you mean the 90% of the trading commodities that are wastes of space because they aren't used for anything except making credits and if you're going to make credits, you only care about the ones that make the most ...nobody cares about the ones that dont make the most.
Exploration hasn't killed ED. FDev's insistence that filthy casuals should have everything equally acessible as hardcore players doing more involved tedium has been killing it.
if anything, the screenshot-video capping role in ED has killed things by consuming developer time and providing no effective benefit to gameplay. But because it sells product, it gets attention.
Exploration has been and still is worse than PP in terms of promise and what was actually implemented. For all of that stuff to goto and see, it means nothing to the game. It's useless to the game. It involves no game content. And it's just the same thing over and over so that once you've experienced the first few systems of varying things, you've experienced all of them. PP has more content, purpose, and player agency than exploration.
exploration started with nothing though, nothing to find, catalog, or do anything with. And even with this new addition (which happened after 6 years), what can you actually do with it in the game?
nothing. it's a shallow addon that amounts to lip service at best.
Sure, PP hasn't had new things in 6 years, but it started off with way more. You had a means of your activity impacting the BGS. Associating your power with your player directly to impact how the npcs respond to you. Benefits in other aspects of the game related to your activity within powerplay. An entire map mode that looks all cool and serverside cycles and triggers for impacting the BGS and a voting system.
exploration doesn't have anything like that. You stare at stuff and collect credits for it. nothing happens because of what you scanned. Nothing happens because of where you scanned.
For all of the ignoring that Fdev has done for PP, pp is still a very invasive addon to the game that required and has a lot of stuff involved with it.
Screenshots and screengrab enhancements aren't exploration benefits.
it was clear from the end of year 1 that Fdev wasn't prepared to follow thru with powerplay for whatever reason they had. our hope and wishful thinking is the only thing that kept it's momentum high enough to not be treated like CQC.
There is a fundamental difference in vision between what powerplay is and what Fdev wants elite to be.
i would junk CQC as a separate virtual game and instead refactor it as a means for hosting SRV and ship races on various planets.
Certain planets can be selected from a variety of candidates the community nominates and from the procedurally generated worlds, we'll permit lock the world and put a special station in orbit. This special station allows players to dock and then be shuttled to the planet for the races.
It's during this docking and shuttle process that the CQC game client takes over. No exiting of the client by the player or anything's seamless.
Then the player chooses the race style and their vehicles and goes at it.
The track exists on the same procedurally generated planet that exists in the actual game, it just has a track laid out and such things added. Including but not limited to interactive components (periodic laser fire or moving obstacles) etc.
Massive arenas could be placed on the planet to house say, a death match type play mode (such as those similar to current cqc - but also including srv or on foot low G simulation arenas (like ender's game stuff).
These games would require the player to pledge to a manufacturer (who will be your sponsor). The wins and losses will impact the galactic price or availability or potentially new variants / offerings from manufacturers. A manufacturer that for a certain amount of time has been overall winning will benefit from higher simulated sales (and potentially temporary lower stock in larger systems)... and a manufacturer that is always losing (or has been losing for a certain amount of time) will negatively be impacted. Across the galaxy.
their identity crisis has been a thing since kickstarter. I dont see that ending for anything short than selling the IP to another company.