State of the Game

This is quite a thread, I'm guessing no one has mentioned that we need ship boarding animations and the ability to walk around our ships? That thought came to me last night in a dream and I couldn't wait to log on to the internets to share my idea!
That's a good idea!
Almost as good as the one I had this morning - wouldn't it be cool if Odyssey had full VR support?
Can't believe nobody has thought about this before!
They're discussing the State of the Game, someone please make it stop!

Where did you find that one? It looks like my uncle Larry.
That is Sam, a "Chinese Crested" dog. Over here in America, there's a "World's Ugliest Cat Dog Competition" (as you do) held in the town I live in, Petaluma. As you could imagine, Sam did fairly well (won it three times) until he shuffled off his mortal coil.

My favourite game is Minecraft wanna see a picture of my city build?

No ok.....


AA looks quite bad in that but I've not played since upgrading/downgrading (pick your preference) to Win 11 and need to sort settings and shaders.
I don't play Minecraft. Although my daughter plays a bit, I really don't have the time/patience.

This is equal parts impressive and sad* (that you obviously have nothing better to do 😜).

While I haven't been on here in quite some time, for the same reasons that I don't play Minecraft, I notice the same cycle repeating here that I've seen in other games at the end. If this is actually "the end", it could (and likely will) take a very very long time to finish. There will probably even be some cool updates along the way.

Nothing is different now than a couple of years ago though. The game you have is the game you play. Adjust your expectations and it' will all be cool again, I promise. Unlike FD/DB who never actually promised anything.

*Seriously though, I am impressed.
That is Sam, a "Chinese Crested" dog. Over here in America, there's a "World's Ugliest Cat Dog Competition" (as you do) held in the town I live in, Petaluma. As you could imagine, Sam did fairly well (won it three times) until he shuffled off his mortal coil.

My MIL has a Chinese Crested, and yes, they are ugly dogs.

(BTW - I'm also stateside, in Vermont) o7
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