State of the Game

Elite Dangerous is a game made by a small studio, that doesn't have an annual subscription revenue, that was released 7+ years ago, and basically relies on VERY sporadic DLC packs and Arx sales (which lets be honest, very few people buy) to keep the lights on, with a player base that has a substantial chunk of people who picked the game up for FREE.

I get increasingly baffled by the demands to constantly be delivering AAA support and have the bleeding edge of everything, while obviously including every idea and addon bits that the community decides it wants. Better yet, the lads who are convinced that its a conspiracy and that Brebus is at the top, twirling his mustache, counting his piles of money while diving into pools of gold coins Scrooge McDuck style, presiding over a company that apparently doesn't have a single employee thats as smart as the guy that shouts "I saw a video on the youtubes with unreal engine looks boss and all they need to do is use that and give ship interiors and loads of new ships and fix everything its easy but the devs are thickos and braben is greedy"
Small studio?
What the hell happened in here? And where are the cat pictures?
Here’s a Tomcat out and about

By the grand scheme of things, yeah they are. (Granted should have said "small-ish")

Point stands, though. They don't have loads of money coming through the door to support the type of dreams the community has for the game.
91 million pounds - is not really that small of a revenue though. that is nearly 134k per employee - so they are in good shape financially - even given their high staff numbers.
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Elite Dangerous is a game made by a small studio,

they have over 650 direct employees. Compared to star citizen they probably have a small portion of that working on elite as opposed to their 600 employees working on star citizen.

But they're no NMS size outfit either.

that doesn't have an annual subscription revenue,
that was released 7+ years ago, and basically relies on VERY sporadic DLC packs and Arx sales (which lets be honest, very few people buy) to keep the lights on, with a player base that has a substantial chunk of people who picked the game up for FREE.

their choice. Nobody told them that it was a good idea to create a game that required ongoing frequent content creation over the span it runs without a reliable way to fund that content.

I get increasingly baffled by the demands to constantly be delivering AAA support and have the bleeding edge of everything, while obviously including every idea and addon bits that the community decides it wants. Better yet, the lads who are convinced that its a conspiracy and that Brebus is at the top, twirling his mustache, counting his piles of money while diving into pools of gold coins Scrooge McDuck style, presiding over a company that apparently doesn't have a single employee thats as smart as the guy that shouts "I saw a video on the youtubes with unreal engine looks boss and all they need to do is use that and give ship interiors and loads of new ships and fix everything its easy but the devs are thickos and braben is greedy"

why does that baffle you? In part, the demands are small. at least perceptually from the vantage point of the requester. When they dont happen, players will look for reasons why. Add in the perpetually compromised things players have to deal with and you get a perpetual string of suggestions and demands from the players that unlike some other games, are not filled with extremely niche or outlandish requests, but rather reasonable and straight forward ones .... they just happen to continually coincide and/or conflict with every other person's suggestion/idea. and so the arguments begin and the forum becomes alive. This is the way.
the expectations are not even coming from players - Mr. Braben himself outline those years ago when he needed the crowd funding - and now people want that what was pormised.
it's good to divide up the cat pictures a bit with some nonsense ....otherwise it might be too obvious that some people are getting really lazy with their memes and cat pictures.
speaking of lazy

ups this is a version I hear for the first time - quite different at start - lol - they are joking around with the guitars in it - awesome - well, this is hopefully the version I wanted
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the expectations are not even coming from players - Mr. Braben himself outline those years ago when he needed the crowd funding - and now people want that what was pormised.

I hear this a lot and while I makes me cringe but I have to ask did Frontier/Dave specifically use the words promise when talking about features that are not currently in the game like walking about ships?

For example, did he say I promise that in the lifetime of the game you will walk about your ship?
they have over 650 direct employees. Compared to star citizen they probably have a small portion of that working on elite as opposed to their 600 employees working on star citizen.

But they're no NMS size outfit either.

their choice. Nobody told them that it was a good idea to create a game that required ongoing frequent content creation over the span it runs without a reliable way to fund that content.

why does that baffle you? In part, the demands are small. at least perceptually from the vantage point of the requester. When they dont happen, players will look for reasons why. Add in the perpetually compromised things players have to deal with and you get a perpetual string of suggestions and demands from the players that unlike some other games, are not filled with extremely niche or outlandish requests, but rather reasonable and straight forward ones .... they just happen to continually coincide and/or conflict with every other person's suggestion/idea. and so the arguments begin and the forum becomes alive. This is the way.
A fair chunk of those employees have absolutely nothing to do with games - they're day to day folks like admin assistants and whatnot, and they also have several other games going on as well, most of which bring in more than Elite does.

And yes, its their choice that they choose to not "maximise revenue streams" or whatever suits would call it. Thank @#$#@ they did. What do you genuinely think would happen if they announced "In order to give you the game you want we need more money, so from now on if you want to keep playing its a fiver a month"?

"The demands are small, at least perceptually from the vantage point of the requester" is the issue. The requester, by and large, has absolutely no clue what their demands entail. And the community has hundreds/thousands of people making these demands, and they're not all the same. So who gets their demands adopted and who doesn't? They could say "shut up, take what you're given" and there's blood in the streets. They could say "okay, we've compiled everything and we'll get right on it!" and we end up with Star Citizen in permanent alpha that's rolling downhill into a perpetual mess of "what is this?!?!". Go for something in the middle, asking people to submit ideas and have people vote on them? Works a treat in the issue tracker.
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