State of the Game

Honestly they should have made it open only but separate pvp and pve servers like a lot of other games. That would have stopped a lot of open only threads and we would have had a bunch of 'everyone's hiding in pve waaaaahh' threads instead which may have been fun, who knows?
Dunno. On one hand, I hate their middle-of-the-road kind of design where there's something for everyone, but nobody's really satisfied.

On the other hand, it's pretty unique and chill. New players, or people that can't be bothered can get a PvE mode on-demand, and flip back the switch whenever they want. Sometimes, I can't be bothered high-waking out of Deciat 14 times in a row to try and engineer the FSD of a new piece of junk who took me 57 edge-of-my-seat stare-at-jump-screen-gameplay to even get there in the first place. I like the on-demand flip. 🤷‍♀️
with the exception obviously of playing with a mate/mates, is there any more to be gained from playing in open? Genuine question - I gen play in solo but keep thinking I ought to have a dabble round in open, though I'm not sure what I really hope to gain from it... what's everyone's experience?
What's already been said.

If you like that "wonder what might be lurking in the next system?" feeling, then it's a good way to get it. Most of the time there won't be anybody, though.

But it's fun when there are somebody. You might run into a paper-miner who high wakes before you can say "o7, CMDR", you might run into somebody to chat with/wing up with, you might run into some "emergent content". It's all fun and, as Fishy said, what else are you going to use all of those credits for (in case of a sudden rebuy)? :)
Does anybody EVER use voice? I've had my game set to "auto-accept" since forever, but have never had a chance to use it.
I gave a stockpile of Cat Media to a player who sold theirs before they had the quest chain, and we met boots on the ground for the exchange, outside a planetary starport. I was shocked when the voice comms opened up! It definitely made things a lot easier! I never even touched the bindings or anything, so I just had to accept, and then it was on by default, no push-to-talk key to find.
Imagines aforementioned CMDR hastily enabling voice, responding with: "what do you want? I've got no cargo!"

Responds: "want? Whatever would I want of yours? Just wanted to say hi", then wakes out of system, leaving highly confused CMDR behind.
Even better response:
"Want? Nah mate, I wanted to gift you some", drops cargo themselves, high wake out and then the remaining CMDR will be really confused :)
Does anybody EVER use voice? I've had my game set to "auto-accept" since forever, but have never had a chance to use it.
I never liked using voice chat in games.
For some unexplainable reason allegedly I sound like a condescending a**hole with imperative voice tone.
I checked this and must admit it's not an opinion I could falsify completely.

Must be some issue with digitalizing or compressing my obviously sympathetic and likeable manner of speaking 🤨
You weren't around for the great "Offlinegate", weren't you? :)
I'm absolutely an Offlinegater, but in hindsight, that's probably the best thing that ever happened to me regarding this game.

That p*ssed me off to to end, and I didn't even update the beta when it turned into launch. It's only 6 months later that I thought I'd pop in. By then, I had mourned my Elite 4 dream, and accepted that ED and that LEP would be prepaid random stuff, some of which I might enjoy. Since then, I take it at face value, and don't expect anything. Well, not true, I actually expect the most nonsensical additions/decisions, and here I'm rarely disappointed. So sometimes, that means I can just laugh when dreamers are in tears (CQC, PP, SRV scanner mining "gameplay", "volcanism", FSSgate...), and once a new moon I get an unexpected slam dunk (planetary surfaces, station interior relooking, plasma-gun-diplomacy...).

Set your standards low enough, and you'll rarely be disappointed. (y)
I'm absolutely an Offlinegater, but in hindsight, that's probably the best thing that ever happened to me regarding this game.
Funny, because I was the same way. Started off THIS close to dropping out of the Beta and demanding a refund, decided to hang around anyway when they introduced Solo as a band aid.

Then spent ages in Solo only because "Open was scary!" and, well, here I am... Who says you can't change? :)
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