Summer 2024 DLC Speculation

I'm surprised they didn't even mentioned what the next bundle for console will be. These new live streams are so boring compare witht he old ones.
I'm not surprised at all. The new one just came out. They gotta give these things room to breathe. I'm sure the June livestream will highlight whatever the next bundle is. And if we're lucky, we'll get a bit more news about what's coming next for PZ PC. But I'm not really banking on that...
New streams
  • Show elite dangerous showcase at start
  • Rush through planet zoo because boring
  • Elite dangerous
  • Elite dangerous
TBH, I don't understand how these streams are satisfying for anybody involved. The games (with the exception of JWE2 and PZ) are just so disparate. And it's kind of obvious the host doesn't really care about some of them. Today, he didn't even know they had a trailer to show for the new PZ console DLC!

Granted, there's other months where it's flipped and there's a lot more to talk about for PZ or JWE2 it just feels so lopsided when you consider where the company's main revenue/popularity is coming from at this point.
Wasn't the assumption that they'd be dropping bundles every 2 months or so, anyway? The season pass has 14 included and it'll be done in March 2025. There's 10 remaining. So July, September, November, January, and March feels about right.
New streams
  • Show elite dangerous showcase at start
  • Rush through planet zoo because boring
  • Elite dangerous
  • Elite dangerous
It's so dumb because, as all their financial reports of the last few years show, by far their biggest income is from us and the JWE (overlapping) crowd. But these Unlocked streams just give me the impression that the people deciding on the content and presenting them don't get these games at all, and don't care about them. I don't wanna say toxic masculinity but....

Such a mistake letting their talented and creative community managers go. I hope Tim et al are laughing their colourful animal-patterned socks off now.
It's so dumb because, as all their financial reports of the last few years show, by far their biggest income is from us and the JWE (overlapping) crowd. But these Unlocked streams just give me the impression that the people deciding on the content and presenting them don't get these games at all, and don't care about them. I don't wanna say toxic masculinity but....

Such a mistake letting their talented and creative community managers go. I hope Tim et al are laughing their colourful animal-patterned socks off now.
I mean if there is nothing new to talk about what are they supposed to do, make something up? Didnt watch the stream so idk what the toxic masulinity is refering to
The goal of these streams seems to be primarily to disseminate information and generate interest. It's not meant to tease content, as far as I can tell, or to generate excitement in the same way that our "special" livestreams were meant to... It's a pure information dump. And the issue with committing to doing something monthly is that you need to fill the space somehow.

What feels wonky to me is how little they delve into the details of what's happening. It's just sort of like, "Here's the trailer. X new species and X new building pieces. Cool, right? K! NEXT!" I don't even think they mentioned that PZ console has the gift shops now. I'm not mad about it. It just feels odd. And jarringly different... I wasn't expecting these to be loaded with creativity the way the special streams were. But I was expecting them to be a bit more like the "free update" portion of those streams where they showcase some screenshots, outline the features a bit, and call it a day. But they barely did that for the Barnyard DLC.

Today, I get the time allotment because, well there's nothing to say for Planet Zoo or JWE2 really... Nothing that they could elaborate on anyway. But it still feels like when the next DLC drops that we'll just get a "derp, here's the trailer!" and that'll be that.

It's our own fault for caring so much that we talk about it all regularly without the streams!

EDIT: And I honestly can't even blame anybody for it. You gotta figure the poor people putting this thing together each month would probably be happier focusing on one game at a time, having different people focus on these other games, etc.
Tbh the streams don’t really do much for me, I always missed them because of school and by the time I got home there’s already a bunch of “stream highlights” videos that tell me everything I need to know regarding news. I get that the past streams PZ put on were fun and I truly feel bad for the laid off members of the frontier team, but the streams no matter who runs them just weren’t really interesting to me - but I’m biased because I always ended up missing them.
I mean if there is nothing new to talk about what are they supposed to do, make something up? Didnt watch the stream so idk what the toxic masulinity is refering to
Just the vibe I get, I guess from all the focus on the conquest-oriented games and the brushing off of the "cute little animals" which he said last time. True that they don't have news right now, but if they're going to mention PZ at all he could at least show a little enthusiasm. It was the same last time when they actually had big news for us and that same guy made so little of it. He didn't show any interest or knowledge and I mean, even if you just view at as a commercial product, he's been given the role to market it and he did such a lacklustre job, it was almost insulting. They could have someone from the animations team or anyone else from the dept that are still working on PZ and I bet they'd do a much better job, even if they're not presenter-y types - I just wanna feel that they actually like their product and they connect with their audience. They did that briefly last time but the presenter guy hardly let the dev guy talk (there was no rapport between them) and it was a 10 min segment out of a 2 hour stream.
Tbh the streams don’t really do much for me, I always missed them because of school and by the time I got home there’s already a bunch of “stream highlights” videos that tell me everything I need to know regarding news. I get that the past streams PZ put on were fun and I truly feel bad for the laid off members of the frontier team, but the streams no matter who runs them just weren’t really interesting to me - but I’m biased because I always ended up missing them.
Yeah I mean they weren't like, super slick production quality by any means, but my god, they were a vibe! I've never seen anything like that kind of community engagement - with a grassroots, home-crafted feel in this cold capitalist world, haha. Being in the UK was an unfair advantage cause of the timing so I got to see all of them live except the first one, when I didn't know it was a thing. It was all just so....cosy. And heartfelt. And I totally get that that's unusual and unexpected and not something that anyone can or should really wish for. It was just such a value-adding surprise and seeing everyone chime in on the live chat feed, saying hi to each other, and all the content creators too - it really felt like a connected community. For me it totally amped up the excitement about each pack and I don't know if I'd love the game as much without having had those experiences. Plus the experience of being on this forum, which is also incredible. I've been a gamer for years but never a devoted fan to any game until this one, and I do think the community aspect plays a massive role in that.
I've been a gamer for years
Lol "years" as in, since I was a kid, and I'm an elder millennial so make that "years+++" 😅 my dad was a programmer/producer and worked on a super old game called Starship Titanic with Douglas Adams (aka Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy etc - that guy!) It was a crazy game, impossible puzzles and a very Douglas-Adamsy offbeat sense of humour which my dad shared. So we had a home computer much sooner than most average-type families and I got to playtest some really early video games that were just like arcade games almost, I remember one with a black cat that could just walk across the screen and knock over bins... of course I remember the only game that had an animal in it
I'm really curious to see how they handle things when the new CSM game gets announced. Because, right now, my takeaway is that they're kind of expecting the Planet Zoo content to just sell itself (which isn't an unfair assumption). But with a new game you gotta figure they'll spend time each month highlighting features, new reveals, etc.

It just doesn't seem like an ideal format for any of the games because of how disparate the content is both in terms of the general "themes" and where the games are in their lifecycle.
Hot take: I prefer new style of streams.

It really is unfortunate that it came by through layoffs and people losing their job.

However I personally still prefer new concise style: "Here's what the new pack is, here's pics of all the animals, no this is not the last pack and that's it for today, go home."

Not that I hated the old style by any stretch, it's just a matter of preference.
I'm really curious to see how they handle things when the new CSM game gets announced. Because, right now, my takeaway is that they're kind of expecting the Planet Zoo content to just sell itself (which isn't an unfair assumption). But with a new game you gotta figure they'll spend time each month highlighting features, new reveals, etc.

It just doesn't seem like an ideal format for any of the games because of how disparate the content is both in terms of the general "themes" and where the games are in their lifecycle.
So true. I'm guessing with their financial disaster they decided to go for a 'fire-rehire' policy (a big point of controversy in uk politics right now but pretty standard in the gaming industry, sadly) and will rehire new community management teams when they are more stable and ready to announce their new games.
Hot take: I prefer new style of streams.

It really is unfortunate that it came by through layoffs and people losing their job.

However I personally still prefer new concise style: "Here's what the new pack is, here's pics of all the animals, no this is not the last pack and that's it for today, go home."

Not that I hated the old style by any stretch, it's just a matter of preference.
I kinda do aswell but I really wish they stopped the whole "favourite child" for every single stream, if all the games that have news got equal attention and enthusiasm the streams would be far more enjoyable to watch.
I miss our community managers in a pretty major way. But all things considered, I also see the logic in trying to consolidate in the way that they've been doing it. But the execution is just so off.

To me, it feels like having a YouTube channel where you're meant to spend 45 minutes highlighting new music release each week. And you spend 5 minutes talking about pop-punk, 5 minutes talking about ambient electronic music, 20 minutes talking about polka, and 15 minutes talking about ska. People might tune in, but there's no connective tissue between the genres and there's no way to get the "vibe" right by trying to do it all at once.

Having different hosts for the different games, or spending a more equal amount of time breaking it all down would make it all feel much more satisfying. But, like I said, with JWE2 and PZ nearing the end of their lifecycles that may be the intent. We're pretty self-sufficient as a community and hype things up ourselves.

A shorter, 30-minute stream dedicated to the CSMs and another for the cars go beep-beep vroom big explosion games or whatever would probably be better for all the games.
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