Summer 2024 DLC Speculation

When do you think the next pack is coming?
Depends on if we're looking at 1, 2 or 3 more packs.

Most likely to be IMO is actually 2 more and we would get this next pack in August with a finale pack in December.

If it's just one more pack which is very possible, could honestly be anytime but July-September seems the most likely - again August being in the middle. Though if it is some kind of larger finale pack it could be at late as October or November.

I do not think this is very likely at all, but if we do end up with a full year of 4 packs, I suspect we'll get this next pack in late June.
You don't use any gazelle? That's bizarre.
The okapi? The bongo? Black rhino? DROMEDARY?

I agree the wildebeest is super underrated.

I also love the dama gazelle. And the addax. No one gives love to the addax.
the bongo holds a soft spot in my heart of being one of the 4 ungulates at my local zoo so I always use it.
The okapi is the bane of my existence it needs so much room for absolutely no reason 1 okapi needs over 1000m2.
The dama gazelle and wildebeest are both good they just suffer from being almost identical to earlier animals in function the black wildebeest Thompsons gazelle and springbok.
I was so excited for the addax when it came out because I remember it so well from zoo tycoon 2 since it didnt need a water bowl and that always interested me.
I've yet to see anyone build for the dwarf caiman in a way that actually looks like a real zoo habitat. Space restrictions on such a small animal make every habitat way too big. Realistically something the size of WTE would be ideal, but I've never bee able to manage it due to the finickiness of water and the hitboxes of the animals. That's why I prefer the spectacled, anyway.
The caimans habitat size would be just over the size of the WTE 240m2 vs the 295m2 maximum habitat size yes hitboxes change that slightly but not too much I have comfortably fit a caiman into a habitat 310m2 in size. The bigger issue is the deep diving since that needs multiple meters of water depth that combined with the huge enrichment items and plants makes small habitats in general hard to build for.
I do agree I have never seen anyone do the caiman justice because everyone builds for it like they would any crocodilian also most people in general build habitats close to double the recommended area.

I want to add a note here that every real life example of a dwarf caiman habitat I see would be significantly smaller that the WTE like less then half the size. The WTE are way too big in general.
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The caimans habitat size would be just over the size of the WTE 240m2 vs the 295m2 maximum habitat size yes hitboxes change that slightly but not too much I have comfortably fit a caiman into a habitat 310m2 in size. The bigger issue is the deep diving since that needs multiple meters of water depth that combined with the huge enrichment items and plants makes small habitats in general hard to build for.
I do agree I have never seen anyone do the caiman justice because everyone builds for it like they would any crocodilian also most people in general build habitats close to double the recommended area.

I want to add a note here that every real life example of a dwarf caiman habitat I see would be significantly smaller that the WTE like less then half the size. The WTE are way too big in general.
Even half the WE would be enormous seeing how they are usually housed in real life.
I know this differs from country to country but where i am there are minimun requirements set by officials for the keeping of reptiles. For crocs these are a 4x3 times the snout-vent lengths sized land area and a 5x4x water area for a pair, with an additional 10%land and 20% water for every additional individual.

Going with a snout vent length of 70cm for the average dwarf caiman you would get a 2,8m x 2,1m land area and 3,5m x 2,8m water area for a pair, which funnily enough at 15,6 square meters is pretty much the exact size of the standard exhibit at 16 square meters.
Ofcourse these are minimum requirements and especially zoos should strive for something larger and ive definetly seen them housed in much bigger enclosures, especially when housed with other animals like turtles and fish.
But even if you like double or tripple the size your only at an 1/8 or 1/6 the size of the WE
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Gargantuan by real life standards which is my point.
my point was mainly to complain about WTE size but yeah I saw your point then got confused because you said the WTE was an appropriate size for them which ingame it pretty much is I agree that it is too big of a space for the caiman I was just was pointing out the actual size requirements compared to what you said was a reasonable size in the WTE which are way too big in general
Even half the WE would be enormous seeing how they are usually housed in real life.
I know this differs from country to country but where i am there are minimun requirements set by officials for the keeping of reptiles. For crocs these are a 4x3 times the snout-vent lengths sized land area and a 5x4x water area for a pair, with an additional 10%land and 20% water for every additional individual.

Going with a snout vent length of 70cm for the average dwarf caiman you would get a 2,8m x 2,1m land area and 3,5m x 2,8m water area for a pair, which funnily enough at 15,6 square meters is pretty much the exact size of the standard exhibit at 16 square meters.
Ofcourse these are minimum requirements and especially zoos should strive for something larger and ive definetly seen them housed in much bigger enclosures, especially when housed with other animals like turtles and fish.
But even if you like double or tripple the size or only at an 1/8 or 1/6 the size of the WE
I think most places have these sorts of standards they have them where im from to and every single time I read one planet zoos standards are easily 2-3 times the size. This is especially an issue when it comes to smaller animals like the pangolins or meerkats which require so much space at a base level making it almost impossible to recreate real life exhibits which are half the size of the minimum. Also both the standard and WTE are too big for most of the animals in them or what people want to put in them.
my point was mainly to complain about WTE size but yeah I saw your point then got confused because you said the WTE was an appropriate size for them which ingame it pretty much is I agree that it is too big of a space for the caiman I was just was pointing out the actual size requirements compared to what you said was a reasonable size in the WTE which are way too big in general

I think most places have these sorts of standards they have them where im from to and every single time I read one planet zoos standards are easily 2-3 times the size. This is especially an issue when it comes to smaller animals like the pangolins or meerkats which require so much space at a base level making it almost impossible to recreate real life exhibits which are half the size of the minimum. Also both the standard and WTE are too big for most of the animals in them or what people want to put in them.
Yeah, i mean i think its admirable for them to promote much bigger habitat space, but at times its a little too much i think, especially when you take into consideration that this only gets more exaggerated as you put stuff down in the habitat and space is lost due to traverseable area.
For example i build a clouded leopard habitat recently and wanted to aline it with real life guidelines, so i looked up a care manual of zoos which gave 85m² as a minimum requirement split between an outdoor and indoor part. Which in terms of Planet Zoo is practically nothing, thats like 5 grit floor pieces, here their minimum is 534m²
The description for this month's stream looks pretty light: "Tune in on Wednesday for all of the latest news and updates from Frontier, including F1® Manager 24 and Elite Dangerous!"

It's a little odd that they aren't referencing the PZ console DLC drop at all because that would be an ideal time to promote/push it. Not talking about the PlanCo update makes a bit of sense (as it could create false-hype) but the PZ console bit is really odd to me. I'm intrigued to see if they add more detail or something because, yeah, it just feels super light and I'll be curious to see what the numbers are for this stream versus the prior ones where there was a focus on PZ and JWE2.
Not talking about the PlanCo update makes a bit of sense (as it could create false-hype) .
Dont worry, randomly updating a game not touched in years when there are new games coming out later in the year, one of which is commonly speculated to be its sequel, is already doing the heavy lifting of creating (perhaps) false hype. They dont need the stream for that :D
Dont worry, randomly updating a game not touched in years when there are new games coming out later in the year, one of which is commonly speculated to be its sequel, is already doing the heavy lifting of creating (perhaps) false hype. They dont need the stream for that :D
Fair point! Haha.
Am I the only one who doesn't want the new game to be Planet Coaster 2? 😅
Nah, I'm right there with you. I'm not a big "theme park" person at this point in my life. At least, not as far as creating them is concerned. Haha. So PlanCo2 wouldn't intrigue me on its face... But if it brings some cool building pieces to the table and has some new, intriguing features I might pick it up on sale or something just to mess around a bit.

A few of the other options would definitely intrigue me more (e.g., PlanetAquarium, PlanetResort). I would honestly love a PlanetMall or whatever-type game but... I don't know that there's enough meat on that bone for it to be a reasonable addition to the planet series (e.g., creating/designing shopping centers and the stores within them could have some be really interesting/fun). Nevermind the fact that shopping malls are dying. LOL
I mean I get that PCs graphics are outdated and there are some new possibilites like waterparks and new rides etc. but there are so many other new Planet games that they could try that could be so much more - also it would've been my understanding for them to try a new genre to get a new audience intrigued, but if they released PC2, wouldn't it just be targetted at the same audience as PC1? Why not try to win over a larger audience with a new theme? Maybe they just want to play it safe idk.

I still like my original idea a while ago of a sort of "Planet Oceans" type game combining anything to do with water - build your own islands, cruises, aquariums, harbors, etc. and make sanctuaries to protect the oceans. Of course there are some genres that wouldn't be smart to go into like I can't see them going into any type of sports game given that there are loads and loads of games already about them making it a tough market.

Idk what they would do honestly for an original theme but I'm sure theres a better one than PC2.

Also with the new game probably being PC2 this year and JWE3 next year when does the last management game drop? 2026?
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