State of the Game

That night I drank half a slabs worth! I had bought a cheap halogen bulb projector and my friend and I were playing XB1 games on the walls- life size Bioshock + caffeine and sugar = jumpy fun! I swear I had more of a hangover the next day than beer with that stuff.
I did a similar thing years ago too. XB1, surround sound, projector from someone's work and a fully stocked bar (& other accompaniments).
We got as far as the level on doom where the baby is crying before losing it.
I did a similar thing years ago too. XB1, surround sound, projector from someone's work and a fully stocked bar (& other accompaniments).
We got as far as the level on doom where the baby is crying before losing it.
Geometry Wars did it for me. This was my face after an hour:


After two hours:


Shortly after:

ok - but would jumping out of a plane without a parachute kill her?

She is not "invincible", her "powers" are passive and they are about Universe bending probability towards her survival. Like bullets failing to work - this CAN happen accidentally, in her case it just happens every time she would be hurt/killed otherwise.

So, if she had hit hard ground after a free fall - yes, she would die.

Unless something like this REAL LIFE story happened:
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