then what we would talk about? Other games?!!!!
Hardly buckets of cash...the 6 of us who were those naive but hopeful wing commander backers back in 2015 have now a combined cash total of less than half of one of those accounts sunk in the project...still way too much according to popular opinion...but as Lysan said, each to his own ;)
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Though any person swallowing this new "we're physicallizing everything to the molecular level" without raising any red flag is a lost cause.

Hey, you mean you can't see Chris wanting that? For every aesthetically designed object to suddenly have a new set of density, mass and tensile strength statistics? For everything from distributed ship mass to the art of box carrying needing a massive balancing pass? For the physics system to handle a projectile's angle after piercing a titanium hull, before bouncing off a box made of Xian P'Chang, and transferring the correct kinetic force to the adamantium butt plates of the passing co-pilot? (Causing enough heat transfer to make him do an uncomfortable dance, and clip neatly out of the aft service elevator...)

You don't think Chris wants all that? 😁

Oh PS I listened to some more of that stream and it just gets better and better 😄

What's the kinetic sort of reaction of it? The radiant reaction? I've got a list here: Thermal, electrical, chemical, cold, heat, rarity. You know like there's there's so many layers of it.... Really right now it's a big excel sheet. (link)

It would be less complex if we didn't have any assets. But again, you know, here we are, a couple years running. So we've got a lot of, uh, assets already in place that need to be updated and converted to such a system. (link)

This also effects mass, and also centre of mass, and so our flight model will have to get, uh, updated to accommodate, um, the more realistic physics that, uh, will get informed by the art that's generated by the artists. (link)

I absolutely hope they try and do it. And that they've made a station out of aluminium by mistake ;)
SC leaks:
Hey, you mean you can't see Chris wanting that? For every aesthetically designed object to suddenly have a new set of density, mass and tensile strength statistics? For everything from distributed ship mass to the art of box carrying needing a massive balancing pass? For the physics system to handle a projectile's angle after piercing a titanium hull, before bouncing off a box made of Xian P'Chang, and transferring the correct kinetic force to the adamantium butt plates of the passing co-pilot? (Causing enough heat transfer to make him do an uncomfortable dance, and clip neatly out of the aft service elevator...)

You don't think Chris wants all that? 😁

Oh PS I listened to some more of that stream and it just gets better and better 😄

I absolutely hope they try and do it. And that they've made a station out of aluminium by mistake ;)

This is amazing. If they really are going to do this they've added at least another 10 years to the development of the game.
This is amazing. If they really are going to do this they've added at least another 10 years to the development of the game.

It's genuinely mad.

If Chris really wanted this system, the time to get that old excel sheet whirring was like, in the first year or so. Translating aesthetically selected assets into physics-affecting objects (with multiple use cases), in year 8 of the project (more like year 9 by the time they get to this), is just so far beyond deranged it feels like it needs a new term.

Pre-emptive debt?


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And of course this tech is also absolutely required for SQ42. :D

I just can't wait for SQ42 to come out with it's endless list of revolutionary "tech", unparalleled fidelity, unbelievable AAAAA cast performances, a brand-new scary enigmatic alien threat, and the most gripping storyline that has ever existed.

To imagine - nay know - that all this, this wonder, will one day inhabit a SSD on my system, is already greater enjoyment than all other AAAA^A^A games combined.
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