Newcomer / Intro Stuck after Neutron Jump! SRV Mining help for FSD injection.

and if you want or need any help prepping up for your next trip, just ask...
more than happy to help with anything you need...felicity will be wanting a meta alloy.....I used to give them away to new players lots...mostly to help but also because its too easy for me to get a conda or a cutter full....
If you have yet to unlock felicity, make sure that if you go to maia area for MA's, do NOT get just 1....its too common to get interdicted and lose it, so be sure to get some extras..
If you choose not to bother, then the chances of this happening again are there. G5 fsd and lots of jumponium, never leave home without....

Just for fun - long time ago some new friends went to farm MA, then I received a message asking why he could not collect them from the site they found...turned out to be in the excitement of the adventure the one thing they neglected to add to their ships was cargo racks..... ;-)
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Of course, you can still end up jumping into a hole (I did it with an Engineered AspX once), just that you have a (slightly) better chance of getting out with more jump choices!
Wherever you are in the Galaxy in the 34th Century, your ship is updated with outside information. Galnet, Powerplay, Codex etc. and Commanders in Colonia for example can instantly transmit instructions to shipyards 22,000 ly away in the bubble to transfer modules and ships. Why is it there's no way to REDU- Remote Exploration Data Upload? The ship's logs (and of course the game server) contain the facts of your discoveries, it's not as if you can "cheat".

So why do you have to travel sometimes thousands of light years to prove it or end up like the unfortunate OP losing 6 weeks worth of hard work? Just another of the game's inconsistencies I suppose, well done FD.
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Shame you haven't uploaded the system data, so no way to see what is around there 🤷‍♀️

Contact the Fuel Rats and see what they think, sounds like you're stuffed unless you fancy badgering Support into moving you as certain nefarious CMDRs have (claim dying is "against your religion"🤦‍♀️ )
I once cheated death as well with the help of support but I did not claim it was against my religion. I was trapped in the cone of the wd in the death world system because the cone is waaaay bigger than what you see. Anyway I told then about my situation with the help of a certain well known song from queen where freddy sings about thunderbolt and lightning. I imagine that they printed it out and put it on a wall due its creativity :D
Thank you all for your replies and ideas. i am in an asp x with ~38ly jump range.
........... i decided to put this down to experience and self destruct. i am now back in the bubble refitting the aspX with the lessons from this first big expedition out of the bubble - much wiser, but still eager to get back out.

Kudos for the attitude - nice to see a distinct lack of low-flying toys out of prams. ;)

As well as FSD engineering that Chris and Lightspeed mentioned, you can also go fetch a Guardian module blueprint and stick a size 5 FSD booster in for another 10.5LY above that.

Good luck. (y)
Wherever you are in the Galaxy in the 34th Century, your ship is updated with outside information. Galnet, Powerplay, Codex etc. and Commanders in Colonia for example can instantly transmit instructions to shipyards 22,000 ly away in the bubble to transfer modules and ships. Why is it there's no way to REDU- Remote Exploration Data Upload? The ship's logs (and of course the game server) contain the facts of your discoveries, it's not as if you can "cheat".

So why do you have to travel sometimes thousands of light years to prove it or end up like the unfortunate OP losing 6 weeks worth of hard work? Just another of the game's inconsistencies I suppose, well done FD.

Self-destruct when you get to Beagle Point or on arriving at an otherwise inaccessible location only to re-spawn in the bubble would be to me the epitome of cheating.

Exploration must carry some risk, we all know it before setting out.

Deleted member 38366

i tried farming for several hours last night for wreck spawns of which i found 2 - but no luck. i decided to put this down to experience and self destruct. i am now back in the bubble refitting the aspX with the lessons from this first big expedition out of the bubble - much wiser, but still eager to get back out.

thanks again.

Ah, crap... Bad luck but it was worth a shot.

Anyway, when Neutron-jumping or FSD-Boosting into very distant places, be extremely cautious and carefully track remaining FSD Boosts and required jump ranges at outreach Systems. Saves lifes and nothing sucks more than finding yourself stuck somewhere.
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