Suggestion for module - reusable drones

I have been thinking about this for awhile, but why are there no reusable drones. Would it not make sense to have a module that let's you deploy drones that can either got out and collect things or repair your ship before going back and recharging with better ratings having better collection or repair speeds and longer duration before recharge and larger sizes having more drones out at once.
Maybe make it so they can be damaged so you have the risk of losing them in high risk situations.

Make them better than limpets but heavier and more expensive. This way you could have one module that controls and contains the drones instead of having to have a limpet controller and a cargo bay full of one-and-done limpets.

Maybe even have the ability to summon them when outside your to bring things back to you ship or repair your ship while you explore in a srv or on foot near you ship
That's the problem. They are too easy to lose right now. Limpets often suicide when doing their job.
Yes but limpets also die if you sneeze too hard near them.

These would essentially be mini slf in durability. Maybe even have weak shields and better pathfinding or perhaps a grapple tether to grab things instead of having to smash their face into something to bring it back.

For me the idea that you are using onetime use bots to fetch items is ridiculous, just because they are disposable doesnt explain why can't they be retrieved and reused. Also no reason why a class 5a collector limpet controller should mass 32 tons when all it does is program limpets stored in cargo racks while a class 5 fighter hanger with 6 fighters in it masses 20 tons. Now a class 5 drone controller/hanger that has say 3 drones inside massing 32 tons makes more sense to me because it not only would be controlling the drones but also housing and repairing them when necessary. They also wouldn't immediately die if someone in the area used ecm
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