"Saying they're building the game of all games" >>> that's what they do.
That's what they're attempting to do. There's a difference.
There isn't one dream core tech which they've introduced that doesn't have major question marks over its viability. Just taking one for brevity's sake:
- Nested physics grids: Still kill at transitions, entail ships getting blown away by wind when the player leaves the grid, are seemingly uncrossable by NPCs etc, etc. Their latest use case, ship-to-ship docking, currently causes the player of the launchable fighter to clip out of both ships if the mother ship is in motion. And they have many more challenges to come (Moveable nested grids in the Hull series, etc etc).
But we could go through: The extremely sketchy placeholder
networking and years of missed deadlines trying to advance it towards 'server meshing', the
planetary surfaces and their unfortunate habit of clipping ships and players to their deaths. Hell, even the fundamentals of item
persistence and respawning are still far from a reliable state.
Sounds more like a nightmare at points
Trying to build the dream doesn't entail that the dream will be built. We can see all the potential fault lines. The uphill struggles that CIG are having to reach both their down-to-earth aims, and their fantastical ones too.
And for the "dream" part, 110 ships are not dreams anymore.
Most of the big ticket ships that have made it into the live build don't work as advertised. They are not the dream that was sold, fulfilled. The
Starfarer wasn't just supposed to be a giant maze which can't even be used for trade. It was supposed to have refuelling mechanics. The
Reclaimer wasn't supposed to be a fearsome looking brick. It was supposed to have scavenging gameplay mechanics. The
Mercury Star Runner is supposed to have smuggling mechanics underpinning it. The
Carrack is supposed to be an exploration ship scouring the systems of the 'verse...
Throw in regressions in existing mechanics for some of the smaller ships... (Is the interdiction snare working currently on the
Mantis, for example? Not reliably, nope...). And yeah. That 110 number is the number of flyable assets in the game. Not the number of ship pledges delivered.
The number alone also doesn't communicate this aspect:
The majority of the delivered ships are the smaller ones. Most of the big ticket showstoppers, with big ticket pricing, still languish on the 'really need to do this somehow' list...