Summer DLC Speculation 2023

The American Flamingo could work as island representation that also represents South America. We could also get a brown pelican, both of these animals would work for Caribbean representation as well. As for Monkeys, there wouldn’t be any for islands. Unless you count the invasive green vervet that is in some Caribbean islands.
I'll rather get an andean/James flamingo that at least is pretty distinct from the greater flamingo. I know at some point we should get an american flamingo because of their vibrant colors and their commonality in zoos but i don't want it to take a spot that other more interesting animal that is not a straight-up clone could use, specially for SA, like for instance, A PELICAN.
I'll rather get an andean/James flamingo that at least is pretty distinct from the greater flamingo. I know at some point we should get an american flamingo because of their vibrant colors and their commonality in zoos but i don't want it to take a spot that other more interesting animal that is not a straight-up clone could use, specially for SA, like for instance, A PELICAN.
Team pelican! Up there with waterfowl for being a bird that should be in game already.
I do really like the American flamingo, but for me it fits more in the North American/Caribbean niche. Even though their range extends into South America they don't immediately come to mind when I think of South American animals if you know what I mean.
Yeah fair enough, though considering Frontier’s methods of making packs I think they wouldn’t care as much. They would see the range go into South America and think “Yeah this works”
Just a question for next time someone sets up one of these threads. Do you think we could call it June dlc speculation or in the the case if the next one October dlc speculation. I just keep seeing summer when I click this thread and think 'oh people started that this early in the year.

To clarify me along with a lot of other players are from the southern hemisphere where it's currently not summer.
So I don't think that this would be the next pack, but just musing out loud if it were to be:
Temperate Pack:
Tasmanian Devil
Northern Brown Kiwi
Wolverine (yes, part of its range is temperate)
Snowshoe Hare (part of its range is also temperate)
Wild Boar

The last spot I would want to give to the Spectacled Bear, but I'm not 100% for sure they fall in the temperate biome. So if they would fall into it, definitely that's my choice. Otherwise, Eurasian Otter (to give us a non-tropical otter), but there's other choices as well.

(Non) Walkthrough Exhibit: Bald Eagle
I am fairly certain we'll get a Spectacled Bear this year as some kind of Paddington tie-in, but it feels more likely in a mountain pack than a temperate one.
It does feel like more a mountain one. I've asked the question more than once but there's not a real solid answer....of all of the animals that are high on my own want list, the Spectacled Bear is the one that is most confusing as to what exactly it's biomes include. It's in the Andeas, and borders and apparently goes into the Amazon a bit. it Taiga, Temperate and Tropical as well - all 3? Is it Temperate and Taiga? It is Tagia and Tropical? Is it Temperate and Tropical? Definitely feel like it's more than one but it's not really been clearly defined. And I absolutely make allowances for the idea that if I include it in a biome pack and it's not appropriate for that biome, I'm fine with that, I will have learned something new.
It does feel like more a mountain one. I've asked the question more than once but there's not a real solid answer....of all of the animals that are high on my own want list, the Spectacled Bear is the one that is most confusing as to what exactly it's biomes include. It's in the Andeas, and borders and apparently goes into the Amazon a bit. it Taiga, Temperate and Tropical as well - all 3? Is it Temperate and Taiga? It is Tagia and Tropical? Is it Temperate and Tropical? Definitely feel like it's more than one but it's not really been clearly defined. And I absolutely make allowances for the idea that if I include it in a biome pack and it's not appropriate for that biome, I'm fine with that, I will have learned something new.
In the game it should be all 3.
There's a new Paddington movie coming out this year I believe. I'm not one to want cross-brand promotions and what not, but I doubt Frontier would do that, at least obviously. Fortunately by just including the Specatacled Bear and no "extra" marketing for it, it's just a case of another animal being added. If someone wanted to believe it's because of Paddington, that's fine but it would be easy to also be of the opinion that it's not necessarily because of Paddington. It's not the like the Spectacled Bear is not requested, even if it's not top tier.
Spectacled all the way! SA needs it one and only bear. I would love if it had variation of the "spectacles" with some light ones to the really obvious ones.

I honestly doubt that an upcoming paddington movie would help sell more of Planet zoo pack including the spectacled bear in any perceivable way :D
In fact i dont think barely anyone would guess that this character is of this species. And i dont blame them since he doesnt look like them in any way other then being a bear.
Arthur the "aardvark" anyone? :D
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