Station menus, I really don't like this

It breaks my immersions.

Just look at it like that: By completing certain in-game tasks, the Pilot Federation pays you in Arx, which you then can use at stations in the PF Store. :)

But I agree, the blue has to go.
I go to the store when I want to buy something, a new livery that I see etc, not because a store sign is put in my face.
And here I thought the ARX Store would be discretely in the main menu or the livery and holo me screens, not the station menus. Here I was, all ready to buy some ARX, and the more I learn about the update, the less I'm willing to reward them financially for this mess.

edit: Now added to
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Store / Livery etc is already getting shoved down our throats beng front and centre on main menu, even as someone who has spent a fortune in the store (buying paint jobs in lieu of subscriptions to make sure I wasn't taking the mickey out of the company, I find this new button on station menu is too much... I'd probably be even more irate about it if I were able to log into the updated game, my steam copy cannot find the servers.
What better time for my weekly rant?

Yep, that Store button sure is a disgusting eye sore.
In fact, I despise it so much, I shall refuse to click it.

Think next time FDev. You companies should know by
now, the more aggressively you push things on
people, the more they will resist it. It will blow up in
your faces, it will achieve the exact opposite of what
you intended and you will deserve it.

I am a prime example of this.

On a side note:
Any chance you could make the "Proceed to landing pad" number
a quarter the size of that new store button?? It was too damn small
already and the radar blips cover it up, you went and made it even smaller!!

I can't read it on my 33" TV, with my glasses on!!! It's an unreadable
smudge. Can't tell 5 from 8 from 3.

Can I buy bigger numbers in your new store? I might consider clicking
it then.

Great job on the update, BTW..


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I was going to buy arx for stuff I would have actually bought and earned arx for stuff I would not have, but with that stupid blue btn on the main station menus, I'll only be using earned arx ... if I play at all after this update, it's just too bloody easy and designed for new players - nothing is a challenge anymore
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