Stellaris, 4X strategy game

Stellaris is a galactic game of empire maintenance and conquest. I think it looks very good.

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There really is no innovation in this genre anymore, this doesn't look like it doing anything different Master of Orion. Even the graphics haven't been improve all that much, if at all.
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There really is no innovation in this genre anymore, this doesn't look like it doing anything different Master of Orion. Even the graphics haven't been improve all that much, if at all.

Try watching the Blorg Space Friends previews on YouTube

Their aim is to have a 4x game crossed with the Grand Strategy games ala Europa Universalis
So after the initial exploration and colonisation phase, the style changes.

I look forward to it, but I have been a fan of their games from Crusader Kings, Europa Universalis, Victoria and Hearts of Iron so I accept I am biased


I wish I was English like my hero Tj.
Quill18 has a nice Let's Play with a preview copy.


I've been watching this and I have to say I'm pretty impressed with Stellaris. This looks like the game that the new Master of Orion should have been. I may have to buy this.
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Stellaris is released and has good reviews.

Stellaris smashes every Paradox day-one record

Sprawling 4X-grand strategy mash-up Stellaris released yesterday and promptly broke every day-one record at Paradox. It smashed through the 200,000 sales barrier, not just shifting copies but getting people online and keeping them there: 68,000 players set out for galactic domination as one.

Once the domain of hardcore enthusiasts, Paradox games have escaped the niche thanks to unrivalled emergent storytelling and – for Stellaris in particular – spectacular UI design that compresses mind-bending stats and figures into something new players can understand.
8 hours in (first empire) and I am having way too much fun. I just stated as the stock humans, with a medium sized galaxy and Ironman (the only way to play).
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Enjoying it so far. Conquering even a medium-sized galaxy is going to take some time! (It does really remind me of the first Master of Orion, in a good way).
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Yep, it's on my "to-buy-soon" list. Looks like a game I might be playing for years. After all... it is Paradox :)
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There really is no innovation in this genre anymore, this doesn't look like it doing anything different Master of Orion. Even the graphics haven't been improve all that much, if at all.

There much to differ them, first and most noticable would be that Stellaris is realtime.
The only experience i have with MoO is what ive seen read and heard, never played them, but I think Stellaris and MoO sounds very different from eachother.

As it stands right now, id say Stellaris is innovating the genre a great deal.
There much to differ them, first and most noticable would be that Stellaris is realtime.
The only experience i have with MoO is what ive seen read and heard, never played them, but I think Stellaris and MoO sounds very different from eachother.

As it stands right now, id say Stellaris is innovating the genre a great deal.

Real time is not the only key difference, as the whole dynamic is different.

Wars are for goals, not juts painting the m,ap your colour, you need to secure you objectives then occupy, and use orbital bombardment and combat to bring the opponent to the negotiation table.

War goals can be about creating new factions that are aligned to your own regime's so why you can then ally with and help them absorb the old Empire.
Basically installing friendly regimes on your boarders.

So war is more than just conquering a new system, adding it to the pile.

With the way large weapons, and small ships work, Corvettes are not obsoleted by bigger ships as unescorted battleships with All big guns, can be overwhelmed by a on paper weaker force of corvettes due to the evasion of the small ships vs the tracking speed so to speak of the bigger guns.
You can with the right set up fleets with fast corvettes that get close to get into a knife fight, to tie up the enemy, while destroyers put up point defence and shoot at the Corvettes and the Cruisers and battleships hang back and engage at long range.
Creating multiple ship designed for different roles in the same size class is encourage.

In my Current single player game

It is 2365, 165 years in and I have not fought a single war, nor did I have to yet have been well involved in the game of galactic politics

My Empire has 35 Planets and 382 Pops over 13 species, all gained peacefully though uplifting, Enlighten and integrated or migrated in.
The one pre sentient species I uplifted was further genetically modified to be my ground troops, due to their pre existing natural disposition.

A particular Xenophobic race that I Enlightened and had difficulty integrating was Genetically modified to be more... compliant.... and conform better with the Ethos of my ruling state.

It was been an interesting balance of open migration policies, vs the ethics divergence and internal struggle so many races generate, but with so many species I can colonise more of the world types within my boarders.

Humans started the game as pre space faring and reach the FTL level in game becoming an empire, (Well the Human Interplanetary republic) and through trade I now have more humans in my empire than there are in the Human Interplanetary republic

There is an even chain going on, on another world I have been Observing where one of my Scientist when off the deep end and took modern weaponry to the Late Medieval Age Primitives and is currently conquering it, and I have to weight up the lasting effect of direct intervention.

I could go on but Spoilers abound

A very engaging game in a play style of EU IV for when you need it, with the wonderful paradox dynamic event chains to keep the galaxy feeling alive and lived in.
A complete different experience to MOO layered with the familiar 4x gameplay found in MOO
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This is like Elite in 4X, too bad the learning curve is the usual what you can expect from Paradox. I dont understand at all wth im supposed to do.. :D


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This is like Elite in 4X, too bad the learning curve is the usual what you can expect from Paradox. I dont understand at all wth im supposed to do.. :D

You're supposed to fail, and continue failing in different ways until you don't fail any more.
This is like Elite in 4X, too bad the learning curve is the usual what you can expect from Paradox. I dont understand at all wth im supposed to do.. :D

Now THAT is a Mod idea

Stellaris with the Three super powers & numerous independent factions, as the game can handle 100 before it suffers too much Elite Ships as models for the ship classes and the Thargoids as a mid game crises....
Salvery of own Species already supported
The Federation could be modelled as a Federation of the various member states, the Alliance as an Allaince since they all get to vote on foreign policy, and the Empire with numerous vassal states.

The Machine consciousness returning could be another late game crisis.

Pre FTL species could be refactored inot PRE FTL humans that arrives and could have reverted in tech or be close to developing their own FTL and forming new factions elsewhere.

I guess set the galaxy to Warp only and disable Jump drives.

Technology might have to be locked down to keep the thematics

Just spitballing
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This is a fantastic game, its the best thing I have played in a long long time.

The multiplayer is really well done, I love the way you can drop in and out and save/resume games.

I would say more, but I need to go and deal with an insect slave uprising on one of my planets. :eek:
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This is like Elite in 4X, too bad the learning curve is the usual what you can expect from Paradox. I dont understand at all wth im supposed to do.. :D

I've always struggled with Paradox games too. I don't feel like I have the patience to spend days noodling about with it for the eureka moment where I understand what I'm meant to be doing!
Purchased. Perhaps it's too early to judge but I am already pretty sure it's going to be great fun. Oh, and the long-lasting one too.
This is the first Paradox game I have played, but I have to say it really isnt that complicated, I would say it is on a par with civilization learning curve wise.

There are a some things I have had to look up on the wiki, or google, but thats no different than most games I suppose.

There are bugs and some quirky things happening, although there is patch coming out this week I think to address some of those.

I'm still playing the very first game I started to learn the game, its engrossing.

I started with a reptilian style race that prefer humid tropical environments, they are xenophobes which means their relations with other races is always strained and their collectivist ethos means that slavery is not seen as a bad thing (but again does not help with relations).

I was attacked by the humans (of course) who wanted to 'liberate' one of my planets, they eventually managed to take it and occupied it for many years, but a rebel faction emerged within the populace who wanted independence.

Many years later I sent battleships to take the planet back and we succeeded, but just I as thought all was well, the rebel faction took a hold of the planet and created their own empire!, they then started demanding I give them independence, they started amassing their own fleet (using the shipyards I built for them - the cheek of it!), I had to act before they made any more battleships, so I sent a fleet in and took back the planet.

Years later and in a moment of madness I decided to allow free migration into my systems from a nearby avian species, several of our planets were soon welcoming these birdlike settlers, but it didnt go down well with the natives, lots of unhappiness to deal with due to the influx of 'outsiders'. Although now many years later I can see that some of the native population are now losing their xenophobic ways due to the ethic divergence from mixing with the new species, perhaps a change is coming!.
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This is the first Paradox game I have played, but I have to say it really isnt that complicated, I would say it is on a par with civilization learning curve wise.

There are a some things I have had to look up on the wiki, or google, but thats no different than most games I suppose.

There are bugs and some quirky things happening, although there is patch coming out this week I think to address some of those.

I'm still playing the very first game I started to learn the game, its engrossing.

I started with a reptilian style race that prefer humid tropical environments, they are xenophobes which means their relations with other races is always strained and their collectivist ethos means that slavery is not seen as a bad thing (but again does not help with relations).

I was attacked by the humans (of course) who wanted to 'liberate' one of my planets, they eventually managed to take it and occupied it for many years, but a rebel faction emerged within the populace who wanted independence.

Many years later I sent battleships to take the planet back and we succeeded, but just I as thought all was well, the rebel faction took a hold of the planet and created their own empire!, they then started demanding I give them independence, they started amassing their own fleet (using the shipyards I built for them - the cheek of it!), I had to act before they made any more battleships, so I sent a fleet in and took back the planet.

Years later and in a moment of madness I decided to allow free migration into my systems from a nearby avian species, several of our planets were soon welcoming these birdlike settlers, but it didnt go down well with the natives, lots of unhappiness to deal with due to the influx of 'outsiders'. Although now many years later I can see that some of the native population are now losing their xenophobic ways due to the ethic divergence from mixing with the new species, perhaps a change is coming!.

I'm playing a race of Technology-obsessed Xenophiles, and of course 9/10 of the races I've met are either xenophobes or fanatical xenophobes. I really wanted to see how far I could go with diplomacy, but it isn't happening.

On the other hand, I have no shortage of combat. I was recently attacked by a race who wanted to "purge the stars of my filth"; they caught me off guard and bombarded one of my gaia planets into a ruin. But then I amassed a fleet, kicked their ass, and took over one of their planets. Then they had a revolution, overthrew me, and attacked me again. I kicked their ass again, and made them my vassals, but only after bombarding their home planet into a smoldering ruin.

Enjoying the game immensely!
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