Stupid, probably noob, question about ship upgrades.

As much as I hate to admit it, I can't say this is wrong. I'll still make my Python my main ship though, simply because I think it sounds better.
The Krait is a fighter that can haul, the Python is a hauler that can fight.
I have them both and use them for different purposes.

Regarding the upgrade dilemma, it's a question what the OP prefers doing. If he's more a trader than a fighter, then the Python. If it's the other way around then the Krait Mk II.
I don't have a lot to add, but I'll just point out that the Cobra is by no means a poor combat ship. I had a fight with a well known 'giant killer' cobra pilot the other day, in my full meta FDL against his SHIELDLESS Cobra. Now, I admit I'm not great in the FDL, and of course the meta loadout, 3 PAs and 2 rails isn't exactly ideal for attacking something no thicker than a frisbee, I prefer other ships to fly myself, but still, on paper it was a total mismatch.

I made the huge mistake of assuming that this would be an easy fight and spent the first 5 minutes toying with him trying to snipe his FSD. Then I realised his damage was piling up. Now, this particular pilot uses premium and I don't begrudge him that, his MO is taking down meta pvp ships in his shieldless cobra and as such, premium is an important facet of that otherwise he wouldn't have a chance, so yeh, he's doing the equivalent of three large overcharged multicannons while being nearly impossible to hit.

Anyway, long story short, I eventually killed him via pp snipe with my hull at 40% after a 20 minute fight. Totally unexpected. He gave me props on my 'tough as an old dog' FDL and I was man, omg it's like trying to catch a greased weasel. :D

We have developed a nomenclature for quality cobra pilots; dangerous pancakes. :p
I don't have a lot to add, but I'll just point out that the Cobra is by no means a poor combat ship. I had a fight with a well known 'giant killer' cobra pilot the other day, in my full meta FDL against his SHIELDLESS Cobra. Now, I admit I'm not great in the FDL, and of course the meta loadout, 3 PAs and 2 rails isn't exactly ideal for attacking something no thicker than a frisbee, I prefer other ships to fly myself, but still, on paper it was a total mismatch.

I made the huge mistake of assuming that this would be an easy fight and spent the first 5 minutes toying with him trying to snipe his FSD. Then I realised his damage was piling up. Now, this particular pilot uses premium and I don't begrudge him that, his MO is taking down meta pvp ships in his shieldless cobra and as such, premium is an important facet of that otherwise he wouldn't have a chance, so yeh, he's doing the equivalent of three large overcharged multicannons while being nearly impossible to hit.

Anyway, long story short, I eventually killed him via pp snipe with my hull at 40% after a 20 minute fight. Totally unexpected. He gave me props on my 'tough as an old dog' FDL and I was man, omg it's like trying to catch a greased weasel. :D

We have developed a nomenclature for quality cobra pilots; dangerous pancakes. :p
Sounds like a clear case of skillz > gear to me. :p
Sounds like a clear case of skillz > gear to me. :p
He definitely practiced that particular art a lot more than I practiced defending against it!! I was happy to take the W! He does medium ship damage, so I'm not exactly embarrassed, it's a cool story from both sides. He gets to say he nearly killed a meta FDL flown by a decent player in his shieldless cobra and I get to say I survived the encounter, where many haven't... ;)

This is the fella.... :) He took this FDL down to 50% in 5 minutes with a vette and at least 2 other ships hitting him. I was in a single FDL and it took him 20 minutes to achieve the same, and still lost, but I won't say it's my proudest moment... Definitely one for HIS highlights reel, rather than my own. ;)

My question is this: why should I "upgrade" by buying a Krait II, other than for the privilege of naming it "Alfred"? How much more fun will I get flying a Krait II over a Cobra III given that it is over 100x more expensive?
Mostly because of new experience. They fly differently.
Also using Krait you can destroy other ships faster because of larger weapons.
Krait Mk II is the fastest ship that can carry an SLF. It's also a direct rival of the gunship in firepower.

It has most of the downsides of the Python, but they are heavily masked by it's low boost cost.
I haven't read the whole thread @Slowfiddler but clearly I gather we are mainly taking about the Krait mk2 now. It is a beast of a combat ship, if you use a suitable metric to factor in the permaboost capability, it's probably the medium ship with the single biggest stat budget and it's spread across the whole table, good speed, good defense (as hybrid or shield tank), good firepower, excellent hardpoints, slim profile makes it difficult to hit flush. Mahoosive capacitor and power plant. It's not my favorite ship to fly, but when I want to win, it's the one I take to any big dust up, knowing it will be able to make a difference in any engagement.
Slight aside: if what you want is specifically a bigger Cobra III, the Krait Phantom is slightly closer to it in my view than the Krait II. The Phantom is a little smaller than the Krait II, and can't carry a fighter, but it's also a little faster (both in normal flight, and in hyperjump range) because of the lighter hull.

There are a couple more advantages of the Cobra III over either Krait that haven't been mentioned yet:
- size has been mentioned as a combat advantage, but it's also very convenient for landing on rough terrain, or not having to worry about the medium pad at outposts being taken, or getting through small gaps.
- as well as being a bit faster, the Cobra III has better pitch agility than the Kraits, and much better agility in supercruise. The Kraits are acceptable in supercruise, but the Cobra is excellent. Very good for fast supercruise approaches.
Both Kraits are an excellent addition to the game. My main exploration ship is now the Phantom and my main 'CG ship (trading and defending)' has gone from being a Python to a Krait Mk2.

Other people have already singled out the reasons why and I can't say I disagree with any of them.
I can't praise them enough, personally. Especially when engineered for specific roles.
Basically to build your credit stash. Then you can fly anything you want. Or you can fly anything you want now and forget about credits as long as what you want to fly is cheap.
Thanks for all the replies chaps. I bought a Krait Mk II last night and instatntly halved my credit balance - partially mitigated by finding a local station buying VOs for top whack at last!

Took it out for a quick spin. That bridge is huge in VR, and what is with all the messy loose wires and badly fitted conduits? I do like the look of those large hardpoints and decent cargo space.

More VO mining needed as kit for this ship is expensive.
I've found Painite Mining to be more profitable but that's partially down to my lack of patience, I think.

I tried both types of mining with timer and it seems that it is more or less the same, when it comes to profit per hour. Mining VOs is dull during the phase of asteroid seeking and more fun when it comes to blowing asteroid and shooting the pieces with abbrasive blaster. On the other side Painite mining is nice that the cargo is increasing almost constantly, especially at those double hotspots.
I'd say try all the ships at least once, and keep the ones you enjoy flying.

For example, I sold my Krait and went back to the Python. I don't own a Corvette anymore, but my Anaconda still sees regular use. My bubble taxi is a Type 6 instead of an Asp, etc.
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