State of the Game

Having a FC, the new menus are more of the same, so I didn't mind the new look (although they then went and moved the FC menu around a little too!) but the Outfitting UI in particular suffered from some serious "brain farts" in useability (which, understandably, I have been working with to 'get the flow' sorted...) and was a real dog's dinner, the 2 maps not quite so awful and now appear to be very useable.

My hope if that Thursday's update nails outfitting - that would be nice...
They also very carefully skirted around performance - but some changes have been made...
Oh, they didn't mention planetary tech, powerplay or engineering...

But did give lip service to shared missions 🤷‍♂️
what exactly is shared missions though - will they fix that one gets EDO targets on planets one cannot land on in EDH, but still getting the mission in EDH?

Moar cat photo
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