State of the Game

Yesterday shower thought. Twillight love story would have been better if the role where reversed, the lady being the werewolf, and the guy being a vampire.
"we can't love each others, I'm a werewolf and you are vampire !"
"I was always into furries....."
"And I always loved blood sausages.... We were made for each others !"

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As "hokey" as some of the star trek special defects were, I always imagined the special effects budget for the original run of Doctor Who as follows.

<A new production week begins....>

Director: What is our special effect budget this week?

Producer: <reaches into pants pocket> Well, I've got 5 quid.

Actor 1: Ooh, I can add 1 pound to that.

Technician: I've got a sixpence.


Director: Ok, who's going to the shop to buy the paint, cardboard and tape this week? Oh, and don't forget to haggle.

EDIT: Oh, and I should probably say that I've been an avid Dr Who fan since I discovered it in or near 1976.
i get the draw of the reverse herem... small as it is with just two guys... but usually those stories make the woman someone worthy of envying... as a reader and within the story.

Twilight just makes everyone pathetic, have serious mental issues, and sparkly vampires.

it's garbage
Well, it certainly wasn't an Anita Blake novel.
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