Summer 2024 DLC Speculation

Oh my bad, I forgot they were in the base game. This game has a lot of African ungulates and I have not got around to using all of them.

I’ll leave it in the list because that’s funny
Well maybe we get the ✨mountain nyala✨ 😂

And just to clarify, i also love the spectacled caiman, i prefer it over the Cuvier's, but in a game with already an small SA caimán in it and that at the time was missing a duck/pelican/any waterfowl it felt redundant in the Wetlands pack. But My real issue is with the lechwe. Is Nice but not necessary and there were more popular options.

And about the monitor, i would have swaped for a bird like the Scarlet ibis or the Victoria crowned pigeon, but something for South América would've been nice regardless if it was a Mammals, bird or reptile, instead of another asían monitor. As an animal in itself i do like it and i think it looks cool.

And i also agree that none of these we're mistakea but pursposeful decitions we'll just never know what lol
Well maybe we get the ✨mountain nyala✨ 😂
Honestly I had an idea that what if the final animal pack is a larger pack, but the catch is the final group of animals will be clones. Like a bonus! (Wouldn’t feature a mountain Nyala, but made me think of this)

So the first 1-8 animals are new, then we get something like another 5 “clones”
  1. Sumatran tiger
  2. American flamingo
  3. Eurasian brown bear
  4. Nile crocodile
  5. Asiatic lion
So the final pack could be something like this?

Zookeeper Collection Pack
  1. Hamadryas Baboon
  2. Black Howler Monkey
  3. White nosed coati
  4. Musk ox
  5. Greater Rhea
  6. Secretary Bird
  7. Mandarin duck
  8. Exhibit: chameleon/ cobra
  9. Bonus: Sumatran tiger
  10. Bonus: Eurasian brown bear
  11. Bonus: Nile Crocodile
  12. Bonus: American flamingo
  13. Bonus: Asiatic lion
Absolutely unrealistic, but it could bring the animal count to 200.
I’m actually the opposite about the caiman, I like the first one better than the spectacled - but then again I’ve never touched the Spectalced caiman so what do I know lol.
But My real issue is with the lechwe. Is Nice but not necessary and there were more popular options.
One of the few African antelopes in the game that’s actually good 😭
Honestly I had an idea that what if the final animal pack is a larger pack, but the catch is the final group of animals will be clones. Like a bonus! (Wouldn’t feature a mountain Nyala, but made me think of this)

So the first 1-8 animals are new, then we get something like another 5 “clones”
  1. Sumatran tiger
  2. American flamingo
  3. Eurasian brown bear
  4. Nile crocodile
  5. Asiatic lion
So the final pack could be something like this?

Zookeeper Collection Pack
  1. Hamadryas Baboon
  2. Black Howler Monkey
  3. White nosed coati
  4. Musk ox
  5. Greater Rhea
  6. Secretary Bird
  7. Mandarin duck
  8. Exhibit: chameleon/ cobra
  9. Bonus: Sumatran tiger
  10. Bonus: Eurasian brown bear
  11. Bonus: Nile Crocodile
  12. Bonus: American flamingo
  13. Bonus: Asiatic lion
Absolutely unrealistic, but it could bring the animal count to 200.
I would shell out every single pound have for this pack, and that’s only for the ‘bonus’ animals😂 literally four out of five of them are some of my most wanted animals rn
I’m actually the opposite about the caiman, I like the first one better than the spectacled - but then again I’ve never touched the Spectalced caiman so what do I know lol.

One of the few African antelopes in the game that’s actually good 😭
NGL I have a huge soft spot for the Nile Lechwe, actually I have found I got one for the dama gazelle too. They are both really pretty animals.
I’m actually the opposite about the caiman, I like the first one better than the spectacled - but then again I’ve never touched the Spectalced caiman so what do I know lol.

One of the few African antelopes in the game that’s actually good 😭
The caiman is really nice, perfect size crocodillean imo and unlike what many people like to say neither it or the cuviers where unnessecary as they are very different in size both from each other and the rest of the crocodilleans.
Cuviers < Spectacle < Alligator < Salty is a nice progression with roughly equally large gabs between them in size with the garial as a goofy gimmick bonus crock.
This is how group diversity should look like, one for each size class from the smallest to the largest, each a different color (brown, green, purplish gray, gray) and pattern, a special bonus and one for every continent they are present in with the exception of africa.
If an african croc would be added it would literally be perfect
The only African ungulates I personally find useful are the Lechwe, Red River Hog, Blue Wildebeest (underrated ungulate of the century and I will stand by that), Giraffe, Zebra, Hippos, Scimitar Oryx, Warthog, Somali Wild Ass (another mega underrated pick) and White Rhino.
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The only African ungulates I personally find useful are the Lechwe, Red River Hog, Blue Wildebeest (underrated ungulate of the century and I will stand by that), Giraffe, Zebra, Hippos, Scimitar Oryx, Warthog, Somali Wild Ass (another mega underrated pick) and White Rhino.
You don't use any gazelle? That's bizarre.
The okapi? The bongo? Black rhino? DROMEDARY?

I agree the wildebeest is super underrated.

NGL I have a huge soft spot for the Nile Lechwe, actually I have found I got one for the dama gazelle too. They are both really pretty animals.
I also love the dama gazelle. And the addax. No one gives love to the addax.
The only African ungulates I personally find useful are the Lechwe, Red River Hog, Blue Wildebeest (underrated ungulate of the century and I will stand by that), Giraffe, Zebra, Hippos, Scimitar Oryx, Warthog, Somali Wild Ass (another mega underrated pick) and White Rhino.
I mean i definetly think they all have their uses. Obviously some more versatile than others, and some definetly overlap quite a bit.
And its nice to have such a wide variety to chose from when trying to fill a niche in your zoo.
Just kinda sucks that african ungulates are pretty much the only group of animals who get this privilege, while for other niches you have to use the same one every time, or have no options at all
You don't use any gazelle? That's bizarre.
The okapi? The bongo? Black rhino? DROMEDARY?
I use the gazelles for fillers in mixed enclosures but they aren’t something I really look forward to adding, they’re usually side kicks to the other animal in the enclosure that I really like.

Okapi and bongo I used when I first got the game when I was terrible at building, but by now we have so many better quality ungulates that I just don’t think about them.

For the rhino, I just don’t like it. It’s an exact copy of the white rhino and I don’t really look forward to building huge enclosures so that with the fact that it’s not an animal I really wanted, just doesn’t take priority for me to build for it.

And the camel idk why I haven’t built for it yet honestly, I probably would’ve if I had time between Arid and Oceania packs. I’m sure I’ll get around to it eventually.
I mean i definetly think they all have their uses. Obviously some more versatile than others, and some definetly overlap quite a bit.
And its nice to have such a wide variety to chose from when trying to fill a niche in your zoo.
Just kinda sucks that african ungulates are pretty much the only group of animals who get this privilege, while for other niches you have to use the same one every time, or have no options at all
I would say in terms of variety it usually goes like this for me:
  1. I’ll agree African ungulates have the most variety and widest use. I’m not lacking in anything, and if I don’t want to use one gazelle I have a couple others to use.
  2. All the other ungulates fall here, for most continents besides SA I have a ton of options. Honestly even just the alpaca and llama do it for me for SA, and for other continents I got so many good choices. A bit unfair to place the whole group here, but Africa gets the distinction for being (almost) over represented.
  3. Primates fall next. Yes we don’t have a ton of monkeys which we desperately need, but outside of that we have some very good variety to pick from. The lack of monkeys is what holds this back, lemurs just don’t fill the same roles, and the monkeys in game could use some more pals. At the same time I’m so spoiled for choice Primates as a whole group can make it.
  4. Cats fall here for me, bunch of good animals to use. The variety in size and continents help a lot too.
  5. Dogs and Bears are tied for me, both have plenty of options to pick from. Lack of good America options holds the bears back a bit, grizzly model is outdated and the black bear or Andean bear would be nice. Likewise something like a bush dog wouldn’t be bad either.
  6. Ratites and Crocodilians fall next for me, both have a decent amount of options and variety. What holds these guys down is the ratites could use a SA option (Rhea or tinamou) while the crocodilians need a species for Africa.
I’ll admit I based this off of vibes, I’m sure by number count they can be organized differently.
I mean i definetly think they all have their uses. Obviously some more versatile than others, and some definetly overlap quite a bit.
And its nice to have such a wide variety to chose from when trying to fill a niche in your zoo.
Just kinda sucks that african ungulates are pretty much the only group of animals who get this privilege, while for other niches you have to use the same one every time, or have no options at all
Imagine a world where we have atleast 2 more terrestrial macropods, 5 south american primates, 5 more asian ungulates and 5 + waterfowl.
That would truly be amazing and make sure that we have everywhere atleast some degree of freedom of choice for atleast the main filler animals in our sections
Imagine a world where we have atleast 2 more terrestrial macropods, 5 south american primates, 5 more asian ungulates and 5 + waterfowl.
That would truly be amazing and make sure that we have everywhere atleast some degree of freedom of choice for atleast the main filler animals in our sections
More old world monkeys is also something with so much potential that im exeedingly yearning for in recent times.
An general ground birds
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